Simon #3

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This imagine is for @Husky54! Hope you enjoy!
Also, I'm going to be leaving tomorrow for a 13 day school trip to Europe, and I'm not sure I'll be able to update at all when I'm there, so please, be patient with me! xx
"How many times do I have to tell you?" You ask Simon as you walk toward your locker from Science class. "I'm not interested in dating until exams are over, I need to focus on my grades!" You tell him, entering your locker combination.
Simon leans on the locker next to yours as you put your science books away and grab your English books.
"But, y/n, you know how I feel about you!" Simon says, trying his best to convince you, as he has been doing for the past two weeks. "I won't do anything to get in the way of you and your studies!" Simon says as you close your locker and lean on it, facing him.
"Look, you would even if you didn't try. In fact, you already are because I can't get my mind off of you." You admit, looking up at Simon. You see him smiling down at you, causing you to blush. "If you would just stop asking me, maybe I'll be able to focus back on my studies."  You say as you start to walk away from your locker with Simon following next to you.
"Would you give me a chance if I ask you after exams?" Simon asks you, grabbing your hands and stopping in the middle of the hall to turn you to face him.
"Of course. Simon, I've already told you that I'm in love with you, I just need focus on revising." You tell him, blushing once again.
"And I'll respect that." Simon says, leaning down to kiss your cheek. Simon let's go of your hands and walks away toward his own class, leaving you stunned in the middle of the hallway.
"Right, English." You mumble to yourself, turning and walking toward the English classroom. You walk in and greet the teacher, sitting down at your assigned seat.
The whole class, you try to focus on what the teacher is reviewing, but your mind keeps going back to Simon. Simon, Simon, Simon. That's all you can think about. Why did this have to happen so close to exams?
The bell rings and you begin to pack up your textbooks.
"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Your teacher, Mrs. Williams, asks before you have to chance to leave the classroom. You sigh and walk over to her desk where she is sitting.
Mrs. Williams looks up at you and takes off her glasses, carefully setting them on the desk. "Are you feeling alright? You didn't quite seem like yourself today in class."
You sigh before you answer. "I'm okay, Mrs, Williams. I just have a lot of stuff on my mind right now." You tell her, specifically avoiding saying what's actually on your mind.
"Is it boy drama? I used to deal with that all the time, especially right before exams." Your teacher tells you, adjusting some papers on her desk as you sit on the front of a student desk.
"Yeah, it is." You admit, looking toward the ground. "It's just, there's a guy who wants to date me, but no matter how many times I tell him I want to focus on my schoolwork, he just keeps asking me."
Mrs. Williams nods her head and excuses you, leaving you wondering why she let you go like that. She didn't even offer suggestions.
Two Weeks Later
"Good morning, class! Welcome to your exam period!" Mrs. Williams says as she grabs a stack of papers and stands up from her desk. "I hope you all studied long and hard, good luck!" She says before handing out the exams.
When you were studying, somehow you didn't even think about Simon. As Mrs. Williams hands you and exams, you look down and realize how easy it is.
You're finished in no time, leaving you with plenty of time to check your answers, though, that's never when you do with tests. Whenever you do that, you start second guessing yourself, so you've a learned to just go with your gut instinct.
You stand up and hand your paper into Mrs. Williams, who looks up at you and smiles. "Did you solve your boy problems?" She mouths to you.
"A little." You mouth back before walking back to your desk.
You wait patiently for the bell to ring, realizing this was your last exam. You're done! It's summer break!
The bells rings and you quickly stand up, smiling, along with everyone else.
You wish Mrs. Williams a good summer as people turn in their tests before you leave the classroom. You walk toward your locker, opening it to make sure there's nothing left inside.
You close your locker and walk outside, spotting Simon sitting on a step. You walk over and sit next to him. When he doesn't say anything, you look over to him.
"What's wrong?" You ask him, and he looks over at you. His eyes lit up when he sees you, but he still looks sad.
"I think I failed that exam." Simon tells you, letting out a weak laugh.
You rolls your eyes at him. "I doubt that. You're a smart kid, Simon, I'm sure you did great." You smile at him, though he doesn't return the smile.
"I didn't. When I was studying, I couldn't get my mind off of you. Just like you didn't want to do with me." He says and you feel your heart drop. You knew this would happen, but he didn't listen.
"Oh. I'm sorry." You tell him, looking at the ground. Suddenly, Simon looks up at you, smiling.
"So, what are your plans this summer?" He asks you, obviously trying to change the conversation.
You smile and look over at him. "Well, I need to decide on what colleges I want to go to then I need to start applying to the colleges and then I think I'm going to start studying for next school year so that I can be Valedictorian at graduation." You tell Simon, who's looking at you with his eyes raised.
"Graduation is a year away." He says, beginning to move closer to you. "What are your plans besides that?"
Before you know it, you lean in and connect your lips to Simon's, putting your hand on his cheek.
You pull away from him, smiling. "I suppose I could make some time for you in there."

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