Simon #2

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This imagine is for @HannahMckenzie4!

Okay, so I've decided to not continue writing my pack imagines, so I'll be focusing writing these imagines along with my two current fanfics so yeah. Just thought I'd let you guys know.



You sigh as you lay down on your bed in your flat. It's only ten in the morning, yet you're so exhausted. This morning you received a called from a certain Harold Lewis, stating that him and Cal(Freezy) forgot their keys to get in the building. So, being the good friend that you are, you gt out of your warm, comfy bed and put on shoes to go let them in. As you approached the elevator, you noticed a sign on it, stating that the elevator was out of order. After an hour of going down then up stairs, you finally got to go back to your bed. 

That's where you are now, you've taken your shoes off and are completely ready to slip into a nice, deep, sleep.

That is, until you hear your phone start to ring. You let out a scream of frustration and reach over to your nightstand and grab your cell phone, not bothering to look to see who it is.

"Hello?" You say into the speaker, hoping that it's not some scam for people to get you to give them your money. 

"Hey, Y/N!" You hear a very chipper Simon exclaim through your phone. Even though you're extremely tired, you can't help but smile when you hear that it's Simon calling you. You've had a crush on him for quite a while, though no one knows. Or, you don't think anyone knows.

"Oh, hey, Simon!" You say, trying to match his excitement. Why would he be so excited? "What's up?" You ask him, sitting up in your bed.

"You're still coming over today, right?" Simon asks you and you slap your hand to your forehead. You had completely forgotten that you were going to go over to the Sidemen house today!

"Oh yeah! I had completely forgotten!" You say, laughing into your phone as you walk over to your closet. "It sounds a lot better than staying home and watching Glee re-runs, like I was going to do today." You say and hear Simon laugh, causing you to smile.

You and Simon talk for a while longer as you decide what you wear. "I'm going to get dressed then I'll be heading right over!" You tell Simon before saying goodbye to him. You quickly put on your casual outfit and look at yourself in the mirror before heading out the door.

You turn off your car as you arrive at the house and as soon as you open your car door, Simon comes running out of the house over to you.

"Y/N!" Simon yells, engulfing you in a hug. You smile and hug him back, before you feel your feet being lifted off the ground. You only realize that you're being carried by Simon when you start moving. You sigh and relax as he brings you to the house.

"Do you really have to carry me?" You ask him. He nods his head and you roll your eyes at your crush.

"Otherwise, we'll get inside and you won't play FIFA with me." Simon states, and though you can't see his face, you know he's pretending to pout. As you get inside, Simon brings you upstairs.

"Hey, Josh." You say, waving at him as you pass by him on the way to Simon's room.

"Hey, y/n. Did you agree to this?" He asks as Simon walks by him, gesturing to Simon carrying you. You shake your head as you turn the corner and head up to Simon's room. 

Simon sets you on the ground before closing the door behind the two of you. You look around and only see one of Simon's chairs in the room.

"Hey, where's your other chair?" You ask, turning around to look at Simon, who's standing really close to you. 

"JJ had to borrow it. Come on!" Simon explains, grabbing your hand and dragging you toward the television. He sits down on the chair before you could. Wow, rude much? You go to sit on the ground before Simon grabs your waist and makes you sit on his lap.

"You know, I could have just sat on the ground." You say, turning a little so you can look at him.

"I know, but it's a little hard to teach you how to play when you're down there." Simon explains, grabbing a controller and handing it to you so you can set up the game.

"I alr-" You cut yourself off before you can tell him that you know how to play the game. You won't complain if Simon wants to teach you how to play. Today, you'll be playing dumb.

You start the match and Simon is just letting you explore to see what the buttons do. You pass to you players and as you're close to the goal, Simon yells, "Shoot!" You press the button to get rid of the ball, on purpose, instead of shooting. "That's the wrong button!" Simon says, and you can feel him laughing. 

Simon wraps his arms around you so that his hands are on top of your, leading you where to go. You hardly pay attention to the rest of the game, you're mainly focused on Simon's hands on top of yours.

Towards the end of the game, Simon lets you play by yourself again. You're currently drawing, so you decide to actually try so that you can win.  In the ninetieth minute, you shoot and you score. You jump out of Simon's chair, and so does he. Simon picks your up and spins you around as the two of you celebrate. 

As Simon puts you down, and you hear the ref's final whistle, you look up as Simon, smiling. Simon looking down at you, and you can't help but to get lost in his eyes. Your heart picks up speed as you realize Simon's head is moving towards yours. You wrap your arms around his neck as his go to your waist. You stand on your toes and connect your lips with Simon's.

"Thanks for teaching me how to play." You say to him as you two pull apart. He just smiles down at you. "By the way, I already knew how to play." You smirk at him, poking him in the stomach.

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