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☆ 105. Chapter 105 Abnormality

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Chapter 105 Abnormal

You Are Just Stressed & Hua Lings Fanaticism

He has consumed two-thirds of his spiritual power. How could it not be enough? Xiao Linqi stood up and put his hand on his forehead. The consumption of spiritual power made him a little Lu Baiqing stretched out her hand to support him and said, "How about...forget it?"

"How could it be possible?" Xiao Linqi said angrily, making Lu Baiqing throw her head back in fear.

Xiao Linqi pushed Lu Baiqing away, held her head in her hands and walked back and forth on the spot, muttering: "I must have overlooked something."

Lu Baiqing retreated silently, ah... so scary, even if the personality has been changed by blood, the elf will not Should they be a gentle race?

The Pregnant Spirit Tree did not dare to make a sound and pretended that it could not hear anything. It was indeed not lying. In the inherited memory, those elves simply instilled spiritual power, and the seeds of the Holy Spirit Flower sprouted in a flash.

Xiao Linqi stopped and stared at the pit where the seeds were buried with bitter hatred, her whole face gloomy.

What was wrong? In his inherited memory, those elves indeed stretched out their hands and instilled spiritual power into the seeds.

There was a deliberately restrained aura approaching in the shadow of the forest nearby. Lu Bai Qing quickly waved his hand and flew out a black feather, stabbing it as sharp as a dagger.

A dark figure quickly dodged away, but it also revealed itself to be the Phantom Flower Spirit.

The Hua Ling's aura was relatively unfamiliar to Lu Baiqing. After seeing its appearance, he remembered that it was the Hua Ling next door. He was about to say that he didn't recognize it when Xiao Linqi's calm voice came out first.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Linqi turned around, "I remember telling you not to come here."

Huanhualing walked out of the shadows, knelt down on her knees, and placed her hands on the ground along with her bent body. , with a pious and respectful attitude: "I'm very sorry. I'm just a little excited and feel a familiar breath."

Is it a mature god? Is that god possessing this person? It was wrong in its judgment in the past. Their gods did not abandon them. It was still alive!

Huanhualing was so excited that her body was trembling slightly, her head lowered, and her forehead touching the ground.

Xiao Linqi looked down at it calmly, not feeling ashamed like before and not daring to look at it.

"Get up, I said you don't need to kneel."

The Hua Ling stood up slowly. Xiao Linqi looked at it squarely this time, and found that Hua Ling's eyes seemed to be looking at someone through him. This discovery made Xiao Linqi feel sad. It's half cold.

It was strange when the Flower Spirit approached him in the first place. Before, he was too timid to look directly at him, but now he discovered the abnormal enthusiasm and belief in those eyes.

By the way, it mentioned the God of the Forest at the beginning...

Xiao Linqi's heart felt even colder, with the word "God" in it. He felt that he was not far from death. He stood expressionless, with amber eyes. There is no purity, only a bottomless black pool.

Lu Baiqing was confused and wanted to go over and take a closer look. His actions brought Xiao Linqi back to her senses and noticed Lu Baiqing.

He couldn't die. The flaw in Lu Baiqing's bloodline had not yet been resolved. How could he be possessed by that unknown god so easily?

Xiao Linqi's expression changed quickly. He smiled at Huan Hua Ling and said in a gentle voice: "The familiar smell you are talking about refers to the seeds of the Holy Spirit Flower?"

"...Holy Spirit Flower?" Huan Hua Ling was confused and looked at it. There was indeed a familiar aura in the newly dug small pool where Xiao Linqi pointed, which was covered by the aura of the god. It was only discovered after Xiao Linqi reminded it.

The Holy Spirit Flower actually still exists in the world! The flower spirit was so excited that its hands were shaking. It looked at the small pool with joy.

Xiao Linqi asked distressedly: "Do you know how to make them germinate?"

"...Yes, I know," Huanhualing's voice was trembling, "Only the original spiritual power of elves can make them germinate."

Xiao Linqi's eyes The knife immediately shot at the pregnant spirit wood, but the pregnant spirit wood pretended to be dead and did not answer.

What the elves instilled in the emotional memory was not ordinary spiritual power, but spiritual source!

At this time, Lu Baiqing naturally added: "So what you just did was in vain..."

A vine rubbed the side of Lu Baiqing's face. Lu Baiqing froze in place, raising his hands with a smile, Xiao Linqi couldn't help but He knew why, he had a bad temper, and he was vaguely worried. Ever since Xiao Linqi said that he saw the lifeless ancient forest at the beach that day, he had been nervous and his personality had changed a lot.

The vines slowly retracted and scattered into spots of light.

Xiao Linqi pressed her temples, with an unnatural expression on her face, and whispered: "Sorry..."

"It's okay, you're just stressed." Lu Baiqing walked over, leaned over and hugged Xiao Linqi, and whispered in his ear. : "There's something wrong with it."

Xiao Linqi nodded slightly.

Huanhualing almost couldn't help but attack Lu Baiqing, staring at the unclean fallen angel. It dared to touch the holy god, which is unforgivable!

Anger made the Flower Spirit's face look ferocious, and its body had the same visual effect as human varicose veins. A small, numbing sound of "gurgling" came from its body.

Xiao Linqi had no intention of showing off at this time. He noticed Hua Ling's irritability and pushed Lu Baiqing away. Hua Ling was also a good actor. When Xiao Linqi looked over, he immediately changed his face and looked respectful.

"Thank you for providing the information," Xiao Linqi said, "There will be many things to trouble you about in the future." "

This is what I should do!"

The author has something to say

. Here comes today's short third update. As a result, today The dentist missed me in the afternoon, so I went to the supermarket. I heard from other people that eating blueberries every day can alleviate the dry eyes. I plan to eat it for a while and see. If it works, I will tell you.

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