36. Unfolding Past!!

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      Sharad had held Shriya's hand tightly as if his life was dependent on her... Shriya and Sharad reach towards their car...

Shriya: "Sharad... I will drive the car... You should relax"...

Sharad nods and tells Shriya to take him to a relaxing place, not home... Shriya nods and Sharad sits on the front seat while resting his head...

Shriya drives the car while occasionally glancing at Sharad... Shriya parks the car in the parking area and calls 'Sharad'... He is dozing...

Shriya then gently touches his hand and squeezes it... Sharad opens his eyes and sees Shriya... He looks at the surroundings...

Shriya: "My relaxing place... What's better than a temple to soothe our nerves and calm our minds"...

Sharad slightly smiles and gets out of the car... Shriya goes towards him and they both go inside the temple premises... It's going to be 6 in the evening...

They both silently take blessings first and then sit on the stairs of the temple... Shriya asks Sharad if he is feeling better now... Sharad nods his head...

Sharad: "Shriya... You are not questioning me about my past? And about why Shree Aunty behaved towards me like that and all?"

Shriya: "Sharad... It's your past... The past is gone... We can't alter it... Yes... I am inquisitive... But I want to only listen to it from you when you are 100% confident of revealing it to me"...

Sharad smiles hearing her and he goes and sits beside her... He holds her hand and looks at her eyes...

Sharad: "I don't know whether you will be giving a chance to our marriage... But I started trusting you and I know you will never hurt me and my family...  And I also know if I reveal my past to you... You will never judge me... So I want to tell you everything... Would you like to hear?"

Shriya nods her head in yes... And assures him that she will never judge him because of his past...

Sharad: "I was in university my first year... When I liked a girl and got attracted to her... You know how peer pressure is... Every friend had their girlfriends and all... When they figured out that I like a girl... They compelled me to tell her about my feelings"...

Shriya: "Is that girl Shree Aunty's daughter?"

Sharad: "Yes... Smitha... Shree Aunty and Mom are childhood best friends...  I didn't know then that Smitha was Shree Aunty's daughter….  When I was in my second year, I had feelings for her... So finally after lots of guts... I went near her and confessed my feelings to her... She didn't agree at first but then eventually agreed"...

After saying that Sharad looks at Shriya... He tries to interpret her expressions...

Shriya: "Why did you halt? Continue... I am all ears"...

Sharad: "Shriya... You are my present... and you would also be my future if you would like to... I had feelings but I started moving on unknowingly as soon as you came into my life"...

Shriya smiles and then tells him that she is not jealous... Sharad smirks and says ok... Shriya asks him what happened then.

Sharad: "We came into the relationship... Only our friends knew about us and they were happy for us... In short, life was perfect...  We both were happy and were much in love with each other then"...

Shriya: "Then... Let me guess... Her or your parents came to know about the relationship"...

Sharad smiles and nods his head in yes...

Sharad: "Yes... Smitha's parents came to know about us... Shree Aunty saw us in the mall together... She confronted Smitha and me... We agreed that we love each other... That time I got to know that she was Shree Aunty's daughter...  Aunty took Shree with her"... 

Shriya: "And then? I am very curious, you know"...

Sharad chuckles and tells her that he will bring a water bottle as he is getting dehydrated...  Shriya nods and Sharad leaves from there...


(At Smrithi's home)

Shree: "Smitha is alive... She is not dead"...

Asha and Harish sit stunned and look at Shree... Both don't utter a word as their mind is busy pondering over what just Shree said...

Shree: "Yes... Smitha is alive... We all thought she was dead and bought her here in our hometown to cremate her... We first took her body to the hospital as Smitha wanted to donate her eyes after her death...  We approached the doctor and told her about it... She checked Smitha's body thoroughly and told us Smitha was alive... We were so shocked at first but then she made us hear Smitha's slow heartbeats... It was very slow"...

Asha: "Is this all true? Why didn't you inform us of all this? My son blamed himself for what happened to Smitha... If you hadn't hidden this big truth then he would haven't blamed himself"…

Shree: "I had my reasons, Asha... The doctor told us that Smitha went into a coma and when she would regain her consciousness no one knew...  That's why we didn't tell anyone and started her treatment there... She is still in a coma but a few days back .. Her hands showed slight movements... The doctor told us she would soon get up"...

Asha and Harish had tears in their eyes learning about Smitha... They at one time considered her as their daughter and treated her like one...


Destiny: Wait!! There is more to the past... But.... But you have to wait😅... 

How was the chapter? I hope you liked it...

Stay tuned❤️.


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