04. Good news or bad news!!

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Shriya freshened up and changed into her nightwear and went to the terrace... Hemant, Deepak and Dishan were talking about something and as soon as they saw Shriya they became silent...

Shriya: "Why did you all become silent seeing me?? Is there any problem"...

Hemant: "No dear... Come and sit... We were discussing our office matters... Let's wait for your aunty"...

Radha joins them... She hands over the teacups... They all sit there silently... Everyone waiting for someone to start talking... Finally, Shriya decides to speak...

Shriya: "House is beautifully decorated... Is there a special occasion??"

Hemant: "I am going to retire soon... So I am handing over the CEO position to Dishan tomorrow... And I have organised a get-together for friends and families... To announce two big news... One is about Dishan and the other one is for you"...

Shriya: "About me?? What's the good news about me that I am only not aware of"...

Deepak: "Di... About your marriage... Dad has fixed your marriage"...

Shriya: "What?? Uncle... You accepted him... Thank you so much, Uncle'...

Radha: "Hemant... Does she already know about Sharad and this marriage alliance"...

Shriya: "Sharad??"

Dishan: Yes di... Why are you acting shocked? Dad has fixed your marriage with Sharad... Your childhood friend and classmate"...

Shriya: "What?? Uncle... What is Dishan speaking? You met him na... You told him that you would talk to me and then decide"...

Hemant: "That boy... What's his name... Whatever... I didn't even like him and his attitude... He is not even 1 % good for you... He doesn't deserve you and your love... All he loves is your money and nothing else"...

Shriya: "His name is Vishal, uncle... I trust him and my love... We both love each other... Uncle, I can't think of marrying that Sharad or anyone other than him"...

Hemant: "No... You will not marry him... That's my final decision"...

Dishan: "Dad... This is wrong... You can't do this to Shriya di... She loves that boy let her marry him... She will be happy with him... She has not even seen Sharad for years"...

Hemant: "Dishan... Don't you dare to come between this matter... It's between me and Shriya... Shriya... I will announce the marriage of yours and Sharad tomorrow... I hope you respect and save my honour by marrying him and not running away... It's the only thing I ask from you... Just agree and trust me you will not regret this marriage and will thank me later"...

Saying this Hemant goes from there... Shriya starts crying... Radha tries to console her but Shriya runs from there towards her room...

Radha and Deepak stand shocked seeing their family's fights... Dishan goes towards Hemant's room...

Father-son ( Hemant and Dishan) have a huge argument about Shriya's marriage... After some time, Hemant pulls Dishan out of his room and closes the door in his face...

Dejected Dishan goes towards Shriya's room... He knocks on the room's door... But she doesn't open... Dishan calls her name many times... She didn't respond even once...

Dishan: "Shriya di... This is the last time, I am telling you... Please open the door or otherwise I will break the door"...

Seeing no response from another side, Dishan starts pushing the door with his strength... The door opens and there Shriya is standing with her hair messed up and her eyes swollen and red from continuous crying...

Dishan: "Shriya di... Thank God, you are fine... Di... Please stop crying... We will try our best to convince Dad... He loves both of us equally so he will listen to us... He is angry now... We will talk to him in the morning only and convince him"...

Seeing Shriya just staring at him with no expression... Dishan panics... He holds Shriya's shoulder and she collapses in his arms...

Dishan shouts her name and calls Radha and Deepak... He picks her up and makes her lie on the bed... Radha and Deepak come and get shocked seeing Shriya's condition...

Dishan: "Call the doctor quickly Deepak... Shriya di open your eyes... Please di... Maa bring water"...

Deepak calls the doctor and meanwhile, Dishan rubs Shriya's hands... Radha brings water... Dishan sprinkles a few drops on Shriya's face... Still, she doesn't open her eyes...

Hemant is not aware of anything as he went outside the house after speaking to Dishan... He drives the car and reaches his comfort place... Near the beach...


Is Shriya fine?
Will Hemant change his decision?

Stay tuned...❤️


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