ChrisMD #14

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This imagine is good @Vicky2xo! Hope you enjoy!

You don't know why you said yes.

Obviously, you wanted to spend time with Chris, but now you have him convinced that you're a good football player.

In reality, you've only ever played football once and that was when you were about five.

It's not that you don't know anything about football. You love watching people play it, but you know that you are awful at it.

And now your awfulness is being recorded and uploaded into Chris' channel.

"Alright." Chris says, walking over to you once he sets up his camera. "It's quite simple. All you have to do is score in each corner of the net with me in goal."

You nod your head, though you doubt he'll even need to be in goal. "That's it?" You ask, nervously laughing.

Chris wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you in front of the camera. "You'll do fine." He assures you, even though you're basically ready to run off.

After Chris films the intro, you play rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first.

The first turn, you play rock and he does as well. Then, you play scissors and so does he. You go back to rock as he shows scissors and you defeat him. Probably the only time you'll beat him today.

"Do you want to be in goal first or shooting first?" Chris asks you once you've won.

If you shoot first, Chris will know that you're awful at football, but if you go in goal, the crisis might be averted for a little while.

"I'll go in goal." You tell him, smiling. You high five before you run off, getting settled in your position.

This is absolutely terrifying.

You knew that you'd be awful at it, but you never though it would actually scare you. But suddenly the idea of a ball being kicked almost directly at you, makes your legs quiver.

In the distance, because the ball and Chris are really far away, you see him give a thumbs up. You get ready to swallow your pride and signal back to him that you are ready.

You watch as he walks backward, getting ready to run at the ball. You brace yourself for the incoming torpedo.

Quickly, he runs toward the ball and makes contact, startling you, slightly. The ball flies toward you and you move to the right to stop it, but it goes in the bottom left corner.

"Okay, I wasn't ready." You tell Chris as he walks over to grab the ball. You pick it up and hand it to Chris, not missing the fact that your hands touched as you passed the ball.

He laughs, "Do you need me to go easier? I thought you played goalie."

It wasn't a complete lie. Back when you were five, you did play goalie for your team. "I'm a little rusty."

Chris jogs back, placing the ball down and smiling at you. "It's going in the top right this time!" He hints at you, to which you respond by flipping him off.

He goes to kick the ball, and like he says, it soars toward the top right corner. You reach up to hit it out of goal, but somehow it managed to slip right through your fingers.

Chris runs over to you tsking. "What?" You ask him, laughing and picking up the ball.

"You are such a liar." He says, grabbing the football from you and placing it in the ground.

You look at him, confused. "What exactly did I lie about?"

He wraps his arm around your shoulder, turning his he's to look at you. "You've only ever played football once when you were five."

"What? How did you-"

"Know that?" He cuts you off with a wave of his hand. "You told me a few years ago when we met. I just wanted to humor you." He smiles, moving to stand behind you.

"What are you doing?" You ask him, turning around. Before he answers he stops you and makes you face the other direction.

"I am teaching you how to be goalie." He says, grabbing your wrists. "Now, first thing you want to do is stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Not more, not less."

As Chris gives you these instructions, you move your feet farther apart. "Too far." Chris mumbles in your ear, causing you to move them slightly closer.

"Perfect." Chris tells you, letting go of one of your wrists. "Now, when a ball comes toward you, you don't want to just move your hands, you want to move with your whole body."

Chris places his hand on your waist, moving it to the right along with your arm. You gulp and nod your head, trying to avoid the thoughts rushing through your mind.

"Another thing." Chris spits out, grabbing one of your hands. "You don't want your fingers to be too close together. You want them spread apart, like a wall."

"Like this?" You ask Chris, widening your fingers. You look back at him to get his approval.

He turns his head to lock eyes with you. Your hands stay connected, as gravity seems to push the two of you together.

As of one mind, you both lean in at the same time to kiss. And when his lips met yours, you knew that you could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when you first kisses the guy of your dreams and knew that your love would last forever.

As you pull apart, you find the your fingers have now interlocked. You eyes meet once more and Chris is smiling at you. The both of you are breathing heavily, but grins are plastered on your faces.

"So does this mean..." You begin to ask, hoping against all hope that Chris will take your hint.

He nods his head and grabs your other hand. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

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