Vikk #1

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This is for @ellabieb ! Hope you enjoy!

"Vikk, I'm not saying that..." You reply to your boyfriend. You were currently sitting in his bedroom on his bed as he paces back and forth.
In about ten minutes, his friend will be arriving, flying in from America. Vikk noticed that you were upset, and you didn't want to make him worked up before his friend arrived, yet, here you are.
"Really, y/n? Because it's sounds like you're either telling me that you no longer love me, or your claiming that I no longer love you!" Vikk exclaims, raising his voice slightly. You're glad that no one else is in the sidemen house, they all went to get food for the guests.
"But that's not what I'm saying! Believe me, I love you with all my heart and I know that you feel the same, but recently... I don't know... You've been different! We barely get to see each other anymore, Vikk!"
Vikk stops pacing and sits down on his desk chair. He turns the chair to face you. "I'm sorry... I really, really am. It's just, I feel so stressed out with YouTube. Everyone always tells me to upload more and when I upload one less video, they all start flipping out on me!" Vikk confesses, putting his head in his hands. Your heart drops when you see him like this. It's not often you see this side of your boyfriend, so when you do, it hurts even more to see him like this.
"I know, I know." You reply, softly. "But when we do get together, you never say anything romantic. I don't even remember the last time you flirted with me. It just makes me feel like you don't care any more." You sigh and stand up. "You can change your schedule to make your viewers happy, but you can't to make me happy."
You silently leave Vikk's room. You two have never fought before, and you know that you can't just leave the house after saying something like that to him. As you walk to the bottom of the stairs, you can see some movement outside. You listen and you can hear some muffled voices.
"...wants to knock?"
" if....not Vikk?"
You decide to save them from having to argue anymore about knocking, and though you've never met any of Vikk's friends, you decide to open the door.
They all look surprised when they see the door open, and even more surprised when they see your head pop out from behind the door.
"Hi!" You say, smiling. They all mumble a response. "You guys must be Vikk's friends?" You ask them, still smiling. They all look between each other before nodding their heads.
"Uh, yeah, we are. Um, I don't mean to sound rude, but who are you?" One of them asks, obviously eyeing you up and down. You smirk. Maybe you can use him to make Vikk feel bad for what he's done.
"I'm y/n. And you are...?" You ask, looking directly at the boy. He looks to be around your age, which you're grateful for.
"Preston." He says, smiling at you.
You open the door wider for them. "Well, Preston, why don't you lead your friends inside? Vikk's up in his room, I'll be in the kitchen." You wink at him before walking away to the kitchen. You can hear them all entering the house, and quite frankly, they're talking about you.
"She's hot." You can hear one of them say. The walls in this house aren't very thick, so you can hear them talking without having to strain too much.
"Dude, isn't she Vikk's girlfriend?" Another one asks, and you roll your eyes. Yes, yes you are.
"Is she? She was totally flirting with Preston." Yet another one of them asks. You can hear footsteps going up the stairs, and you can no longer hear their conversation. Sighing, you walk over to the fridge, grabbing some left over Nando's and putting it in the microwave.
"Y/N. You can not be serious." You hear Vikk say a few minutes later. You look up from your chicken to see him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Please tell me that what I heard about you flirting with Preston is not true."
You sigh and stand up, walking over to Vikk, and crossing your arms. "Well, sorry. He was flirting with me. It felt nice to have someone flirt with me, even if it wasn't you."
Vikk scoffs. "Well, maybe if you would flirt with me, I would flirt with you!"
You gasp and put your hand to your chest. "You seriously can not be putting the blame on me for this. You're the one who puts their job before their girlfriend every single day!" You shout, putting your hands on your hips.
"Y/N..." Vikk says quietly, having been taken back by your shouts.
"You know what, Vikk?" You ask as tears begin to brim your eyes. "I'm not going to make you choose any more." You shake your head and move past him, toward the front door. You open it and step outside, breathing in the fresh air as you walk toward your car.
"Y/N!" Vikk shouts, running out the door after you. "Wait!" You stop in front of your car, but don't turn to face him. A few seconds later, you can feel Vikk's warm hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him.
"Look, Y/n. I was going to make this more special, but I can't lose you." Vikk says, and you can't help but notice his hand reaching in his pocket.
"Vikk, what are you talking about?" You ask him, trying your best not to cry.
Vikk grabs your hand as he keeps on hand in his pocket. "I love you, y/n. More than you will ever know. I'm sorry for not treating you as you deserve to be treated, and believe me, I felt terrible about it. But, please. I can't imagine my life without you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Your laugh makes the sun shine brighter and even when you don't try, you make everyone happier. So, y/n..." Vikk says, pulling out a small box from his pocket and getting down onto one knee. "Will you do me the honor of being able to call you my lovely wife?"

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