57. Is Smitha back?!!

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   After confessing his feelings to Shriya, Sharad awaits a response from her…  Varad whistles and tells Shriya to reply quickly as they all are awaiting…

Shriya opens her mouth to speak when they all hear a feminine voice yelling ‘ Sharad’...

Getting up and turning around, Sharad gets shocked to the core, looking at that person… Even Asha and Harish are equally stunned looking at that person…

“Smitha''... The words which just left Sharad’s mouth made Shriya turn her head towards that lady… Shriya looks at Sharad standing up and looking at Smitha intently… Sharad goes towards Smitha taking slow steps…

Sharad: "Smitha… Is this you? How can it be possible… No… No… It's just my hallucination… Mom, you are not able to see her na"…

Taking his hand towards Smitha, he touches her arm slowly and on realising that she is real… He quickly moves backwards…

Sharad: "You… you are not Smitha… she is dead… It's not possible… Who are you?"

Sharad gets a panic attack on seeing her… Seeing his condition, Shriya goes towards him and holds his hand…

Sharad looks at Shriya momentarily and engulfs her in a hug while closing his eyes momentarily… Shriya rubs his back slowly…

Seeing this, Smitha gets stunned…  Smrithi also gets stunned looking at Sharad’s condition…

Smrithi goes towards Smitha and embraces her… Breaking the hug, she asks her sister how she is feeling now and when she got her consciousness back…

Sharad breaks the hug when he hears Smrithi… He asks Smrithi about what she is talking about and who was unconscious…

Smrithi: "My sister Smitha was unconscious for the past 2 years…  And Sharad bhai… how could you say that my sister is dead"…

Sharad: "She’s been unconscious for 2 years? But on that day, I saw her body which was drenched with blood… that accident"…

Smrithi was going to say something when Asha interrupted them all…

Asha: "Sharad… Calm down… It's very late now… we all should leave from here… Smitha you also come with us… I will call Shree and inform her to come to my home"…


Smitha, Smrithi and Shree are sitting on one sofa while Sharad, Shriya and Asha are on the other one… Rest family members are standing there, waiting for someone to break the silence…

Shree: "Smitha regained her consciousness 2 days back… She was in a coma for the last 2 years"…

Sharad: "How could this be possible? I was there at the time of the accident… Seeing her drenched in blood, I also fell unconscious there… When I got up, I was told that Smitha was dead… I blamed myself for it and distanced myself from everyone"…

Shree: "We took her to the hospital… The doctor told us first she was dead…  But then when she was being taken for the post-mortem, a doctor's friend checked her again and he heard a faint breathing… He quickly stopped the procedure and then we came to know about it… Her treatment started… But she slipped into a coma… We hid it from everyone and no one knows except we three"…

Sharad: "When we visited your house, at that time Smitha was there at your home?"

Asha: "She was there… I came to know about it after you and Shriya left… we decided to keep it hidden from you all"… 

Shree: "Asha took a promise from me to not reveal anything about Smitha to you and your wife even  Smrithi is unaware of all this"…

Smrithi: "What am I missing? How are Sharad bhai and Smitha di connected and how did they know each other before"…

Varad: "They both loved each other before… Unfortunately, days before their engagement an accident took place and we thought Smitha was deceased"…

Smrithi: "What? Is this all true?"

Smitha: "Yeah… Unfortunately, it's all true… That accident changed my life and took my happiness with me"…

Saying that, Smitha looks at Sharad who is also looking at her…  Shriya sees Sharad and turns her gaze away from him…

Unbeknownst to others, she quickly wipes the lone tear that escaped from her eyes… Her thoughts were all jumbled up…

Shriya was going to get up when Sharad held her hand and entwined his fingers with his… Sharad gazes at Shriya as if telling her to stay…

Seeing this Shree gets up and holds Smitha’s hand…

Shree: "Smitha… let's go home beta… I and your Dad are with you"…

Smitha: "Mom… Tell me what did I do wrong? Why had fate played such a cruel game with me? I was happy… I was happy about my engagement… But then fate snatched my happiness and everything from me… It snatched my love… It snatched 2 years of my life… It snatched my happiness… It would be good if fate had snatched my life from me. At Least I would be happy there"…


Stay tuned❤️


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