ChrisMD #11

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This imagine is for @8Calliecat6 ! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count:1004]
Chris's POV

"Please..." I whisper, extending my hand out to Y/N. I can't do this again. I can't lose the woman I love.

Y/N turns to face me and shakes her head, her wet hair falling over her face. "If you didn't want me to leave, you should have thought about that before pulling this stupid prank on me. All for a video!" Y/N scoffs and cross her arms, walking backwards. I hear her sniffle as she looks toward the ground. "Goodbye, Chris." She says, turning around and getting into her car.

I stand there as she drives away. I don't even care that it's pouring rain. All that I care about is her. She's gone.

I don't know how long I'm outside for. Eventually I give up on standing and sit down in the sidewalk, looking down the road toward where she drove off. Hoping, praying that she'll forgive me. That she'll come back.



You take a deep breath as you turn on your blinker. It's probably not even safe for your to drive right now. It's late at night, pouring rain, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't think straight.

You lost him.

All because he tried to pull a prank on you. Of course, you say through it, but how could he be so selfish to try and do something like that to you?


"I'll be right back, babe." Chris says, patting your leg as he stands up off of the couch. You nod your head, not taking your eyes off of the television screen.

A few minutes later, you hear a ding sound throughout the room. You check your phone, but don't have any messages. Another ding sounds and you look at Chris' phone to see it lit up.

You check to make sure he's not coming before leaning over and grabbing his phone. He has two messages, both from Simon.

Sorry to hear about you and Y/N.
Wait, Josh says Y/N said that you two weren't broken up? Have you not told her yet?

All color drains from your face as you set Chris' phone back down on the couch.

Chris was planning to break up with you?

The only thing that didn't add up is that Josh never asked you about you and Chris.

"Are you okay?" You hear Chris ask, and you turn to see his leaning in the doorway. "You look like you just saw a ghost." He says, frowning.

You shake your head, standing up and glaring at him. "Do you have anything you would like to tell me?" You ask him, gathering your belongings. Wen he doesn't respond, you stop and look at him. "Well, then I'll do it. If you're planning to break up with me, then I suppose I better be going."

You walk out of the room and open up Chris' front door. You step up into the rain before you feel Chris grab you. "Y/N, it was just-"

"A prank?" You finish for him, turning to face him. "Yeah, I know. You're a sick bastard."

You hear a car honk and you mind comes back into focus just in time to see headlights coming toward you.

You try to swerve to the right, out of he way, but you don't have enough time.

Time seems to slow down as you watch your car run into theirs. You feel your body fling forward, hitting your now-inflated air bag.

The crash ends as soon as it began, and your eyes fling open. Your try to move, but your car is so badly beaten up that you can't get out without help.

Your eyes begin to flutter close, no matter how hard you try to keep them open.

You hear sirens in the distance.

Your eyes flutter close.

Your eyes spring open and you see someone getting out of the other vehicle.

Your eyes flutter close.

You force them back open to see the red and blue lights stopped next to your car.

Your eyes close.

You can't open them.


"Please, please tell me that she's okay." You hear someone say. You try to open your eyes, but it's like they're glued shut.

You recognize the voice, though something about their voice sounds... off. It's like they've been crying for hours and now their throat is swollen.

A few seconds later you hear another voice, one you don't recognize. "She'll be alright, sir. She has a broken arm, but other than that and a few bruises, she'll be alright."

"Can I see her?" The first voice asks, and you hear some footsteps.

The second voice speaks again. "I'll leave you two alone."

You can feel someone grab onto your hand and squeeze it. You can only assume it's whoever the first voice belongs to.

"Oh god, Y/N. This is all my fault." The voice pauses to let out a sob. You can almost figure out who the voice belongs to, but something it stopping your brain from letting you figure it out.

"I should never have done that to you. Simon gave me the idea since I haven't uploaded in two weeks. I don't know why I ever let him convince me to hurt you. I never thought it would hurt you like this. I'm so sorry. I love you, Y/N, and now you're never going to want me back."

The person breaks down into fully crying. Though, they never let go of your hand. You hear the chair move and you can only guess that they stood up.

You're surprised when you feel lips connect with your own.

And it all becomes clear to you.


You open your eyes and move your unbroken arm to cup his face, kissing him back.

"I love you, too." You say as you pull away from Chris, tears escaping your own eyes.

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