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☆ 124. Chapter 124 No Money

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Chapter 124 No Money

to Catch Crabs & Cracks Appearing in the North & Giant Blood Spider

Insiders dare not announce this information. They want to see people alive and corpses before they die. Before the results are truly clear, they plan to pretend to be stupid for the time being and keep it secret. Announce the fact that the two were sucked into the huge space crack.

At the same time, the situation of Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing also let them know that the space cracks not only let in alien beasts, but also produce suction.

Dongfang Base immediately set up a blockade area near the crack, prohibiting access without a pass.

They received news that strange beasts appeared more frequently in the north, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the air increased. This was not a good sign.

Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing stayed in this island village for a week and almost took the first steps in their affairs.

The knowledge base of the elves in the dark green beads was too huge. From kindergarten to doctorate, Xiao Linqi was dizzy from learning in the past seven days. When he finally walked out of the empty house and saw the sun outside again, he felt like he was in another world.

In the sage's time, he didn't even feel the sight of Lu Baiqing.

"What's wrong?" Lu Baiqing stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the calm-faced Xiao Linqi, "

Are you stupid?" Xiao Linqi pinched the bridge of her nose and said in a wavy voice: "I was stupid because of imitation. I spent a week learning it. People may have to learn something for several years."

The lifespan of an elf is astonishingly long, and they have to study for a correspondingly long time. They don't need to do cramming learning like Xiao Linqi does now, but this is also what the students of the flower family are best at learning. method.

Lu Baiqing came over and walked behind Xiao Linqi. He stretched his hands from behind and gently pressed Xiao Linqi's temples.

It was more comfortable to press other people's hands than to press her own hands. Xiao Linqi put her hands down, closed her eyes and relaxed.

The warm, slender fingers on the temples pressed the temples with just the right amount of force, and the tense nerves slowly relaxed.

"Want to sleep?" Lu Baiqing stretched his head to Xiao Linqi's face, and his soft voice was softer, like tickling his heart.

Xiao Linqi opened her eyes and took a look at the sky. It was only ninety o'clock in the morning.

"I'm going to sleep for a while and then we'll set off."

"Where to go?"

Xiao Linqi walked inside and said as he walked: "Go and have a look at the situation in the north. It's only a matter of time before it turns into the situation in the south. With the cracks in the space, If you go in this direction, you might be able to make some discoveries."

Lu Baiqing understood. It was just too uncomfortable to study at home. He wanted to go out and study at the same time, and he had no problem with that.

However, when he saw Xiao Linqi lying down on the sofa, he asked a fatal question: "Well, we don't have cash now. We do have money in our mobile phones, but if we use it, we will be found here."

✓ Start with a pot of slimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang