Calfreezy #3

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This imagine is for @bringmethehemmings ! Hope you enjoy!

You sigh as you grab your Maths book out of your locker. Longingly, you turn your head toward the exit of the school, wishing you could just run and never come back.

You don't do it.

You can't deal with another year of bullying.

You shake the thought out of your head as you close your locker and head toward your classroom. You keep your head low to try to avoid anyone noticing you.

"Look who it is!" You hear someone shout, and keep walking begging that they weren't talk to you.

You wish isn't answered as someone slams their hand into your shoulder. "How was your summer Nerds? Did you accomplish your goal of two books a day?"

You don't respond as you wiggle out of his grip, ignoring him. The worst of the worst. The one who started all of this. Kyle Manolo.

"Hey!" He shouts, and before you know it you're being shoved against a locker, your Maths book flying out of your hands. "When I talk to you, you answer, got it?" Kyle demands, getting in your face.

As you stare up at him in terror, Kyle suddenly gets whisked away by someone you've never seen before.

"Fuck off, man! She did nothing to you!" Your savior says, glaring down at Kyle as he lays on the floor.

You can see Kyle roll his eyes. "You dont know what you're talking about. You don't know me you don't know her!" Kyle tries to stand up, but the guy pushes him back down.

"I know her well enough that she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment." The guys says, looking toward you before looking back to Kyle.

Kyle scoffs and looks toward you. "She also doesn't deserve people to save her. I mean, please, have you even seen her face?"

Your eyes fly open and immediately you out your hand to your face, trying to figure out what was wrong with it.

"She's beautiful and you don't need to treat her this way. Not now, not ever." You savior says before picking your Maths book off of the ground. He walks over to you smiling, and hands you the book before walking off.

You nervously look toward Kyle, who is scowling at you from his position on the floor. You quickly scurry away before he has the chance to go after you.


You arrive in your drama class, taking a seat in one of the chairs. You keep your head down again, as you have with all of your classes today. Every minute of every day you beg for someone not to notice you.

From the corner of your eye, you can see someone sit down next to you. Your body tenses and glace over to see the boy who scared Kyle off this morning.

"Hey." He says, smiling.

You blink at him, surprised that he wants to be associated with you. No one ever does. "Hi."

As class starts, your put into pairs. Of course, it's just your luck that you get paired with Mr. I-saved-a-girl-from-being-embarrased-by-a-bully-only-to-make-her-flustered-because-I-am-so-hot.

"I'm Cal." The boy says as you finish the scene that was assigned to you.

You smile at him. "Y/N. By the way, thanks for saving me this morning. I dont know what I would have done without you."

He shrugs his shoulders, smirking. "It's no big deal, really. I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

You scrunch your eyebrows together. "But why? You don't even know me. Why would you want to be affiliated with someone who gets pushed around on a daily basis?" You whisper, looking down at your hands.

"Because I want to get to know you better, Y/N. What are you doing tonight?" He asks, startling you.

You smile at him. "Why, Cal, are you asking me on a date?" You laugh.

He winced slightly, not taking his eyes off of you. "Not unless you want it to be. I'm the captain of the school's football team and we have a game tonight. I want you to be there to support me!" He says, smiling and putting his arm around the back of your chair.

You've never been to a football match before, especially not a school one. If you ever did that, you would be humiliated by your classmates. "I dont know..." You trail off, biting your bottom lip.

"Please? I'll buy you a milkshake beforehand!" He begs you, as you try to half back your laughter.

You smile up at him and let a small giggle escape your mouth. "You've got me sold."


"Does everyone wear school clothes to these things?" You ask Cal, sipping on your milkshake as he drives you to the football pitch.

He nods his head, quickly looking at you. He frowns, but doesn't say anything. He pulls into a parking spot and you climb out of the car. What did you say to make it so awkward between you two? You were having a her a time until now.

You hear Cal walking over to your side of the car and look over at him, to see him holding up a letter jacket. "Here. I was going to give it to you anyways. Now you'll have something school related to wear!" He says, running the back of his neck.

You smile and walk over to him, grabbing the jacket out of his hands. "Thank you Cal, but are you sure you want me to be seen wearing something of yours?"

"Positive." He says, grabbing the jacket and helping you put it on. You smile and stand on your toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek before running to the stands to find a decent seat away from everyone else.

"Is she wearing Cal' s jacket?" You hear someone ask, but decide to ignore it and keep walking to a seat.

"No way, Nerds can't be dating the football captain." Someone else says, but you roll your eyes, sitting down on a seat.

The game is intense down to the last minutes. It's tied 2-2 and your team has the ball. You watch as Cal yells some words out to the other players on the team and they run into what seems to be some sort of organized play plan.

You glance anxiously at the clock, knowing there isn't much time left. You turn your head back to see Cal passing the ball to one of the attackers. You expect him to shoot, but he doesn't.

Cal gets the ball passed back to him and he kicks it, sailing it straight into the back of the net right as the time runs out.

You get on your feet and cheer as loud as you can. You canr believe what you just saw. You look down the pitch and see Cal, staring brightly up at you. He makes wild hand gestures and motions for you to go down there.

You smile and sprint down the bleacher steps, flying past other people as you run toward Cal.

"You did it!" You yell, running over to Cal. He quickly picks you up and spins you, making both of you laugh.

As he sets you down, he straightens back up, but doesn't move away. Then in on swift move, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.

He leans down and before you can talk yourself out of it, you stand on your toes to meet him halfway.

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