14. Not so good meet!!

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Shriya tells the receptionist that she can't wait any longer and tells her to book the room...The receptionist says sorry and again asks her to wait...

Shriya: "You know I am already pissed off waiting here... It's better I leave and check in some other hotels"...

Shriya leaves from there without glancing back at her... She grabs the luggage and strolls towards the exit...

She stops walking when she hears someone screaming 'WAIT'... Shriya turns behind and is beyond shocked...

He arrives near her stands in front of her and scrutinises her from head to toe...

Shriya: "Sharad... You are here... What are you doing here?"

Sharad: "What am I doing? I am just standing in front of you and looking at you"...

Shriya: " What the hell are you saying? Stop behaving weirdly... Foremost, reply to me... What are you doing?"

Hearing them, the receptionist comes towards Shriya...

Receptionist: "Mam... You cannot talk back like that to the CEO... Mr. Sharad Goenka"...

Shriya: "What... Oh shit! How could I forget that it's your hotel when I saw the name of the hotel... And you Miss... Don't come between a husband and wife when they are conversing"...

Receptionist: "What are you speaking out Mam?"...

Sharad: "Miss... You should proceed and accomplish your work... I will deal with my wife"...

The receptionist looks at them stunned and leaves from there...

Sharad: "Now, you know... This is my hotel... I am sorry for making you wait"...

Shriya: "What? When did I wait for you?"

Sharad: "Remember that same lady informed you to wait for a few minutes... I only called her and told her to inform you"...

Shriya: "You... Leave it... I am already exhausted and I don't have the energy today to argue with you... Bye"...

Shriya grabs her luggage and strolls again... Sharad runs behind her and clasps her hand...

Shriya: "Now what? Leave my hand Sharad"...

Sharad: "Can't I hold my wife's hand... And why are you leaving? This is my hotel so you can stay here"...

Shriya: "I don't want to... Sharad... Don't force me"...

Sharad: "Look Shriya... I would have not prevented you from going... But you disclosed our marriage to that receptionist... And she must till now have notified others... I don't want them to assume otherwise... So please, come with me"...

Shriya understands his dilemma and she nods her head in affirmation and they both walk together towards the elevator... Sharad clicks the 20th floor and the elevator starts moving...

Sharad: "I didn't expect you here to come and meet me... By the way, why are you here in Mumbai?"

Shriya: "If it was in my hand... I would have never met you here... But seeing my fate, I had to come into this hotel only... Leave it... I will leave early tomorrow morning... I am here for a clinic camp in Mumbai which will commence from tomorrow and will continue till a month"...

Sharad: "Oh... OK... You hate me that much that you don't even like to see me"...

Shriya glances at him with hurt but Sharad averts his gaze... Elevator opens...

Sharad: "Here is your suite key, it is adjacent to my suite"...

Shriya: "But, we said that we are married... What will your staff think if we live in independent rooms?"

Sharad: "It's you who disclosed that... So, don't worry about the staff... Till I call them, they will not come into this floor"...

Sharad unlocks his suite's door, goes inside and closes the door seeing Shriya... Shriya stands there with a hurt emotion in her eyes...

She opens her suit and goes inside while closing the door behind...


Sharad in his suite was thinking about Shriya...

Sharad's MV: "We knew each other from childhood then what transpired unexpectedly that she began despising me so much... Marriage... Yes... This can be the reason as before marriage I met her and she conversed cheerfully... She wishes for divorce... I am willing to provide her with that... I also don't want her to be in my heart... It belongs to only her... My Smitha... But, Shriya should at least address me as a friend... Leave it... She didn't even wear the nuptial chain while coming here"...

His thoughts were disturbed by the door knock... He unlocks the door and sees Shriya standing...

Sharad: "What do you want?"

Shriya gestures to him to be silent by keeping her finger on his lips... And he stands stunned... Shriya glances at her finger on his lips and removes it...

Shriya: "Aunty is on the call... She was asking for a video call... She wants to speak to us both"...

Sharad nods his head in affirmative and Shriya enters inside... She calls Sharad's Mom...

Sharad and Shriya stand near each other and they talk to Asha... Harish also joins Asha... They all talk for half an hour and then Shriya disconnects the call...

Sharad immediately stands away from her and sits on the couch taking his laptop with him...

Shriya: "Sharad... I am sorry"...

Sharad: "For what? Shriya"...

Shriya: "For hurting you and disrespecting you"...

Sharad: "Wow! Great... First hurt and then say sorry... An apology doesn't function if the efforts are the same every time... You may leave now"...

Shriya looks at him once and turns to leave... She closes the door behind her...


Shriya returns to her suite and she decides to ask Sharad's forgiveness... She thinks of something and then smirks...


How was their meeting?

Stay tuned❤️.


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