Vikk #5

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This imagine is for @Zostar123 ! Hope you enjoy!
[WARNING:Depressing/Suicidal Thoughts]

You just can't take it anymore.

It just doesn't feel like you belong any where.

It feels as if no one really cares about you.

Not even Vikk, and he's your boyfriend. Instead, Vikk turns you down so that he can make videos for YouTube.

But the last straw was today.

About ten minutes ago, you walked into Vikk's room for the fourth time that evening. He was still sitting at his computer, working on a video. This time, he didn't even acknowledge your presence.

You knew what day it was. You've been looking forward to this for the past few weeks, hoping that Vikk would do something. Hoping that you'd get a night of romance with your boyfriend on your four year anniversary.

Instead, you just got mumbled greetings and a kiss on the cheek.

You slip your jacket on and slide out of the Sidemen house. You're not entirely sure where you're going, you don't even have a car because Cal drove you here.

You listen to the scraping on your shoes being dragged on the pavement as you let your mind wander.

Where did it all go wrong?

Vikk's POV

"Hey, Cal?" I ask as I hurry down the stairs.

He turns and looks at me, smiling. "Hey, Vikk! What's up?" He asks, glancing behind me.

I run my hand through my hair. "Do you know where Y/N is? I can't find her anywhere."

Cal frowns as he shoves his jacket on. "I thought she was with you." He says, moving to grab his phone from his pocket.

"Don't bother." I inform him as I see him click on her contact. "I called it earlier," I hold up her phone. "And I found it in the kitchen."

"Fuck." Cal says, rubbing his hand on his face. "What do we do now?" He asks.

I quickly run up the stair and throw open the drawer in my desk. I search through the back until I feel the small box I've had hidden for the past few months. I grab it and put it in my pocket before heading back downstairs.

I shove past him to the door, throwing it open. He moves to come with me and I put up my hand. "You stay here in case she comes back."

I wait until I see Cal nod before closing the door. I begin to head to my car, but stop. If I was going to find Y/N, I'd be better off doing it on foot.

"Any luck?" Cal asks through the phone, an hour later.

I'm nearly on the verge of tears, so I shake my head before realizing he can't see me. "No. Do you have any idea where she'd be? You're supposed to be her best friend."

I can hear Cal sigh and some movement. "I mean, she's always struggled with depression. Once I went with her to counseling and they asked her, I don't even know why thy asked this, but they asked if there was somewhere she went to think."

I stop walking. "That's a great story Cal, but unless you're going to tell me she could be there, it isn't relevant."

"She said she always goes to the beach when she's depressed. Have you tried there?"


You don't know how long you've been walking for. It feels like it's been a really long time. Then again, you left your phone at the house, so you have no real sense of the time aside from the setting sun.

You also don't know where you're going. Every intersection you decide which way to go, choosing randomly every time. You just need some space to clear your head.

Clear your head...

You look up from your shoes as you suddenly register the sound of crashing oceans.

The beach.

Your feet led you to the beach. But not just any beach, your beach. The one you told yourself that if it came to suicide, this is where you'd come.

The wind blows your hair as you look to the right at the cliff. To the left you can hear people talking and laughing, having a good time at the beach. You don't know why they'd go to the beach today, it's kind of cold.

You don't go left though, you head right. You start to climb to the top of the cliff on the rock staircase. You've done this plenty of times before, in order to stake it out. You wanted to be sure that if you really wanted to die, you'd actually be able to die.

Your feet lead you over to the edge facing the rocky water below. You deemed this the spot, in view of all of the people below.

"Y/N!" You hear someone shout your name, but you ignore it. Surely they're talking to someone else. "Y/N L/N!" Turns out they aren't talking to someone else.

You look to the left to see Vikk standing down below on he beach. You hold back a sob as you see him down there. You never wanted him to actually see you jump.

"Please, Y/N! Come down from there! You have so much to live for!" Vikk shouts up at you, causing people to turn and look. You shake your head and look up at the sky. This is not happening right now.

Every other time you've been depressed, you've pushed through, thinking of something that made you happy, yet, this time, it feels as if nothing will be able to make you happy.

"Please, Y/N. I love you!" Vikk shouts at you, causing you to freeze and look back down at him. Those three words. You loved hearing him say those words. He hasn't said them to you for ages.

You slowly back away from the edge, not letting yourself walk forward. You climb back down the rock steps and run over to the beach.

You spot Vikk still looking up at the cliff, yelling something that you can't hear.

You run over to him, well, the best you can run. It's really hard to run in the sand. You wrap your arms around him from behind, causing him to jump a little before turning around and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I love you too, Vikk." You mumble into his shoulder.

Vikk pulls away from you and holds up a finger. "Everyone!" He shouts at the onlooking crowd. "Can I have your attention?" He asks, placing his hand in his pocket.

"When I met Y/N, I never expected to fall in love with her. She was one of my best friend's best friend and we were introduced at a party. As a group, we played twenty question. Our mutual friend, Cal, asked me what my favorite color was.

"Y/N guess it first try. But to be honest, I had never had a favorite color. Yet, when Y/N yelled 'Yellow!' She looked so happy, like a child at Christmas, I couldn't say no. Now, I can't see yellow any other way. I think I could wear yellow every day and be fine with it.

"The other thing I want to be sure of every day, is having Y/N by my side." Vikk says, pulling a small box out of his pants pocket. "This wasn't really the way I intended to ask her to marry me, but at this moment, I've decided I can't wait any longer. So," Vikk moves so that he is holding one of your hands and the other is holding the opened box, kneeling on one knee. "Y/N, will you marry me?"

You didn't realize you hand tears running down your face until you felt on hit the back of your hand. You couldn't speak due to all of the emotions, so instead...

You nodded your head.

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