Vikk #4

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This imagine is for @SkittlezKat! Hope you enjoy and thank you for being so patient!!

You step off the plane and stretch, enjoying the freedom of space. Eight hours on a plane is not fun, especially when you get stuck with the middle seat.

"Can you believe it?" You hear your best friend's voice for the first time in eight hours. You seats weren't near each other, since this trip was pretty last minute.

You turn to see her walking through the passport checks. "That I can finally not have my legs cramped up? No, no I cannot believe it."

Your best friend rolls her eyes and hits you on the arm. "No, silly, that we're in London!" She shouts, spreading her arms widely and spinning.

"You're so weird." You say before beginning to back away. "Hey, let's get to the hotel so that we can go sightseeing!" You tell her and she hurries to catch up to you.

After checking in at your hotel, you grab a map of London and head out the doors and onto the street of London.

"I still don't understand why we can't just use our phones." Your friend states, frowning as she tries to figure out where you are on the map.

You roll your eyes and point out your hotel to her. "Because, since we're in a different country, we don't have any data." You tell her before looking over the map to find Big Ben.

"There! Let's go to Big Ben then we can ride the London Eye, too!" You say, grabbing her by the elbow.

Slowly, as an hour passes, your confidence has majorly decreased.

You groan. "Give me that." You state, ripping the map out of your best friend's hands.

You stare down at it and try to find the street you're on. You look over the map four times and you still can't find it.

You jump as someone taps your shoulder. You turn, expecting it to be your best friend, but instead you're met with a guy your age.

He smiles at you. "Hi! Um, do you need any help? You look kind of lost." He says, pointing at your map.

You cringe before nodding your head. He gently grabs the map from your hands. "Was it that obvious?"

"Well, you've been standing here for ten minutes, staring down at this map." The guys says, looking up at you from the map. "So, where are you heading?"

You scan the map, trying to find your destination. You smile and point it out to the man.

"Oh! That's funny! I'm actually heading there, right now. Come on, I'll show you the way." He says, gesturing you to follow him.

You fall into step next to him as your friend walks behind. "So what's your name?" You ask him, causing him to look over at you.

"Vikk." He says, smiling. "And yours?"

"Y/N. And this is my best friend, Bri." You say, pointing at Bri over your shoulder.

Vikk frowns as if he's thinking before looking back at you. "Y/N. That's a really pretty name."

You feel yourself blush at the compliment. "Bri's a pretty name, too." You say to try and see if he's attempting to flirt with you.

"Y/N's prettier." Vikk says, failing to meet your eyes. Definitely flirting.

"Well, Vikk. You are my hero for showing us the way." You say, leaning toward him to give him a peck on the cheek.

"It's no big deal, really." Vikk says, scratching his neck as you turn around a building.

Soon, you see Big Ben in the distance. "There it is!" You exclaim, grabbing Vikk's arm and pointing at the tower.

Vikk laughs at you. "Yeah, you would have never been able to see it if you continued the way you were walking. You were going the opposite direction."


"So." Vikk says, standing inside the airport with you.

Bri is a few feet away, chatting happily with your new friends Simon and Harry.

"So." You repeat, looking up at Vikk.

Vikk frowns down at you. "This is it, huh?"

You sigh and nod your head. "I guess so. You really should come visit the states." You tell Vikk grabbing his arm. You let your hand fall until it's touching his hand and he laces your fingers together.

"I definitely will, Y/N. He have my word." Vikk says, trying to smile, but you can see tears forming in his eyes. "But, where does this leave us?" He asks quietly as if other people were trying to listen.

You take a deep breath and release it. "I don't know. I mean, long distance is always a possibility?" You question, even though it's really your only choice if you want to be together.

Vikk smiles. "We're going to have to try. I don't think I'll be able to live if I can't call you mine."

You roll your eyes, but a smile still shows. "You are the cheesiest man I've ever met."

"I'm your cheesy man."

You laugh before pausing. "Wait, who ever said you were my man?" You smirk at him and lean on your hip.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Vikk says, looking at the ground. After a few seconds, he looks up at you through his bangs. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? I don't care if we have to do it long distance, all I know is that I want you." Vikk says, grabbing your other hand.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Vikk." You smile at him. "Imagine what would have happened if you never stopped to help us out."

"Or if I didn't get the courage to ask for your social medias." Vikk says, laughing.

"Or if you didn't show up at the hotel that night and Bri conveniently had to go buy some food from the vending machine." You finish, smiling at Vikk.

Vikk laughs. "Hey, I didn't hear you complaining that night when I kissed you!"

You roll your eyes. "Just like I'm not going to complain about kissing you right here, right now, with all of our friend watching."

Vikk looks over to see all of his friend and Bri looking at the two of you. He turns back and places both his hands on your cheeks. He pulls you close before placing his lips upon yours.

You laugh into the kiss when you hear all of your friends cheering, including Bri shouting, "Yeah, go Y/N!"

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