Calfreezy #1

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This imagine is for @AmberOfFlames ! Hope you enjoy!

"Wait, your pregnant?" Your mum asks her best friend, Kimberly. She smiles at your mim and nods her head. "I know we always talked about having children at the same time... But who knew it would actually happen!" Your mum says, laughing and throwing her hands into the air.
"Wait, you're pregnant, too?" Kimberly asks your mum, hugging her. "What if our kids fall in love and get married? That would be so adorable!"
"No! Cal!" You laugh as the four year old runs behind you. He threatened to tickle you and you absolutely can not stand for it.
Cal laughs at your worried expression and easily catches up to you. You were always slower than him, and you never knew why. Your mum said something about his legs being longer, but it didn't make sense to you.
Cal tackled to you the ground, instantly reaching toward your stomach to tickle you.
"I think you might be right, Kimberly." You can just barely hear your mum say over your fits of giggles. You try to push Cal off of you, but you're not nearly strong enough. "They might just end up married one day."
This sentence gets to you push Cal off of you. "Ew! Gross!" You say, running over to your mum.
"I'd never want to marry her! Cal shouts after you, running over to his mum and clutching her leg.
"Hi, Cal!" You shout at your best friend over Skype with your mum watching behind you. Cal had recently just moved and you're already missing him like crazy.
"Hi, y/n! I miss you!" Cal shouts back before taking a sip of water. You simply roll your eyes at him, refusing to let him know that you miss him.
"When are you gonna come visit?" You ask Cal. He stops and sighs, looking down at the ground.
"You know that I want to come visit, but I only just got down here! Mum hasn't even gotten everything unpacked yet!" Cal says, moving his laptop so you can see the boxes behind him.
You smirk at Cal and tilt your head. "Shouldn't you be helping her, then?"
Cal blushes and look away from his laptop. "I'd rather talk to you..." He mumbles and trails off.
"What?!" Cal shouts, jumping off of your bed. "You have a boyfriend and you haven't told me?"
Cal recently flew up for the holidays and demanded to visit you as soon as he got here.
You roll your eyes at your best friend. "Cal, I'm sixteen! And so are you! This is the age that we are supposed to be dating!"
Cal sighs and sits back down on your bed. You reach over and rub his arm to try and console him. "But why didn't you tell me?" He whispers, turning to look over at you.
You snort, rather unattractively, causing you both to laugh. "We've only gone on one date. We really haven't put a title on us, yet. I never said I had a boyfriend, only that I went on a date." You laugh at Cal.
He rubs the back of his neck. "Oh. Sorry for just jumping to conclusions..." Cal looks up into your eyes, and suddenly, you feel something that you've never ever felt with Cal before. Your heart skipped a beat.
Why did it do that?
You hold Cal's gaze for what feels like hours, but possibly less than a minute. Neither of you speak, and you slowly find yourself leaning toward Cal.
"Kids! Come and eat!" Your mum shouts from downstairs, causing you and Cal both to lean back.
"Welcome to London!" Cal shouts as he opens the door to his flat. You holds his arms open and you gladly run into them. You've missed him so much, and now that you live in London, you'll be able to see him so much more.
Your mum follows behind you, giving Cal and quick hug before he leads you deeper into his flat.
"Mrs. Airey!" (Is that how you spell his last name??) You shout, running over to give her a hug.
"Y/N! My how you've grown!" She says in your ear. It's been a few years since you've seen her. You've been so busy with university. "You're such a beautiful young woman!" She says releasing you from your hug.
Cal leads everyone to an already set table and as you go to sit down, he pulls the chair out for you.
You put your hand to your chest in surprise. "Why thank you, Mr, Airey!" You smile up at him.
He looks down at you, also smiling. "It's my pleasure, Ms. L/N."
As you look at each other, you can hear Cal's mother speak. "I told you they'll end up married."
You gasp and look at Kimberly. "Why would you even suggest such a thing?"
You mum only laughs with her best friend. "Dear, we've been saying this since the day you were conceived. We were saying this before we even knew you two would be opposite genders."
You roll your eyes at your mum and begin to great the dinner that's so neatly laid out in front of you.
After a delicious meal full of talking with Cal, your parents are obviously tipsy. You haven't drank too much wine, but you still have a glass in your hand, taking sips every once in a while.
You feel someone's hand on your elbow, and look up to see Cal. He motions toward his balcony with his head. You smile and stand up, following him outside. He opens the door for you and you step outside, enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze on your exposed skin. You casually lean against the railing.
"What's up?" You ask Cal, looking toward him as he leans up next to you. He continues to stare at the beautiful London lights for a few moments before answering.
He sighs and glances toward you. "I want to tell you something." He says, not meeting your eyes. Your scrunch your eyebrows together, motioning for him to continue.
Instead of talking, you can feel his lips on your own, so soft and sweet. You instantly reply, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as his arms snake around your waist.
You both pull away, gasping for air. "I've want to do that since the day you told me you went on a date and I assumed you had a boyfriend." Cal confesses, still breathing heavily as he rests his forehead on yours.
"Please, I've wanted to do that since you moved away when we were eleven." You feel the heat rising to your cheeks when you admit how long you've liked him for.
You laugh and roll your eyes at how cliché this is. The childhood friends who mothers are best friends that fall in love but refuse to confess until they're in their twenties.
"I guess our mums have been right this whole time." Cal chuckles, making you remember. Your mums. You pull away from Cal and look to see both of your mums looking at the two of your with their hands on their chests. "Might as well give them a show." Cal whispers in your ear. You turn toward him and smirk as you bring your lips together once more.

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