Tobi #3

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This imagine is for @SidemenRiverdale ! I hope you enjoy!xx

[Word Count: 1330]



You smile as the charity match comes to the final few minutes in the game. You sit with your friends, talking about each of the boys, noting various parts of the day that you found hilarious. Personally, you enjoyed Vikk being absolutely plowed over, while Gee enjoyed Will nearly breaking RiceGum's leg.

You all get ready to go onto the pitch once the game is over, in order to visit with the guys in the dressing rooms (not that that sounds weird or anything...). Even though there was an announcement made at the beginning of the match, as well as multiple points throughout, you're worried the fans will invade the pitch for the third year in a row. The boys have all done everything they can in order for the pitch to remain clear, but there's no telling what's going to happen.

You think that's what's on everyone's minds as they look around the stadium, seeing many fans also beginning to stand up.

"Maybe they're all just hoping to meet them outside the stadium and want to make sure they don't miss anyone?" Freya suggests from where she stands next to you. You look over at her to see that her face is full of concern, and you can't help but show concern on your own face.

You sigh and look back toward the pitch. "God, wouldn't that be nice? All I know is that it is fucking annoying when they run onto the pitch year after year." You state, watching as the end draws closer.

Gee nods from the other side of you. "Don't they always say how they want to do a celebration-type thing on the pitch when it's over but they can't because of the invasion every year?"

"Yeah, they want to do a lap around the stadium where they can thank fans for coming, except because of safety they have to run into the tunnels." Talia mentions, placing her phone into her purse.

As the minutes tick by, you watch as more and more fans approach the entrances to the pitch. As you look around, it becomes clear that there is going to be an invasion of the pitch, yet again. "Guys, they're all going to run onto the pitch again, maybe we should just wait it out?"

Gee groans in frustration, shaking her head. "No way am I missing the celebration again. We're going onto that pitch, whether they invade it or not. Besides," She says, glancing behind you, "There's no way we'd be able to get back to our seats. There's so many people around us."

You copy her movements and look around you. She's completely right. You're not particularly big or strong people, so to fight through this crowd would be difficult, even if they're mainly twelve year old. You turn back to the pitch to see a minute left in the game. You wave over a security worker, showing him your VIP Pass. He nods and opens the gate, ensuring only your group was able to come through.

You breathe a sigh of relief. "Well, at least we've made it onto the pitch." You move to the sidelines, smiling at the boys and they run past.

Shortly thereafter, the game ends and you draw in a breath, waiting to see what happens. You turn around to the same gate you came through, only to see that security guard trying to hold back dozens of children. Looking at other gates you see the same thing, then slowly one kid gets through. And another. And another. Until suddenly, all you can see is a swarm of children running onto the pitch.

"Guys?" You hear Freya exclaim, unsure of what to do. 

You turn toward her and look to see the distance between yourselves and the entrance to the locker rooms. Of course you had to be on the opposite side of the pitch. Without hesitation, you exclaim, "RUN!" before taking off toward the locker rooms.

Looking around you, you can see the YouTubers all doing the same. You can see the disappointment written on their faces as they have to jog into the locker rooms to have yet another celebration hidden from the crowd.

You look to your next to you and you don't see any other member of your group. Freya, Talia, they're all gone. You don't have time to worry about them, however, because you have to worry about yourself. You've hit the middle of the pitch, unfortunately so has everyone else. You try to work you way through the crowd as you try to make it to the locker room, but everyone else has that same idea. 

Before you know it, your face is hitting the pitch as you fall to the ground. You place a hand on the ground in order to push yourself back up, but someone step on your leg, causing you to cry out in pain. You look around at all of the feet running past you and try once again to push yourself up. You get onto your knees, but once you put pressure on your left leg, you fall to the ground again.

You cry out both in pain and frustration before you feel someone's hands on your arms. They help pull your to your feet, before snaking an arm around your waist to keep you from falling once again. Slightly terrified to see a stranger that is leading you off, you glance over and sigh in relief when you see Tobi's familiar face staring straight ahead in concentration as he leads you to the locker rooms. 

Slowly, you make your way there, and the guards let Tobi through without hesitation, which means you easily get though as well. Once inside the tunnel, Tobi stops walking, placing both hands on your shoulders.

"Y/N, are you okay? What happened?" He asks, slightly rubbing your shoulders.

You take a shaky breath before pulling Tobi into a hug, gripping onto him as if your life depended on it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Tobi. I genuinely don't know what I would have done without you." You say to him, before pulling away. He keeps his hands on your waist as you tell your story. "All of us were on the pitch right before the game ended, because we were supposed to be on the pitch for the ceremony, but then we noticed fans were getting onto it, so we made a run for the locker rooms. I was almost here when I tripped and fell, and before I could get up, someone stepped on my leg," You say, glancing down at it. "Which really fucking hurts, by the way."

"Shhh." Tobi says, wiping tears from your cheeks that you were unaware even fell. He places his forehead to yours, looking you in the eyes. "It's going to be fine, Y/N. Everything is going to be fine."

Before you can talk yourself out of it, you lean in, kissing Tobi, something which you've wanted to do for a while now. He keeps his hands on your cheeks, pulling you close.

As you pull away from him, he smiles down at you. "Should we go do something about your leg now, or did you just want to stay here kissing me?" He smirks, causing you to lightly smack his chest.

"Dickhead." You say, smiling.

A few seconds later, Freya comes running around the corner. "Y/N! There you are! We were worried you got stuck on the pitch! What happened?"

You let out a deep breath as Tobi wraps his arm around your waist once again, helping you walk forward. "Some bitch stepped on her leg, and now she's in some serious pain." Tobi explains as he leads to toward a room with medical supplies in it.

"Oh, so Tobi is your knight in shining armour?" Freya asks, smirking as she leans against the door frame.

You can't help but smile up at Tobi as he helps you sit on the makeshift medical bed. "Yeah, I'd say he is."

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