Simon #14

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This imagine is for Meggzie_SDMN ! Hope you enjoy!

You walk into school feeling a little disappointed. Simon wasn't in his usual spot by the door to walk inside with you. You're not did if you should just be sad or a little worried. The last time he missed school was because the day before the Sidemen filmed a truth or dare type video and it did not go well for Simon.

He ended up in the hospital with a broken nose.

You walk down the hallway toward his locker, wondering if he just forgot to wait for you. As you turn the corner, weaving your way through the crowd that is beginning to form, you look down at his locker and there is still no sign of him.

Getting worried, you pull out your phone and scroll through your contacts, finding your best friends' name.

"Hello?" Simon answers the phone, sounding perfectly fine.

You sigh. "Si, where are you? I was getting worried!"

Simon laughs through the receiver and you decide to turn around and go to your own locker. "I'm just fine, Y/N. And as to where I am, that is something for me to know and for you to find out."

You open your locker and begin putting away your books. "So, you're not going to tell me where you are?" You ask him, disappointed that he doesn't trust you enough to tell you.

"No," Simon begins as you close your locker, "But, if you go to the place we first met, you might have a better clue."

Before you can respond, Simon hangs up the call, leaving you with little to grasp on.

Of course you remember where you two first met. It was the best day of your life, because not only did you gain a friend, but you also gained a crush on said friend.

You leave to head to the place where it all began. The cafeteria.

It was your first year in high school, and neither of you really knew anyone. Which resulted in you sitting alone at a table, eating your lunch. Simon had walked over, as awkward as he is, and asked to sit with you.

You head over to that table, and as you turn the corner, you see Harry and JJ sitting in the spot that you and Simon had sat in so long ago.

"Oh, hey guys." You say, scrunching your eyebrows. "Sorry, I thought Simon was here." You apologize ready to turn around and leave.

"No, he is not here." JJ says, standing up along with Harry. "But he did tell us to give you these." He says as Harry holds out a bouquet of flowers.

You take the flowers from Harry, wondering what's going on. "He also said you give you your next clue." Harry mentions, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Now that you've seen the day we met, head over to the place where we made a bet."

Both of them look utterly confused, but you know just the spot. Luckily, you always get to school about forty-five minutes early, so class doesn't start for a long time, and the teacher are all in a meeting at this time.

You run over to the English classroom where you made the bet two years ago. Both of you were studying for an upcoming exam, but neither of you were worried. In fact, Simon bet you ten dollars that he would do better on the exam than you would.

Let's just say you ended up ten dollars richer the next day.

That day had another meaning to it, however. After school that day, Simon convinced you to go home with him and meet the Sidemen. You had gained another six friends, but your heart still belonged to your friend from school.

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