ChrisMD #1

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This is unrequested I just really wanted to write a Chris imagine :)

Also, sorry for kinda just disappearing. Finals are this week so I've been studying like a good student... Sure... But still #feelsbadman
(Update: School is out now so hopefully more updates!)



"Do you, Chris Dixon, take y/n l/n (Your name, last name) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant asks your fiance as you look up at him.

"I do." Chris responds, smiling at you as he squeezes your hands. You smile back up at him before hearing the officiant ask you that same question.

You nod your head and say, "I do."

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" The officiant exclaims as everyone cheers.

Chris puts his hand on your waist and pulls you in, connecting your lips as if he's been waiting his whole life just for this moment. You two pull away before it could become too serious and smile at everyone in the crowd. You decided on an outdoor wedding and can't help but laugh at the wind messing up peoples hair.

Chris grabs your hand and you two walk down the isle. Occasionally you smile and wave at someone you know until you can't see the audience anymore. As you and Chris stand by the limo to wait for your wedding party, Chris grabs your waist once more and tried to pull you to him.

"Chris..." You moan as you lightly slap his chest and laugh. "Save it for later, people are going to get sick of us pretty quick if you keep this up." You say, laughing.

"But later, right?" Chris asks you, smirking. You just wink at him as the best man and maid of honor come towards the two of you.

"Are you ready to start this party?" Bri asks you, cheering. You smile at your best friend's enthusiasm as you follow her into the limo.

"Congrats, man." Simon, Chris's best man, says, patting Chris on the back before getting into the limo.

"Hey, we couldn't have done it without you, Si." You say to him as the next groomsman and bridesmaid arrive. "If you weren't here, Chris wouldn't have been able to get his tie tied." You laugh as Chris looks down at the floor in embarrassment.

Soon, you arrive at the hotel where you were hosting the reception. The wedding party sneaks in via a side door and into a room where you'll  wait for your entrance queue.

your wedding planner, Maggie, walks into the room soon after you arrive. "Congratulations, you two!" She says, smiling at you and Chris as you thank her. "Now, we're going to wait ten to twenty minutes until you guys make your grand entrance, but it's only you two," She says, once again to you and Chris. "That have to stay in here. Everyone else can go wherever they want, just be back in here in fifteen minutes." Maggie says before walking out. Everyone starts to leave as your and your husband are stuck in the room.

"Now that we're alone..." Chris says, pulling you over to the couch. You two sit down and he wraps his arms around you as you kick off your high heels and snuggle into his chest. You feel Chris's chest move as he sighs. "This day was so stressful." He says, causing you to move your head so that you can look up at him.

"Why?" You ask, moving so that you're completely sitting up.

"Because I was having so much worry that you were going to realize I wasn't good enough for you and you were going to leave me at the altar." Chris says, putting his head into his hands.

You take your finger and put it under his chin, forcing him to look up at you. "Chris, listen to me. If there was anything I would have realized, it's that I wasn't good enough for you. And you're completely insane for wanting to marry me." You say, laughing as he smiles at you.

Chris shrugs his shoulders, smirking. "Well, then, I think we're the most insane people at this wedding." Chris says, smiling at you as he puts his arm around your shoulder.

Ten minutes later, you're walking into the dining hall and waving at everyone as you take your seat. Immediately as you sit down, everyone starts to clink their glasses to get the two of you to kiss. You sigh and look at Chris before you both stand up and you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing your husband.

"It's just one of many tonight." Chris says as you sit back down and they bring you out something to drink.

"And just think," You reply taking a sip of the drink of your choice. "The kisses won't even come close to stopping once we've left this room." You smirk at Chris as he laughs and rolls his eyes at you. You can't help but laugh a little, yourself.
(Okay from here I started to write on my iPod so idk spacing and stuff might be different sorry)
After many kisses with your new husband, the dj announces your first dance. You reluctantly stop eating your cake and stand up with Chris to start dancing.
"I'm going to apologize right now if I step on your feet." You say, laughing. Chris just smiles and shrugs his shoulders as he places his hands on your waist.
The two of you begin dancing to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri, and the entire time you can feel people watching you. You shouldn't be surprised, it's your wedding after all.
As the song ends, Chris pulls you in for a kiss and you place your hands on his cheeks, smiling into the kiss.
Everyone cheers as you two pull apart and you start to laugh slightly. You never though you would have been kissing anyone with so many people watching. It's kind of nerve wracking.
"And now, would the wedding party please come to the floor for the wedding party dance?" The dj asks and you stand there with Chris, looking around for your friends and relatives.
You grab Chris's hand. "Do you know where any of them could have gone?" You ask him as you continue to search the room for your wedding party. Chris shakes his hand and you sigh.
"Well, guess we're not having a wedding party dance. Everyone is welcome to the dance floor!" Your dj exclaims as he begins to play a random song.
A few minutes later you can hear cheering coming from outside of the reception hall. Confused, you look toward the doors.
You gasp and tap Chris's shoulder to get him to turn around. You both start laughing as your wedding party comes in dressed with different football jerseys. You can see Arsenal, Manchester City, and of course, Simon and Bri are wearing Leeds jerseys.
"Oh my god, I love you guys!" Chris shouts at them over the music, and soon you're all getting drunk and dancing.
As the wedding reception gets later, more and more people start to leave. At this point, you're still relatively sober, enough to know what you're doing.
"Now can we?" Chris bed you, grabbing onto your hands as practically everyone is gone.
Your roll your eyes and nod your head as Chris excitedly pulls you out of the room, obviously slightly drunk, and toward the elevator to your room.

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