Special Imagine #3

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This imagine is for @bettersetter ! Hope you enjoy!
Also, dispite the drama, I'm still going to be putting JJ in as if he was a Sidemen. Good? Good.
[Word Count:881] <--- Sorry it's so short :/

"Alright, what's up guys? Today I'm here with the Sidemen and we're going to be doing the crossbar challenge!" You shout to the camera before quickly turning around and kitchen a football toward the goal.

You watch as the ball soars over the net and just barely misses the crossbar. You, along with all of the boys, groan as the ball hits the fence.

Harry walks over to you. "No, no, no." He says, grabbing a ball and turning toward the camera. "Y/N, this is how it's done."

And with those words, he faces the goal and kicks the ball. It soars straight into the crossbar, the sound resonating throughout the field.

"HOW?!" You shout, doing your best impersonation of Harry. Everyone laughs and you begin to officially begin the challenge.

Yes, you're the only girl in the Sidemen. Crazy, right? Turns out, that when you became friends with Simon and JJ at school, they were going to drag you along on this wild ride.

Originally, like Simon, you began as JJ's cameraman. Or, camera-woman? Then, Simon decided to start YouTube and you ran around, filming the two of them. Everyone knew who you were and begged for you to get a YouTube channel as well.

You didn't even consider it, knowing that no one would be interested, until you went with Simon to Tesco's one day. You met a fan there, who wouldn't leave until you agreed to get a channel.

And now here you are, three million subscribers and the only girl in the Sidemen.

You stand behind the camera, watching JJ get ready to kick the ball. Tobi jogs up next to you, holding out a ball for you. He doesn't even need to say anything, as you look to see everyone else with a ball.

You all look at each other and countdown. As JJ goes to kick the ball, you all chuck your footballs at him, making him crash to the ground.

He rolls around on the pitch, screaming, over exaggerating for the camera. You rolls your eyes at him and high five Josh.

As you go to shoot, you line up three balls in a row. You turn around to the camera to make a joke. "I'm the only one here who doesn't have any balls, so I feel like I should make it even."

Everyone is dead after that, screaming and laughing. You turn back toward the goal and kicks each ball, one after the other in a quickfire.

The first ball looks as if it's going to go over, but instead grazes the crossbar. You're busy celebrating as you watch the second ball hit the crossbar dead on. You turn toward the camera, hands on your head, never having hit the crossbar twice in a row before. As everyone starts to rush at you, you hear the third ball hit the crossbar as well.

Everyone goes nuts and run after you. You laugh, completely over joyed as they all tackle you to the ground. "Alright, who's touching my boob?" You ask, making everyone quickly get off of you, no one admitting it was them.

Suddenly, Simon and Josh grab you and lift you up on their shoulders. You let out a small scream of surprise, grabbing onto their hair.

"Ow!" Josh exclaims, making you quickly pull your hand away and apologize. They turn you to face the camera.

"Meet Y/N, the queen of the crossbar challenge!" Simon shouts, making you smile.

You point at each of the other guys. "Bow down to me, peasants." You jokingly demand in your most posh British accent.

You laugh as they all bown down. You motion for Josh and Simon to let you down so you can all continue to film the video.

Many people tried to top your feat, but none were successful. You laugh as Ethan tries to do a blindfolded kick, but ends up falling all on his own.

Even after the football gods gifted you with three crossbars in a row, as you go to shoot again, you hit the crossbar.

"You're joking." Vikk states as you turn around, a complete look of shock on your face. Everyone else is in shock, except for Harry. He runs in front of you and bows on the ground, making sure he was in view of the camera.

You look at the camera and state, "I think that's a good time to end it."

Quickly, the other Sidemen surround you, making weird faces at the camera. "I hope you all enjoyed that video featuring the rest of the Sidemen. Be sure to check out all of their channels below along with sidemenclothing.com where there will be a special shirt coming out later today. Bye!"

Everyone quickly turns around with a ball and kicks it toward the goal. You follow your ball and watch as it once again, hits the crossbar. Everyone, once again, going insane. You laugh at your unbelievable amount of luck today.

You know that you'll probably never even come close to hitting the crossbar ever again.

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