Vikk #9

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This imagine is for kenchan_isbae! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count:1510]

"I just don't understand..." You state, staring down at a very hard maths assignment.

It's not that you're not any good at the subject, it's just that this one lesson doesn't make any sense to you.

As the teacher continues to teach the class, you do your best to follow along, but ultimately give up and slump back in your chair.

"Are you confused?" The kid next to you asks, once the teacher stops teaching, leaning over from his desk.

You look over to see the new kid. You frown. "None of this makes any sense."

He chuckles, pointing to your paper. You listen in disbelief as he explain the entire lesson perfectly clear. "How do you understand this?" You ask him, desperate to know what kind of cereal makes him this smart.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I just find it easy, I guess." He tells you, watching you solve the next problem. "My name's Vikk, by the way."

You look back over to him and set your pencil down. "I'm Y/N." You smile, taking a moment to think.  "Are we going to be best friends now?" You ask him.

After your last friend broke your favorite toy, you've been in desperate need of a new one.

Vikk nods his head, agreeing to become your best friend.


"Vikk, I swear to God." You state, clearly getting agitated. You've been trying to study for your A-Levels but all Vikk wants to do is play Call of Duty with you.

Vikk turns you around in your chair to face him, as he sits on your bed. "But, Y/N, I need someone to play with me!"

You laugh at your friend. Friend. Sure, you've been best friends since year four, but once you had the knowledge of what it was like to like a guy, that's all you've thought about with Vikk.

You just wish you were more than friends.

"Why don't you ask one of your YouTube buddies to play with you?" You ask him, laughing.

Vikk frowns, knowing that's your weakness. "Because I only want to play with you." He simply states. He long ago mastered the art of getting you to do whatever he asked for.

You sigh and set your pencil down on the desk. "Fine. But only for a little bit because I really need to study."

Vikk cheers and grabs your hands, pulling you up out of your chair.

For a second you stand there, inches apart, and Vikk holds your hands. You watch as Vikk gulps before quickly moving away from you. So much for that moment...


"Happy birthday, Vikk!" You shout with the Sidemen and the rest of the guests.

It's not a surprise party, necessarily, but it is a party that Vikk wasn't expecting. Vikk was expecting it to just be the Sidemen and you, however, it was your idea to invite more people.

Vikk smiles at the shout and immediately finds you in the crowd. You grin at him and wave, and he starts to make his way over to you.

Since you're on the complete other side of the room, Vikk has to navigate the sea of people and be greeted by many.

As Vikk finally finds his way to you, he opens his arms and envelopes you in a hug. "Happy birthday, big guy." You tell him as he hugs you.

He pulls away and keeps his hands on your shoulders. "Was this your idea?" He asks you. Smirking, you shrug your shoulders.

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