Stephen Tries #1

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Hey, so as promised I am writing something!! Yay!!

To be honest I'm writing this imagine basically for myself because I may or may not be totally into Stephen right now

Anyways, enjoy my return and this imagine! xx

[Word Count:1602]



You sigh as you look toward the clock hanging on the wall. You watch as the second hand slowly ticks by, waiting for the final thirty minutes of your shift to be over. Fortunately for you, the time always seems to go by quickly as customers flow in and out of the shop, getting their daily fixes of coffee.

"Good afternoon, Mary!" You state, placing on the facade that you actually enjoy your job and the people you interact with. "Is it going to be the usual iced latte with one pump of caramel?"

She smiles as she approaches the counter, placing her purse on the laminate. "You know me well, Y/N." She pulls her wallet our of her bag as you begin to make her drink. You quickly walk back to the register and ring it in, swiping her card.

"I'll have that right out for you, Mary!" You tell her before walking back to the espresso machine. As soon as you're out of sight, your smile drops. Pouring the two shots of espresso into the cup, you glance at the clock once more. Twenty minutes left. You can do this.

Typically you don't spend your entire shift waiting for it to be over, but this week you were scheduled to work seven days in a row, and today is the last day in that stretch. You're looking forward to a day of laying in bed, watching Netflix tomorrow.

"Here's your ice latte, Mary." You place the drink on the counter, smiling at the older woman as she grabs the cup. As she turns to walk away, you notice another guest standing near the counter. Taking a deep breath, you approach the register.

Getting a better look at the man, you realize he must be close to your age. Something about him intrigues you, but you're unable to say what it is.

A few seconds later, the man looks down from the menu and makes eye contact with you. "Sorry, mate. I'm waiting for my friend to get here." He says, looking toward the door. You look as well, but there's no one there.

You nod your head, "Take your time." Turning away, you check the timers on the pots of coffee, noticing that one will expire in just a few minutes. You trade it for an empty pot and begin getting another batch brewing.

Just as you are about to grind the coffee beans, you hear someone clear their throat. "Excuse me, miss?"

You quickly turn around to see the man from earlier, only now he has his friend with him. "I'm so sorry, I must have zoned out!" You try to make up an excuse, not wanting to seem like a bad worker in front of them.

Both of them shake their heads, smiling. "It's good. We were barely even waiting." The original guy states. The other one, who is shorter, but still taller than you, just smiles at you.

Smiling back, you look between the pair. "What can I get for you guys?" You ask them, getting ready to type their order into the register.

The taller of the two speaks, pulling some cash out of his wallet. "Right, so I'll just take a regular latte, please."

You nod your head, placing his order. "Anything else?" You ask him, trying to figure out if this will be one or two orders. The man shakes his head. "Okay, can I have a name for the order?"

"Will." He replies, handing you a note. You quickly hand him his change, and he backs away from the counter.

You look over and the shorter one approaches your register. You smile at him, something that seems to not be completely forced at the moment. "Hello." You say, unable to come up with anything better.

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