ChrisMD #3

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This imagine is for @VickyyMendes! Hope you enjoy!
(Just so you know, in this story, Chris is still in school.)
It's a longer one, and I'm absolutely in love with it oh god hope you guys like it

"Alright, class... Time for your groups. The first name I read will be the director, then there will be two actors for the music videos, and I'll give you your song. If you need to, you can always find some extras, but the two actors must be the main part of the music video." Your teacher says, grabbing some papers off of his desk.
This is your final project of the school year. Since this is a video production class, it only makes sense that you make a video. You've made skits and other stuff throughout the year, but this will be your first time doing a music video. You get two weeks to produce the video, and you're kind of excited and don't really care if you direct or act. Either would be fun.
"Adam, Briana (Ayee that's me okay sorry I'll leave) and Grant will be doing 'Since U Been Gone' by Kelly Clarkson." Your teacher says, and you look to see your best friend smiling broadly. You know that she loves that song, and she gets to work with Grant, her major crush. You wish you would get that lucky to work with your crush.
"Artie, Chris, and Y/N will be doing 'Don't You Want Me' by The Human League." (Song is at the top. Or, it's supposed to be there.)
Your heart nearly stopped. You smiled, but still, trying to contain your excitement. You really liked this song. And you're great friends with Artie. And, turns out you are lucky, because you get to work on this music video with Chris, your crush since year 9.
You zoned out as you can distantly hear your teacher continuing to assign groups, giving some group "Thriller" by Michael Jackson.
Soon, the day arrives for shooting the video. You've spent the past week getting costumes together and creating a set while Artie started deciding how the video would go. You've talked to Chris more this week since last year. You two never were the best of friends, but you did talk on a normal basis. That had all stopped at the beginning of this year, but you never questioned why. Did it make you sad? Sure, but thanks to it, you haven't been as focused on Chris and you focused more on your school work this year.
"Okay, stop flirting and get into your costumes." Artie says to you and Chris, walking over. You look at him, confused.
"But, we weren't-" You start to say, gesturing between you and Chris. Not that you wouldn't want Chris to flirt with you, but that's a thing of the past. You've moved on. For the most part, at least.
"Uh huh, yeah, sure. Now go." Artie says, obviously not believing it and pushing you both toward your separate dressing rooms. Well, they were just the school bathrooms, but you think it made Artie feel cooler to call them dressing rooms.
Soon, you come out dressed in your 80s attire. You weren't sure why Artie wanted you guys to set this in the 80s, but he's the director, so you didn't question it.
"Places, places!" Artie shouts as Chris walks out, his outfit not nearly as wild and outrageous as yours.
"You ready?" Chris asks you as he walks toward you, hands in his pockets.
You roll your eyes at him. "I'd be more ready if I got to wear normal clothes..." You joke, looking down at your crazy outfit.
"I think you're one of the few people to be able to pull the look of and look great doing it." Chris says smirking, before walking away and taking his place off screen. You stand behind the makeshift "bar" and get ready for Artie to yell action.
Soon, he does and you hear the music start blasting over the speakers. You grab a rag, like you were instructed, and begin wiping down the bar. Chris walks into shot and sits down at the bar as you pass him a 'beer' which was really just apple juice.
You lean against the counter, having a conversation with him. Not a fake one, an actual short exchange of words.
"You really do look great in that outfit." Chris says, taking a drink from his mug.
"Thanks, Chris. You clean up nicely too, if I must say." You reply, continuing to clean up the bar.
"Well, the whole school will be seeing this, so I thought I would try and look presentable." Chris says, chuckling.
You stop cleaning and look at him. "The whole school will be watching this?" You ask, suddenly panicked.
You can hear Artie yell cut and the music stops. He tells you to get into your next spots, so you take your apron off, walking to the small stage as Chris stand to the side of the stage, watching you. Extras file in, taking seats at the tables in front of the stage.
Artie yells action and you pretend to sing into the microphone placed in front of you. The people in the room cheer, and Artie tells you to turn and look at Chris. You do so, and he winks at you, causing you to blush. You take the mic and walk to the other side of the stage, playing your character. You're supposed to be in love with Chris' character, but refuse to show it. Basically, you were supposed to act like how you've been acting toward Chris for the past five years. God, you're so sad.
He yells cut and you change scenes again. You're sitting in front of a mirror, pretending to be getting ready for a performance. Chris is told to walk over to you as the scene begins. You never look him in the eye, but turn your head away from him, every time you come close to.
Artie told you yesterday to stand up from your seat at the end of the song and finish standing close together, with you looking up at Chris.
"Cut, cut, cut." Artie yells over the music, obviously not pleased with what he just say. "Y/N? A word?" He says, gesturing you to come toward him. You look back at Chris, who shrugs, before walking toward Artie.
"What's up?" You ask him, nervously. You thought you did everything you were supposed to do.
Artie waits a few seconds before responding. "I need you to do something different the next take." He says, and you nod your head. That's what you were expecting him to say. What comes out of his mouth next, you were not expecting.
"You need to kiss him at the end of the scene."
You step back, shocked at his words. "Excuse me?"
"You hard me, y/n. Come on, it's just for the video. There is sexual tension between your character and his and it has to be resolved by the end of the video." Artie explains, as if it's a common request to ask someone to kiss someone else.
"A-and he won't know about it?" You ask him, confused as to why Artie wouldn't have told this to both of you.
"Nope." He answers, popping his 'p'. "If his character shouldn't be expecting the kiss, he shouldn't either. It will give a realistic reaction."
You groan and put your face in your hands. This was not like how you imagined kissing Chris would be. "Fine. But only because I love you." You say, pouting.
"I know you do. Now go!" Artie says, shoving you toward Chris.
"What was that about?" Chris asks as you walk to your place and sit down on the chair.
You shake your head. Artie said not to tell him... "Just something Artie wants me to change for the next take." You smile up at Chris, who nods his head as Artie yells at him to get to his place.
You do the scene exactly as before, and when you stand up from your chair, your heart begins beating about a million miles per hour. You can't believe you're doing this.
"Don't you want me baby." The song ends and you put one hand on Chris' cheek and the other behind his neck, standing on your toes, and placing your lips on his.
You could tell that he as surprised, but then you were surprised to feel him kiss you back. His hands go onto your waist, bringing you closer to him as your lips move in sync.
Your wrap your arms around Chris's neck, trying to have as little space between the two of you as possible. This might not have been how you imagined kissing Chris would be, but there are still fireworks exploding as you feel his lips against your own.
You two barely pull apart for air, trying to prolong the kiss as long as possible.
"Y/N! Chris!" Suddenly, you're pulled back to reality, literally, as Artie forces you and Chris to separate. You unwillingly take a few steps back from Chris. "I've been yelling at you two for five minutes! Jesus Christ..." He mumbles, walking away.
You awkwardly stand there, looking at your feet and trying to catch your breath.
"Wow." You hear Chris say, walking over to you.
"I know. Who knew Artie had the ability to yell?" You ask, still looking at the ground.
You can feel Chris's hands on your waist as he turns you to face him, placing his hand under your chin so that you're forced to look up at him.
"That wasn't exactly what I was talking about." Chris says, smiling down at you. Before you know it, Chris' lips are on yours, once again.

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