Simon #13

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This imagine is for MinterIsntSoMini ! I hope you enjoy! xx

You still can't believe you're so far away from home. You don't know anyone here.

Of course, it doesn't help that you're super anti-social, so even if you do see someone, you'd never go up and talk to them.

As you walk toward the admissions building on the university campus, you look around, observing the many aspects to your new home for the next year. Across the lawn you can see a giant statue, though you can't tell what it is. Underneath it, you can see some old friends being reunited and sharing stories about their summer. You wonder if you'll ever become that good of friends with anyone here.

As you're staring at the people, you run into something, causing you to fall on the ground.

You look to the ground as you stand up, cursing yourself for being so clumsy. Now, there's probably people staring at your and laughing at your stupidity.

When you finish brushing yourself off and look up to see what you ran into, it's not a what but a who. A very hot who at that.

You stutter trying to come up with a response. "Oh, I-I... Sorry." You say looking away from the boy and doing everything in your willpower to not run away.

The boy immediately responds, placing a hand on your shoulder. "No, it's my fault I saw you coming and didn't even move out of the way."

You scrunch your eyebrows together and turn to look at him, laughing slightly. "Are you saying you wanted to run into me?" You ask him, smirking.

He shrugs his shoulders, dropping his hand and looking a the ground. He smiles as he looks back up at you. "I'm Simon, by the way."

As he extends his hand to have you shake it, you hesitate. Maybe you will be able to be as close to someone as those friends across the lawn. You place your hand in his and shake it. "Y/N." You say, before remembering where you're supposed to be going. "I really need to get to the admissions building, but I'll see you around, Simon! It was great meeting you!"

Before he has the chance to reply you speedily move around the tall boy and continue your walk to the building. You look back at Simon to see him staring after you as you walk away. You laugh and wave at him, causing him to slowly wave back, before facing forward once more so that you don't run into anyone else.

"Good morning!" The lady sitting behind the desk greets you as you walk into the air conditioned building. "How may I help you today?"

You quickly look around the room to verify it's the right place before approaching her desk. "I'm here for my room assignment. My name's Y/F/N." (A/N: Your/Full/Name)

The lady smiles and nods her head, moving toward her computer and asking you to spell out your name. "While the computer is searching, let me explain the housing situation here. So, as you probably know, the rooms are made of two rooms and are joined by a bathroom, meaning four people live there."

She pauses as she looks at her screen. "Ah, there you are, Y/N. So, you're one of the special rooms."

"Special?" You question, wondering what that could mean. Does that mean you get the room to yourself? You get extra comfy beds?

"Yes. Unfortunately, there were more boys admitted this year than girls. So, we had to make a very tough decision and instead of making some males drop out, we have made quite a few rooms where one girl shares the room with three boys instead of the typical two girls and two boys."

You nod your head, understanding where this is going. "So all of my roommates are guys?" You ask and she nods her head.

As she writes everything down on a piece of paper, she tells you about your room. "You will be on the fifth floor of the third building,  where many of these special rooms are. Your roommates will be Jack Johnston, Harry Anderson, and Simon Minter."

She passes you the sheet of paper. "Your room number is 534, and you're sharing it with Mr. Minter, but it is connected to room 535 where the other two are staying."

You leave the office and head toward the beginning of your college life, sharing a room with boys.

Then it hits you.

Not literally, of course, this isn't some cliche novel. You realize that your roommate, Simon Minter, shared the same first name as the boy you ran into. Is that just a coincidence?

Yeah, it probably is just a coincedence.

You arrive at the building at the same time as another girl. You both smile at each other, but don't say anything.

You walk inside and immediately find the elevator, heading right over. You notice the girl is following behind you, toward the elevator. The nice thing is, all of your personal items have already been sent to your room, all you have to do it set everything up.

As you walk inside the elevator, you press floor number 5, the top floor. As she gets into the elevator, she pauses as she goes to press a floor button. "You're on floor five, too?" She asks you, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

You nod your head, and roll your eyes. "Are you in one of the 'special' rooms, too?" You ask her, making air quotations, and she nods her head. "Maybe we can convince them to let us live together and have a room full of boys." You suggest, laughing.

"I don't know, my roommates might be pretty hot..." she states, laughing. If your roommate is who you think it is, he is definitely hot.

"Well, I'll see you around... You trail off as you step off of the elevator.

"Megan." She fills in the blank with her name, making you smile.

"Y/N." You say before walking in opposite direction down the hall.

You pull out the key you received from admissions and go to unlock your door, but it's already unlocked. Shrugging, you open the door.

And you scream.

You did not expect to see someone getting changed with his back to you.

They turn around to face you, but trip on the jeans they're attempting to put on, causing them to fall.

"Can't you knock?" He says from his position on the ground, trying to get his jeans on.

You roll your eyes, trying to get a glimpse at his face. "Well, you left the door unlocked. Besides, this is my room, I have a key." You say, dangling your key in the air as your roommate finally faces you, without a shirt on.

"Oh my god." You both say at the same time as you see each other's faces.

"You're the girl I ran into!" He says, as you walk into the room and close the door behind you.

You gulp as you stare at his incredibly toned abs. "A-and you're the guy that ran into me on purpose."

He rubs the back of his neck, quickly grabbing a shirt and throwing it on. "I didn't do it on-well, I kind of did do it on purpose, but it's only because I think you're hot!" He says really quickly, causing you to second guess what he said. His eyes widen as he slaps his hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry, did you just say that you found me hot?" You smirk at him, moving closer.

He takes a step back each time you move closer. "What? No, I don't know where you ever got that-" He pauses as he moved against his bed. "Idea." He squeaks out, even though your standing ten feet away from him.

You brush your shoulders off as you go to your own bed. "Wow I never one I could have that effect on someone." You say as you begin to unpack your clothing box. You stop as you notice him watching you. "By the way," You begin, looking over at him. "The feeling is mutual."

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