Harry #1

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This imagine is for @CaitlyyynSDMN! I hope you enjoy! xx
"Josh, I'm scared." You say to your older brother, stepping out of his car. Today, somehow, Josh convinced you to come and meet the sidemen. He told you that there would be free food, so you immediately agreed, no realizing you'd have to meet five new people.
"It will be fine, y/n. They're all really nice and they already know lots of stuff about you." Josh replies, walking over to the door. He pulls out his key and unlocks it before turning back to you. "Are you ready?"
Instead of answering, you fling yourself at him, giving him a hug. You always did this with Josh when you were nervous about something. You let go and nod you head. Josh turns and opens the door.
"Guys, I'm back!" Josh shouts and suddenly it's like a stampede is coming towards you. You can hear footsteps, and loud footsteps, coming toward you from nearly every direction.
"Y/N!" You hear someone shout, and you turn around and see Tobi.
You smile and run into his open arms. "Tobi!" You two were always good friends. Though, you suppose it's because he was always at your house with Josh.
As you pull away from Tobi, Josh grabs your shoulders and introduces you to everyone that's there.
"That's Harry. Be careful, he likes to throw chairs in his free time." Josh says, pointing over to a rather good looking guy.
Harry's looking at the ground, not realizing what's happening. The other guys nudge him and he looks up at you. "What? Oh. Hello!" He says, giving you a small wave. You smile and wave back before Josh introduces someone else.
"Josh, can we eat? You told me there would be free food." You complain to your older brother, causing the others to laugh.
"Not much has changed with you, has it y/n?" Tobi asks you. You reply by smiling and shaking your head.
"Yeah, sure. Let's see what we have in the kitchen." Josh says as everyone else turns and walks the same way. You're guessing the kitchen is that way.
"I can order us some pizza." Harry suggests as you sit down in a stool.
"Oooh, yeah! I vote for pizza!" You exclaim, throwing your hand in the air.
Harry smiles at you, for a little longer than normal, making it a bit awkward before he speaks. "Well, Joshua, your sister has spoken. Looks like we're having pizza." Harry says to your older brother. Josh pretends to be sad as there are various cheers sounding throughout the room.
Harry ways right up to you. "What kind of pizza do you want?" He asks you, and you can feel your heart beating so quickly that it's nearly impossible to answer.
"Oh, um, pepperoni." You reply and he walks away to order the pizzas. As he walks away you can feel like you can breathe again.
Looks like the one thing you didn't want to happen today has happened.
You've fallen for one of your brother's best friends.
"Y/n? Y/n!" You break out of your though as someone, Simon?, waves his hand in front of your face.
"Oh, I'm sorry, what?" You look up at him as everyone laughs.
"I asked you if you would like to watch a movie. We have Netflix." Simon says, so you smile and nod your head.
You stand up and walk out of the kitchen, not realizing you didn't know where to go. You turn right to head back to where the front door was, but are stopped when you run into Harry.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Harry." You breathe out, looking up at him, rather than down which might look a little weird.
"It's alright, y/n. Where are you going?" He asks you, and you decide if you should be sarcastic or serious.
You decide to be serious since you really have no idea if you're even going the right way. "We're going to watch a movie."
Harry only laughs at you. "You're going the wrong way." He says, grabbing your head and leading the way. You smile at your interlocked hands before you stop walking as you reach the room.
You quickly drop Harry's hand as everyone looks at you. You can sense Harry looking at you too, but you quickly walk to the couch and take a seat.
The doorbell rings with the pizza, so Harry leaves to go get that. Everyone standing around, so you have no idea where people will be sitting. For all you know, they might have spots where people sit every time and you've just taken someone's spot.
Harry walks back in the room and everyone cheers as he places the pizzas on a table. "Hey, y/n! How many slices do you want?" You can hear someone shout over all of the people talking.
"Three!" You shout back, and a few seconds later, Harry walks over to you with two plates.
"Here you go." He says, handing you the one with three slices and he takes a seat next to you. You mumble a thank you as you beginning inhaling your pizza.
"What movie do you watch to watch?" Josh asks you, but you only smirk at him. You live scary movies, but does your older brother? He gets terrified. Well, you get terrified too, but you enjoy getting terrified.
"The Conjuring." You states, like it's not even a question. Some people groan as others cheer. You just smile as your brother rolls his eyes at you.
You have finished your pizza, and pull the blanket JJ grabbed for you up to your face. You don't remember the movie being this scary.
You scream as you jump scare pops on screen and you turn and dig your head into Harry's chest. You can feel him laughing and a few seconds later, you can feel him wrap his arm around you. Instantly you feel safer, so you peek about of the blanket.
You regret it as you get scared again, not screaming this time, but you pull the blanket over your face. Harry saw it and reaches under you blanket, grabbing your hand to calm you down.
Soon, you fall asleep. No one really knows how, considering you were screaming from fear, but Harry was able to calm you down so much that you just felt knackered. As the movie finishes, everyone looks at you and Harry with wide and surprised eyes.
"I'm going to take her to the guest room." Harry says, carefully lifting your body as to try and not wake you up. You were in fact awake, but you keep your eyes closed so that Harry keeps carrying you.
Tonight you've realized that you really like him.
As he sets you down in the bed, you open your eyes. Harry notices and smiles down at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You fell asleep during the movie, so I brought you up here. Goodnight." He whispers before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
As you walks away, you sit up. "Harry, wait!" You exclaim, still in a whisper. "Stay with me? I'm too scared t-to sleep alone tonight." You say, stuttering slightly. You can believe you've just said that. You just asked Harry to sleep with you.
Harry closes the door and nods his head, walking over to you in the bed. He climbs in next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him. "I really like you, y/n."
You're eyes are closing as you try to respond, but sleep takes over as you can only get the first word out. "I-"
"WHAT IS GOING ON?" You hear someone shout, causing you to jump awake. You look over to the door to see Josh and Simon standing there, Josh looking the maddest you've ever seen him. You look to your right to see Harry, just as awake as you.
"Josh? Josh, listen to me-" you try to explain the whole situation, but Josh won't hear it.
Josh storms further into the room. "I know how Harry is. You had sex with him!"
"What?!" You and Harry both shout, suddenly aware of what Josh is accusing you both of.
"No, Josh-" Once again, you try to explain, but your brother, as always when he's mad, cuts you off.
"Harry doesn't just sleep with girls, he gets inside of their pants. He's never just slept in the same bed as a girl!" Josh says, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
You start hyperventilating and crying, so you put your head in your hands so that Harry can't see. He starts rubbing your back, shushing you.
"Everything will be okay." He says, and you bring your face out of your hands, turning to look at him as tears stream down your face.
"No it won't. My brother think I had sex with one of his best mates. How will this be okay?" You ask him, and he brings you into a hug as you cry into his chest.
"Look, I care about you a lot, y/n. If anything really bad happens, I'll always be here for you. You can stay in my flat for as long as you need, if it comes to that." Harry says and you pull away from him, sniffling.
You wipe your eyes from your tears. "Thanks, Harry. I didn't get to say it last night, but I like you a lot, too." You tell him, smiling a little. He smiles back at you and leans forward, connecting your lips.
"Let's go explain to Josh, shall we?" Harry asks you and you wipe your eyes once more. You nods you head. As you stand up Harry grabs you hand and squeezes it as you walk out of the bedroom door.

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