ChrisMD #8

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This imagine is for flashbear ! Hope you enjoy!

You cheer as the players run into the pitch. You stand in the front row, the VIP section. You scan the players and smile when you spot Chris walking into the pitch.

Once everyone heads to the benches to take off their warm up tops, Chris spots you. The VIP area happens to be right behind the YouTube Allstars, the team Chris is on.

As he runs over toward the bench you smile even brighter. Chris takes off his warm up shirt and stands on the bench. He places the shirt in your hands and leans in, placing his hands on your cheeks. You close the distance and press your lips against his.

"Good luck, babe!" You smile at him as you pull away.

He smiles even broader than you do. "I love you, Y/N!" He says back away and hopping down the bench.

"I love you, too!" You exclaim to him before he turns away. You am watch as he jogs onto the pitch, taking his position.

You cheer as Chris gets the ball, dribbling it between members of Sidemen FC. You groan as someone knocks Chris over, ending his streak.

You smile as Chris lines up to take a penalty. "Come on, Chris..." You whisper, biting your lip. You watch as he runs toward the ball and kicks it right into the keeper's hands.

"How do I call him my boyfriend?" You ask yourself as you sit back down. You keep watch Chris the whole game, and he seems to keep glancing toward you. You roll your eyes. He really should be focused on this game, not you.

As half time approaches, you get up and go to grab something to eat in the VIP room.

You meet Freya in there as she's grabbing a sandwich. "I feel like I shouldn't talk to you since our boyfriends are on different teams." You say to her, laughing.

She shrugs her shoulders. "They can't take my best friend away from me, no matter how hard they try." She smiles as you grab a sandwich, sitting down at a table with her.

"So, how are you and Chris?" She asks you, smiling. Ever since you and Chris met, Freya has been your biggest fan.

You sigh happily, resting your chin on your hand. "He's perfect. He's no much better than all of my past boyfriends combined."

Freya squeals before taking a drink from her water. "So, your pretty serious about him, then."

You smile and nod your head. "He's the one, I know it, Frey."

You walk back into the stands as the players walk back onto the pitch from their locker rooms. Freya takes the seat next to you, placing her purse down.

You both lean against the railing. "Don't you want to be over by your boyfriend's bench?" You ask her as you watch Josh run the other way.

Freya shrugs her shoulders. "I'd rather chill with my best friend than kiss my sweaty boyfriend." she laughs and you do too. "Speaking of sweaty boyfriends..."

You turn and see Chris jogging over to you. A smile comes across your face. Even if you tried to fight your smile, it would win and still shine through.

Chris jumps onto the bench and leans on the railing in front of you. "You're doing amazing." You tell him, smiling.

"I completely missed that penalty." He sighs, looking down.

You roll your eyes and grab Chris' cheeks. He always is too hard on himself when he messes up in football. "Hey, hey, listen to me." You make Chris look up at you. "Even the best make mistakes. Now you just need to prove to everyone that it was a mistake."

Chris still frowns at you. "I wanted today to be perfect." He complains.

"It's still perfect, even if you messed up. Now go have a good second half." You tell him. Chris leans toward you, puckering his lips. "You're all sweaty!" You exclaim, causing him to open his eyes.

"You're not going to kiss me good luck because I'm sweaty?" He asks, pouting. You roll your eyes and give him a quick peck on the lips before he runs away.

Chris didn't get another chance to score. You can tell it's bothering him, but you're not going to be able to consul him due to all of the fans pushing to get onto the pitch.

"Ms L/N?" A security guard walks over to you with a minute left in the game. You look up at him, worried. "Follow me." He says walking away. You look into the pitch to make sure Chris didn't get injured, but he's playing perfectly fine.

The security guard leads you into the pitch by the benches. "Wait here." He says, stopping. You watch as the game finishes and the crowd excitedly tries to run onto the pitch, but the security guards hold them back.

You watch as someone runs out with a microphone as some of the players walk by you. "Y/N!" Both Cals shout at the same time, waving at you. You smile and wave back, trying you find your boyfriend in the crowd.

You certainly didn't expect him to be standing in the middle of the pitch, holding the microphone.

The security officer comes back and leads you out onto the pitch, but not all the way.

You look back toward the stands and see Freya standing next to Josh with her hands over her mouth. You turn back as you hear Chris' voice over the speakers.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Chris or ChrisMD if you didn't already know. Now, today I want to talk about someone that is very special to me." He says, turning toward you. You stand with your hands over your heart.

"Her name is Y/N L/N. And we met a year and a half ago at the sidemen Christmas party. It wasn't the best way to meet, admittedly, we were both drunk." Chris stops and laughs, and so do you, remembering how it felt that night when Freya introduced Chris to you.

"A year ago, and the Wembley Cup game, I finally did what everyone had been telling me to do for months. I asked her out." Chris smiles at you and you smile back, but scrunch your eyes. Where was he going with this?

"And within that year, Y/N has made me into a better person. I'm uploading more thanks to her, I'e forced myself to get into better shape for her, I even became better at FIFA thanks to the tactics she taught me." Chris says and he begins to walk over to you.

"Now, I can't imagine my life without her. She's the best thing to ever happen to me." He states, stopping in front of you and grabbing you hand. You try to ignore all of the people watching you and Chris and you smile up at him.

Chris pulls the mic away from his face and whispers, "I love you." To you before placing the microphone back in front of his mouth. "And now, I'm going to be doing another thing, but this time, people have been telling me to wait. They've said that we're too young. They've said that it's too early in our relationship. They've said that we're too young, again. Yeah, I've been told that one a lot."

"But I don't care how young we are." Chris continues, smiling at you. "I know that I have found the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with." Your eyes widen at his words. Is that where he was going with all of this. "I have found the woman that I want to have my kids. I want my kids to be half L/N. And, Y/N Dixon doesn't sound too bad, if I say so myself."

Chris lets go of your hand as Cal(Freezy) runs onto the pitch. You look in his hand and see a small box. He winks at you before handing the box to Chris and running back off of the pitch.

Chris nervously opens the box and gets down onto one knee, presenting the box and the beautiful ring inside.

"Y/N L/N, will you marry me and prove everyone that we aren't too young?" Chris asks, smiling up at you.

You smile and place you hands on Chris' shoulders before grabbing the mic from his hand. "Absolutely!" You exclaim before throwing the mic in the grass. You hold you hand out for Chris and he excitedly places the ring on your finger.

He stands up and grabs your waist, spinning you around. You laugh and he places you down, grabbing your face in his hands. You lean together and share a kiss before all of your friends surround you.

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