Lewis #7

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This imagine is for @wroetoredman ! Hope you enjoy!

You quickly run down the stairs, carrying your suitcase the best that you can.

You've been planning this trip for the past three months, and you finally go to leave today. Originally, it was going to just be you and Lewis flying down to Las Vegas, but as soon as the guys caught whiff of the trip, they all booked flights down as well.

It's not that you don't love hanging out with the Sidemen, it's just that you really wanted to just spend the time alone with Lewis.

"You ready, babe?" Lewis asks as you walk into the kitchen, having left your suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. Lewis walks over and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.

To ensure the two of you got at least some time alone, you're heading to the airport a couple hours before the rest of the boys. You're grateful that Lewis knew how much you wanted to spend time together.

You nod your head as Lewis turns the two of you around, and leads you out of the kitchen. The other boys aren't even awake yet, so you and Lewis leave the house quietly, walking to the Uber waiting outside.

You as in the middle seat in the back so that you could be close to Lewis. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you grab his hand and start playing with his fingers. He leans his head on top of yours, kissing your forehead.

Being with Lewis is so calming and relaxing. It's as if every care or worry you've ever had flew out the window. You smile to yourself, wondering how you ended up so lucky.

Once you drop your bags off at baggage, you walk around the airport, hand in hand. The airport is huge and has so many cute little shops, that it's as if you're in a mall.

You stop by the Disney store, trying your hardest not to buy anything. (Lol, literally me) You also find an arcade, which you drag Lewis into.

You go around playing all of the games and having a blast with your boyfriend. At the air hockey table, the two of you battle it out, deciding who would buy ice cream after the match.

"Did you let me win?" You ask Lewis, as the game draws to a close. Normally, he kills you in air hockey and today he barely even scored.

He laughs, placing his arm around your shoulder. You head toward the ice cream shop that you spotted before dashing into the arcade. "No, why would I do that?" Lewis responds, trying his best to hide a smile.

Unfortunately for him, you have been dating for four years and can tell he's smiling. "I don't know. Maybe because you literally never let me buy anything on dates and always insist that you pay."

You're being completely honest right now. He never lets you spend a cent when you go out together. Even if something is your idea, he will pay for it and never complains.

Lewis doesn't respond, letting you order your ice cream. That's when you know that you're right. He knows not to argue with you.

Once you both have your ice cream, you stand outside the shop, eating it.

As you try to enjoy the beauty that is ice cream, you hear Lewis laughing. You look up at him, confused. He motions to your mouth. "You've got a little something..."

You purposefully try to lick the ice cream off but fail. Lewis rolls his eyes and steps closer to you. "Why don't I take care of that for you?"

He leans in and connects your lips, making your knees go weak. As he pulls away, you realize that there never was any ice cream there, he just wanted an excuse to kiss you.

Immediately after the kids, you hear some very familiar whooping and hollering. You groan as you look behind Lewis and see the Sidemen heading toward you. Has it already been a few hours?

"Shall we find our gate?" Josh asks, butting his hands on yours and Lewis' shoulders, coming between the two of you.

Everyone else laughs, but you just feel your cheeks hear up. Even though you've been dating for longer than the Sidemen have been around, they still tease you and Lewis all the time.

Mainly, you sleep on the flight. You would be cuddled up to Lewis, but there are divider walls between the seats, making it very difficult for you to.

Instead, you cuddle up to a movie that you randomly selected, and try to enjoy yourself on the flight.

You're being shaken awake pretty quickly, and look up to see Simon above you with a camera. "Are we there?" You ask him, looking around and finding no one else moving to leave the plane.

"Oh, no. I just wanted you to wake up and say hi to my vlog." Simon laughs. You roll your eyes and flip him off before moving to make yourself comfortable again.

You wake up by yourself just as the plane is landing. Guess you really needed a nap. You ignore what the lady is saying over the speakers, knowing the procedure of leaving a plane.

You lower your divider and find Lewis still asleep. You lean over and shake his leg, waiting for him to wake up. Slowly, he opens his eyes and focuses on you.

"We're almost there, Lewis." You smile at him, watching as he tries to figure out his surroundings.

Luckily, the Sidemen aren't staying in the same hotel room as you and Lewis. In fact, they are on the opposite side of the hotel.

Secretly, you thank the hotel gods and goddesses.

Entering the room, you're surprised by the six. You did pay much for this room, but it's still really big. You even have your own hot tub.

You flip down on the bed, Lewis laying down next to you. You turn over so that you're facing him. You just state at him for a few minutes, waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Hi." He says, surprised to see you looking at him. "Did you want to go sightseeing right now?" He asks and you shake your head.

"I want to go into our private hot tub." You say to him, sitting up. He sits up as well, and you lean over to him. "Things will certainly heat up."

A/N I don't really know what I just wrote I'm sorry.

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