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☆ 127. Chapter 127 appears

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Chapter 127:

Didnt they fall into the world of alien beasts and disappear? !

Zheng Huasong was not in a good mood at all because he hadn't been caught yet and there were so many onlookers obstructing the search. He was almost furious. No one had dared to play tricks on him like this for a long time.

What is this, a demonstration?

The people behind quickly realized that a woman saw the stiff and trembling small alien beast on the ground and thought it was frightened by the Golden-armored Sharp Dragon, so she stepped forward to congratulate you: "Congratulations, the Golden-armored Sharp Dragon's strength seems to have improved a lot, and it can actually... It was so frightened that it trembled and didn't dare to move."

Zheng Huasong turned his head, his eyes were gloomy, and his eyebrows were a little irritable and unhappy: "It's not me, it just stayed there when I came here. I want to report what happened here to the headquarters. They want to play hide-and-seek, so I will play with them! I want to see if they can hide or if we have more people." He

searched through the sea of ​​people with tactics, but he couldn't believe that he couldn't find any clues yet!

Everyone else was stunned. Zheng Huasong was not joking. He really wanted to do this, and he also had the power. As the signboard launched by the institute, it was not just a simple brand. He had real power. He is a powerful minister of the Special Administration Bureau and has the power to directly mobilize the personnel of his own department.

Zheng Huasong smiled ferociously, turned on his phone and started giving orders.

"...Is it that serious?"

"One thing to say, the murderous aura just now really made my hair stand on end. I have never felt that murderous aura before." "

Speaking of which, there was a lot of noise in that city before. What are you looking for? Could that person be the murderous master?"

When Zheng Huasong heard this, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at that person, with piercing eyes, and murmured: "Maybe he is from the south..."

Zheng Huasong was The man looking at him was confused. How could what he just said be associated with the south? The people in the Special Administration Bureau next door have all moved abroad and no suitable person has been matched. They can't be from the south.

Zheng Huasong was in high spirits and changed from the gloomy clouds just now: "I must find them and prove that I am not a flower cultivated in a greenhouse!" "


Several people nearby whispered.

"He still cares about what was said on the Internet."

"Isn't it just the daily tug-of-war between the north and the south? I thought he didn't care, but I didn't expect that he was actually worried about it."

Zheng Huasong looked at them, and the few people who were whispering closed their eyes. Zheng Hua said, "Look for it too. If you find it, there will be a big bonus."

A few people didn't react much.

Zheng Huasong added: "High-quality exotic fruits."

Several people were immediately full of energy.

"No problem, let's go look for it now!"

"Let's go take a look now. We must not have gone far yet!"

"Tsk." Zheng Huasong looked at the backs of those people with disgust, then lowered his head and called on his phone The subordinates sent a message asking them to rush to Spring City immediately to conduct a blanket search!

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