Lewis #4

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This imagine is for @-HelloItxMia- ! Hope you enjoy!

You sigh and look in the mirror. It's way too early to be awake, but sacrifices must be made if you want to pay your bills.

You're dressed for work at Starbucks. It's your temporary job until you can find one for your degree. Though, you get a discount on drinks, so you won't complain.

You grab your purse and head out of your flat, making sure all of the lights are turned off. You don't want your electric bills being any higher than they have to be.

You walk the short block to the nearest tube station. It's always packed at this time of day with people heading to their jobs. You silently thank god that you remembered to put on deodorant because some people clearly forgot.

You inhale the scent of coffee as you walk into the shop. It's already in full swing with a line going nearly out the door and workers hustling around behind the corner.

You walk into the employee room, putting your purse in your locker and throwing on your apron and name tag.

"Good morning, Y/N." Your boss says, not looking up from his stack of papers on his desk.

"Good morning, sir." You reply back to him before slipping out the door and standing behind the counter.

You step in front of the cash register, ready to take your first order. You take the woman's order, accidentally misclicking. It's not the first time it's happened at such an early hour. You normally need half and hour to be fully awake.

"Hi, welcome to Starbcks, what can I get for you today?" You ask before looking up at your customer. You freeze and look him over. Very nice jaw line, very nice face in general. He has this hair that look so soft, you almost want to reach out and-

"Miss?" He asks, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

You feel yourself blush really hard when you realize you kissed his order. "I am so sorry. Can you repeat that?"

He smiles at you. "It's no big deal. I'll have a double chocolate frapuccino, please." He says and you enter it into the machine before telling him his total. "Oh, and can I also have your number?" He asks, handing you his credit card.

"Nice try." You smirk at him, before grabbing his card. Your fingers accidentally brush against his, and you swear you felt sparks. "What's your name?" You ask him, holding up a cup.

"Lewis." He responds before walking away. You right his name on the cup and bite you lip. You've never done this before, but, you decide to also write your phone number on the cup, right next to his name.

You quickly make the drink, putting extra whipped cream on it before sticking the top on and grabbing a straw.

"Lewis!" You call, walking to the end of the counter. You notice him leaning on the wall before he looks up and smiles at you. He pushes himself up off the wall and walks over to you. "Call me sometime." You tell him before turning around and walking away.


One Year Later

You still haven't been able to find a job in your field. Apparently London is not the place to be looking for your job. Yet, something is making you stay in London.

Maybe it's the fact that your family lives here. You've lived here your whole life, part of you probably doesn't want to leave that behind.

Then again, maybe it's because you've developed the biggest crush on Lewis. Every time you walk into work, you're reminded of the day he showed up and asked for your number.

Then a few days later he came back because he accidentally threw your number in the trash.

You smile at the memory before dropping your stuff into the employee room. You excitedly walk behind the counter, ready to begin the day.

You aren't as excited when after a few busy hours, you've spilled coffee on yourself.

"Y/N?" You hear a voice ask, causing you to turn around. You shyly smile at Lewis who is standing to the side of the counter.

"Hey..." You say, trailing off, trying your best to look as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

Lewis only rolls his eyes at you. "Did you spill coffee on yourself again?" He asks, looking down at your outfit.

You scoff. "You act as if I do it every day! Which I don't, by the way." You quickly state before laughing.

"When's your shift done?" He asks you, leaning against the counter.

You glance over at the clock on the wall. "In about five minutes." You say, smiling.

"I'll buy us some drinks." Lewis says, leaning over the counter to kiss the top of your head. Your heart flutters as he pulls away, leaving you to return to working.

You enter the employee area, changing into the extra clothes you put in your locker after the last time you spilled on yourself.

You bid your co-workers goodbye before walking over to find Lewis sitting down at a table.

He smiles at you as you take the seat across from him. He turns your latte and pushes it toward you.

You look down at it. "White Mocha, right?" You ask, looking up at him.

He bites his lip before answering. "Why don't you look for yourself?"

You scrunch your eyebrows at him. Is he seriously too lazy to tell you?

A small smile spreads over your lips when you see what's written on the cup.

"Aw, with extra whipped cream!" You say, looking back up at him. Lewis rolls his eyes and turns the cup slightly, causing you to look back down at it.

Will you be my girlfriend? is written on the cup, next to your name. Your mouth drops opens before you place your hand in front of it.

"Wait, was this a mistake or...?" You question, looking up at Lewis.

He smiles down at you before shaking his head. "Nope, not a mistake. I've been wanting to ask you this since the day you gave me your number but... Things got in the way."

You laugh at him. "Your friends seriously are such cock blockers."

You smile down at the cup before looking back up at Lewis. "I'd be honored to be able to call you my boyfriend."

Lewis looks at you, confused. "Is that some weird way of saying yes?" He asks, hopefully.

"Yes." You laugh.

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