JJ #2

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This imagine was requested by @FamedVenus! Hope you enjoy! xx
[Word Count: 2399]


"Are you being fucking serious, JJ?" You shout, standing up off of his bed. Placing your hands on your hips, you stare at your boyfriend in disbelief that you're even having to have this conversation. 

JJ continues to look at you, wondering what he's done wrong. Two minutes ago, you walked into his bedroom, quite possibly the happiest you've been in a while, and now you're going off at him. "Yes, I'm being serious!" He says, his voice starting to rise. "I need to get these videos recorded tonight because I haven't posted in a few days, then I told Tobi I'd help him record a football video tonight!" JJ is now standing out of his chair, seemingly so that he can tower over your small figure.

You scoff at him, shaking your head. "I can't believe you." You whisper, feeling a single tear fall down your cheek. You look up to meet his eyes." Do you know what happened two years ago today?" You ask him, crossing your arms.

JJ stops and thinks, clearly not having any idea what you're talking about. Of course he doesn't remember. What only became the greatest day of your life has suddenly lost all of its glamour.

"Today's our two year anniversary, you absolute dickhead!" You shout, stomping your foot on the ground. You knew that your relationship has been on the ropes for the past few weeks, but you didn't think that your boyfriend would forget your anniversary. It's not like he never knew the date, he took you out on a romantic dinner last year. What do you get this year?

An argument.

You watch as JJ's eyes go wide. "Shit." He states, rubbing his face in his hands. You shake your head, ready to hear whatever apology is about to come out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, babe. I've been so busy trying to upload on my channel and working on my fitness that I don't even know what day it is anymore."

You don't say anything, only glare at him.

"I'm going to call Tobi right now and tell his I can't film that video tonight, then I'm going to call any restaurant in London that has an open table for us and we can go out." He says, picking up his phone and unlocking it.

"Stop." You say, which causes his to halt, looking up at you. "I'm not going out with you tonight." You state, beginning to leave his room.

"What?" JJ asks, walking over to you. "Why? It's our anniversary and you just made a big deal of me not remembering that it was. Now you're just going to get all moody and leave?" JJ's voice begins to rise once again, so you raise yours to match.

"It's not just that, JJ!" You shout, letting more tears fall before wiping them off your face. "Firstly, anything we do tonight is a last minute attempt to make me forget about the fact that you forgot our anniversary. There's no love there, you're just trying to make me not mad. Well guess what, Jide? It didn't work. I'm still mad." You point your finger accusingly at him. "And secondly, this is how it always is with you. You're always putting your YouTube career before me, or your music career, or sometimes your acting career, which to be honest wasn't even a good movie! I'm sick and tired of you always putting your career before me and pushing me to the background for these last two years but especially these last two weeks where every time I've come over you've told me you needed to record. You needed to go to the gym. You needed to go into London to film something with the Sidemen."

You lest our a frustrated groan, rubbing your face in your hands. JJ moves closer to you and you only put your hand out. "I'm done here." You tell him. Turning around. "I'm done with this conversation and I'm especially done with this relationship!" You close his bedroom door behind you, making your way down the stairs, doing your best not to cry.

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