TheBurntChip #1

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This imagine is for @theburntchip ! Hope you enjoy!
Ayee it's kinda weird that I happen to be on this request on Josh's birthday. I swear I didn't try to.
Also, his names actually Josh, just in case you didn't know...

"I said no!" You shout, standing up off of the couch in your boyfriends apartment.
"But the fans will love you just as much as I do!" Josh exclaims, standing up and attempting to pull you toward him. You push him away, stepping away from him.
"I can't believe you're trying to force me to be in a video with you! I told you at the beginning of this relationship that I would do it when I was ready." You say, walking backwards. Josh doesn't move, he only stares at you from in front of the couch.
You wait a minute, and he still doesn't have a response. You sigh and put your hands on your hips.
"You know, I think you might just be using me for views. There. I said it." You say, doing jazz hands sarcastically.
"No, y/n, I would never-" Josh begins to move toward you, but you hold your hand up. He stops moving and talking, staring at you with a sad look in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Josh. If you can't accept that I'm not ready to be in a video, I'm going to have to walk out of that door." You say, mimicking the sad look on your eyes. You really, really didn't want to do this. You live Josh with all of your heart.
Josh sighs and looks around before bringing his eyes back to your own. "Then you might as well never come back." He says, almost choking on his words, obviously close to tears.
You sigh and nod your head, grabbing your phone and turning to leave. Before you go, you turn back to him.
"Just so you know, I'll always love you." He says before you get the chance to say anything. You turn back to the door and shut Josh out of your life.
Another tear falls from your eye as you sit at the park, remembering what happened two months ago. Everyone says that you should get over him and move on, but, you just can't. You've tried going on dates since you broke up, but they weren't the same. No one made you feel like how Josh made you feel.
One thing you can agree with everyone, is that you need to change your lockscreen. You haven't gotten the guys to do it yet, but they're right. Keeping it as a picture of the two of you wont help you move on.
You slide you finger across the screen and go into settings to choose a new photo. You need something that has no connection to Josh whatsoever. You finally settle on a picture and turn your phone back off.
You look up from your phone and feel your heart break as you do so. Not because you changed the picture, but because on the other side of the park, you can see him. Josh.
You quickly grab your bag and stand up, preparing to leave. You look over at him once more to see him staring at you.
The thing that hurts most is that he's here with a girl. They're holding hands, even as Josh stares at you. You watch as the girl puts her hand on his cheek, turning Josh's head and planting a kiss on his lips.
You guiltily look down at the pavement. You shouldn't still feel this way about him. It's been two months and obviously he's moved on, you should too. You sigh and walk away, toward the direction of your flat.
You try to forget what you saw in the park, but with tears streaming down your face, you can't forget. You stop walking before you can even exit the park. At that moment, you make a decision that will affect your life forever.
You turn around and walk to the very edge of the park, where there's a high water fall and the park is at the top of the waterfall.
You feel tears start to fall faster than before, but no matter what you tried, you're not able to clear your vision. You take out your phone, texting your close friends and family. You can't believe you were doing this, but you can't take seeing Josh with someone else.
You take a deep breath and step over the railing that's meant to keep people from falling down the waterfall. Yet, people could still climb over it if they chose to, and you chose to.
You step closer to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the rocky river below. You wipe your tears away and look up at the sky, wishing you had never seen Josh with that girl.
After the break up, you started going to therapy because you became so depressed. They gave you anti-depressants, but they aren't nearly strong enough for when you saw him with someone else.
You let out a sob as you take another step closer to the edge. And another. And another.
There isn't much more room between you and the edge. You take your last deep breath of this live before lifting your right foot to take another step.
Suddenly, arms wrap around your waist and lift you up and away from the edge.
You start to scream. "No! No! Let me go! I can't take it anymore! I can't see him with her!" You kick your legs in the air as the person lifts you over the railing. You turn around to see Josh climbing over the railing behind you.
"Y/N!" He exclaims, putting his hands on your shoulders. "What are you talking about?" He asks and you look around for that girl, but she's no where to be seen.
"I'm s-so sorry, Jo-osh." You say, beginning to sob. You take a deep breath and swallow before continuing once you calmed down. "I still love you, Josh. I haven't stopped since I left your flat two months ago. And today when I saw you with that girl and then you kissed her, I just couldn't do it anymore!" You shout, running your hands through your hair.
Josh scrunches his eyebrows together, confused. "What girl? I've been here by myself all day."
You eyes widen when you realize you imagined it all. He was never with a girl, that was your mind going crazy. "Oh my god." You whisper, feeling like such an idiot. You tried to fucking kill yourself over something that wasn't even real.
"But, I still love you too. You don't know how depressed I've been since you left, y/n. Please, please, please, please forgive me and take me back. I'll never force you to be in a video, that was such a stupid mistake on my part, and-"
You cut Josh off place firmly placing your lips on his. He quickly responds before you pull away. "Thank god you wanted me back because I don't know what I would do without you." You tell him.

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