61. Sharad acting indifferent!!

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   After giving a befitting reply to Smitha, Shriya goes inside to check on Sharad…  Seeing Sharad getting down from the stairs, she smiles at him…

Sharad: "Sorry I was not able to join you for a walk… Are you feeling better now?"

Shriya: "Don't be… I am feeling much better now after talking to someone"…

Sharad was going to respond when Asha told them to join the dinner… When Smitha comes inside the house, tells Asha that she will take their leave now…

Asha urges her to have dinner and then go… Saying she will come some other time, Smitha leaves… Asha tells Varad to go and drop her off as it's almost late…

Sharad and Shriya move towards the dining table when they hear Varad screaming and calling their name… Sharad runs outside and gets stunned seeing Smitha lying on Varad’s lap unconscious…

Sharad rubs Smitha’s hands… Shriya, Smrithi and Asha also look stunned seeing Smitha… Shriya comes forward and checks Smitha’s pulse…

Shriya: "She is fine… she fell unconscious due to low blood pressure… Let's take her inside"…

Varad picks Smitha in his arms and they take her to the guest room… Rest family members follow behind him…


Varad makes Smitha lie on the bed and Shriya again checks Smitha’s pulse… 

Shriya: "You all should wait outside… I will give her a strong syringe and she will wake up soon…  Sharad, can you bring my bag?"

Smrithi: "Di… why syringe? Smitha di will wake up on her own"…

Shriya: "No… it's risky… What if she slips into a coma again? I will give her a high-dose syringe"…

Smirking, Shriya tells Sharad to bring her bag… Smrithi panics and Varad assures her and takes her out along with Asha and Harish… Handing over the bag, Sharad also goes outside…

…..In the room….

Taking the dummy syringe from the bag, Shriya smirks and goes towards Smitha… Sitting close to the bed, Shriya was just going to inject Smitha, when she sat up with a jolt pushing the injection…

Shriya: "Aww dear… You woke up!
It's a miracle… It's good, otherwise, I was going to give you a high dose of syringe"…

Smitha: "Hmm… Where am I and what happened to me?"

Shriya: "Stop this drama, Smitha"…

Smitha: "What are you saying Shriya? Why would I do the drama?"

Shriya: "Oh really! I saw you moving your hand"…

Smitha: "So you got to know… Good… But if you say this to them, no one will believe you… Because I am the victim oops patient here"…

Shriya: "These are your days, Smitha… enjoy by putting up an act… But when life puts an act, you are gonna regret it"…

Saying that Shriya goes from there and opens the door…  Asha asks about Shriya… Opening the door widely, family members see Smitha sitting while supporting her head on the headboard…

Shriya assures them that she is fine now and just needs rest and they all should also retire to rest as it's late…

******** After 10 days.,...

After putting up an act that day, the next day Smitha left for her house…

Opening his eyes, Sharad’s gaze falls on Shriya who is sleeping peacefully facing him… Observing her face, his lips curve into a smile…

Tucking a few hair strands carefully behind her ears, to not disturb her… He looks at her adoringly…

His mind however reminds him that Shriya has still not answered his proposal… Sighing, he gets up from the bed…

Shriya also wakes up at that time and wishes him morning… Not getting any reply, Shriya nudges Sharad’s arm…

She asks him what he is thinking so deeply… Saying it's nothing, Sharad gets off the bed and starts folding the duvet and Shriya moves towards the washroom to freshen up…

***** In the dining hall…

Everyone is present except Smrithi as she went to her aunt’s house yesterday… 

Varad: "Mom, Dad… today is Smrithi’s birthday… I wished her at midnight and  I wanted to arrange a small party for her today… Is it okay with you all?"

Asha: "Why would we have a problem, Varad? Let's surprise her in the evening"…

Varad: "I am planning to call her family members even Smitha di? Are you okay with it bhai?"

Sharad: "Varad, as long as she doesn't create any issues, I am okay with it… She was my past and I have moved on… I am content with my present… So you can call her"…

Sharad looks at Shriya and averts his gaze from her… Shriya frowns seeing the change in Sharad’s sudden behaviour towards her…

She made up her mind to answer his proposal today at the party and also confess her feelings for him in front of the family members…

She smiles at herself and makes plans in her head… Seeing Shriya smiling and looking at the ceiling, Sharad gets puzzled…


Shriya had messaged Sharad in the afternoon to not pick her up as she and her colleague will be going shopping… Sharad sees the message and just responds with okay…

Shriya left the hospital while booking a cab and she reached home in an hour… Seeing Shriya early, Asha questions her…

Shriya smiles and reveals her plan to Asha… Asha embraces her on hearing her…


Sharad comes home around 6 pm… Asha greets him and tells him to get ready fast as Varad has gone to bring Smrithi…   Sharad asks Asha about whether Shriya came…

Asha tells him that Shriya has just arrived and is getting ready in her room… Sharad nods and leaves for his room…

Getting ready in half an hour, Sharad gets down from the stairs… Deciding to check up on the arrangements outside the lawn, he goes there…

After seeing the arrangements are proper, he goes inside and stands stunned looking at his wife standing at the stairs and looking at him intently…

Sharad gets mesmerised looking at her… The sound of clearing throat from Asha breaks his trance and he averts his gaze and again looks at Shriya…


Stay tuned❤️


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