53. Recording!!

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    After seeing off Smrithi in the guest room, Shriya gets engrossed in her thoughts which revolve around the chats she had with Smrithi about love…

Her mind questions her if she loves Sharad… Her heart answers positively while her mind answers negatively…  Her mind tells her that Sharad still loves Smitha and he hasn't moved on from her…

Her heart reminds her about every moment she spent with Sharad… Their closeness and when he looks at her… she feels something… She also feels that he feels the same… but her mind denies it as it is just attraction…

Shriya’s mind realises that she also had the same feelings towards Vishal… which he broke… He broke her trust and then she decided to make herself stone-hearted and to never fall in love…

But with Sharad, those walls covering her heart seem to be cracking… her heart tells her to break the shield and give love and life a second chance… A chance for Sharad to love her… On the other hand, her mind warns about the consequences of what happened at the party night…  After that, she was distanced from her family unknowingly, mostly from her uncle…
  Her mind plays the scene again…


After Hemant told her that her marriage had been fixed with his friend’s son Sharad… and he couldn't let her marry Vishal… Shriya was heartbroken and had locked herself in her room…

Hemant went out to calm his mind ... while Dishan and Deepak stood there banging on the doors and requesting their sister to open the door…

Shriya, on the other hand, cried her heart out… She had a panic attack at that time… To ease her panic, she woke up and moved towards the bedside drawer where she had kept her medicines… 

Her head was hurting badly and her eyes were dropping off because of no energy… She somehow opened the medicine pouch and without checking the name of the tablets, she gobbled it down on her throat…


On still not hearing a response from Shriya, Dishan and Deepak break open the door and get stunned seeing Shriya unconscious…

They rush towards her and Dishan calls her name repeatedly and asks her to open her eyes… He checks the pulse and finds it low… He tells Deepak to get the car ready… Dishan picks Shriya in his arms and storms out of the room with Radha trailing behind them…


Shriya is being admitted and her treatment is going on… Dishan and Deepak are waiting outside with Radha… Deepak asks Radha about Hemant… She informs them that now she has no clue about his whereabouts…

Dishan tells Deepak to go and check in nearby places especially that riverside park… Deepak nods and leaves from there…

……. Next day….

Opening her eyes slowly, Shriya closes it again as bright light falls on her eyes… Trying again, she succeeds in opening her eyes and gets stunned on finding herself lying in a hospital bed… 

She attempts to get up when she hears someone shouting stop… Her gaze falls on the door… Dishan quickly comes beside her and slowly helps her to sit…

Shriya: "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

Dishan: "Di… You don't remember anything?"

Shriya: "I locked myself in the room and then I took medicine as I had a panic attack… After that, I don't remember anything"…

Dishan: "Di… The medicine you took had expired… We broke open the door and brought you here"…

Shriya is stunned upon learning that…   Doorknob's sound halts their conversation and Hemant peeks inside…

Hemant: "Shriya… Can I talk to you beta for a few minutes… alone"…

Dishan looks at Shriya and when she nods, he leaves from there while closing the door behind… Hemant sits on the chair there and asks her how she is feeling…

Shriya mutters fine and stays silent… Hemant tells her that he overheard her and Dishan’s conversations before…

Shriya just nods her head… Hemant sighs and stares at her with sadness in his eyes…

Hemant: "Trust me Shriya… What I am doing now… it's for your best only… Sharad and you are perfect for each other and you both will help heal each other"…

Shriya: "But I don't want to marry him na… I told you about Vishal and you met him also… then why this sudden change of decision?"

Hemant: "He is not a nice guy! I met him… I did a background check on him and when I met him… I recorded our entire conversation…  I have the recording with me now… But if I show you now, you won't believe me… So forgive me beta… I am forcing you to marry Sharad… Please agree to this marriage for me...  And someday, if your heart feels guilty for developing feelings after marriage for Sharad…  At that time, you should watch that recording… That recording is with me and I will send it to you when you want"…

Saying this, Hemant leaves from there without waiting for her reply… In the following days, Shriya gets healed and then her betrothal date with Sharad gets fixed…


Shriya’s thoughts are broken when she hears someone calling her name… Turning around, she spots Asha who asks her what she is doing standing here and tells her to rest for some time…

Shriya smilingly nods and goes towards her room… She takes her mobile and then messages Hemant to send the recording…

…………………………,  ............................

I hope the chapter turned out well...

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Stay tuned❤️


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