Harry #3

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This imagine is for @Svenfan47! Hope you enjoy!
ALSO, QUICK A/N!!! This doesn't Have anything to do with YouTube, but I love you guys and would like to receive your opinion! So, this weekend I went and saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,  and since then I've been completely obsessed with both Eddie Redmayne (oh god he is so hot) and the character of Newt Scamander. So, I've decided to stay writing a Newt fanfiction!! So basically I just want to know what you guys think and I don't know the plot yet, but I'm going to need a main female lead and possibly a few minor characters, so, private message me if you're interested! Sorry if you read all of this and don't care about Harry Potter lol




"No, I never said that." You tell your professor, shuffling back and forth on your feet as you stand as the front of his classroom at the end of the lecture.

Your professor, Mr. Carlson looks down at you over the rims of his glasses. "Now, you know I can't believe you, Y/N. Margaret has video evidence of your threatening to kill her and then kill yourself."

Mr. Carlson shakes his head, straightening some papers on his desk. "I'm sorry, Ms. L/N, but this kind of talk will not be tolerated at this university. I hate to inform you that you are no longer allowed to take classes here."

Your mouth drops as these words leave your teacher's mouth. "But, sir! My parents threatened to throw me out of their house if I didn't get a degree at this university. Please, just-"

Mr. Carlson cuts you off, stand in up out of his chair. "I'm sorry, Y/N, you were an outstanding student but this is the way it has to be."

And just like that, he's turned around, kicking out of the university your parents forced you to go to. Neither of them were able to get degrees, so they were counting on you to do so at their top choice university.

And now you've let them down.

This year has not gone how you were hoping it would at all. It was still the first term and you've already made an enemy out of freaking Margaret  'Look at My Clothes or the Lack Thereof' Lonsdale. Not only that, but the she-devil stole your best friend from. You withing the first two weeks, for the school to switch your roommate with the grossest and dirtiest girl in the entire university, and now has managed to get you thrown out of the university.

What a bitch.

You can't take it anymore. You know that she's not going to just stop there. Somehow, after seeing Harry walk you into university on the first day of classes, she just decided then and there that she hated you.

She's never going to stop until you give up Harry.

Harry, the love of your life.

You thank God that Harry is out recording videos all day when you get to his flat with tears streaming down your face.

Harry, the love of your life.

You shake your amazingly perfect boyfriend out of your head as you open the medicine cabinet. You grab Tylenol and count out forty tablets.

You did a research paper and discovered forty garunteed it.

You take the tablets and wipe your tears off as you walk into Harry's bedroom.

Harry, the love of your life.

You walk over to his desk and grab his camera, setting it up on a tripod in front of his bed.

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