Tobi #2

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This imagine is for @SkittlezKat ! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count: 1067]

You hum to yourself as you brush your hair once again. You look at your dress in the mirror and smooth it down before checking the time.

As you turn on your phone, your boyfriend's face pops onto the screen, indicating he's calling you.

You slide on the screen to answer and hold the phone to your left ear. You walk into the kitchen on your flat and use your right hand to make toast.

"Hey, babe, what's up?" You ask Tobi, struggling to open the bread bag.

"What are you doing today? Can I come over?" Tobi asks you as you finally get the bag open.

You frown to yourself as he asks if he can come over. "Tobi, my parents are coming over..." You trail off sticking two pieces of bread in the toaster.

"I can still come over! I have to meet your parents sometime." Tobi tries, not for the first time, io get to meet your parents.

You sigh as you lean against the counter, rubbing your temple. "Tobi, you know why you can't meet them."

"But, if I married you, would you not invite them to the wedding?" Tobi asks, taking you back.

"Do you want to marry me?" You ask him as your toast pops up. You grab a plate and place the toast on it before grabbing butter.

"Y/N, I knew I wanted to marry you from the moment I met you. Please let me meet your parents!" Tobi begs as you glance at the clock hanging in your kitchen.

You sigh and take a bite of your toast. "Fine. But dress nicely and be quick because they're going to be here any minute." You tell him, eating more toast.

"Yes! Thank you, Y/N! I'll be right there. I love you!" Tobi says quickly, hanging up before you can respond.

You run your hand through your hair and take a deep breath. You've been trying to avoid this for the two years you've been dating Tobi. Every time your parents came to visit, you'd make an excuse as to why they can't meet your boyfriend.

As you finish your toast, you hear the doorbell sound throughout your flat. You walk over to your door and straighten your dress before putting on your best smile.

"Mum! Dad!" You exclaim, as you open the door.

Your mum gasps and puts her hands in front of her mouth. "Oh, Y/N! You look so lovely." She exclaims, pulling you into a hug.

You step away from her and hug your dad before leading them into your flat. They sit on the couch and you sit in a chair next to them.

"So, is today the day?" Your dad asks, raising his eyebrows at you.

You frown in confusion. "What day?" You ask him, beginning to get nervous. You just received a text from Tobi, saying that he was on his way.

Your parents laugh. "The day we get to meet your boyfriend!" Your mom says, throwing her arms into the air.

You let out a shaky laugh. "Uh, yeah, he's on his way right now, actually."

As your dad takes a sip out of his water, he nearly spits it out. "Really?" He asks, surprised. "You've been dating for two years and you finally decide to let us meet him?"

"Well, there's a reason you haven't..." You mumble, just as the doorbell rings. You gulp as you stand up.

You begin to walk away as your mother asks, "What, he's not black, is he?"

You don't answer as you hurry to the door. Making sure your parents didn't follow you, you open the door to see Tobi standing there, smiling. He's dressed in a nice shirt, and holding some flowers.

"Flowers?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.

Tobi rolls his eyes as he moves to kiss your cheek. "They're for your mum. Figured I should be on my best behavior."

"That's so sweet, Tobi." You tell him, closing the door behind him. "Are you sure you want to do this? It might not be the best idea..."

Tobi places his hand on your arm. "Babe, babe, babe. I'm absolutely positive."

You take a deep breath and release it, nodding your head. You take Tobi's hand and lead him to the living room where your parents were expectantly waiting.

"Oh my god..." Your dad whispers as you two walk into his line of sight.

Tobi lets go of your hand and walks over to your dad. "Hi, Mr. L/N. I'm Tobi, it's nice to meet you." Tobi then walks over to your mum. "Mrs. L/N. Tobi. It's a pleasure. These are for you." He says, handing her the flowers.

You can't believe the looks of disgust on your parents faces. "Y/N..." Your mum begins, but you cut her off.

"Mum! No! Tobi is an amazing person. It doesn't matter what skin color he is." You tell her, walking over to Tobi and wrapping your arms around his waist.

Your dad shakes his head. "Where did we go wrong? Your whole life we taught you the same thing."

You scoff and roll your eyes. "Please. You were wrong about the whole thing! Someone skin color does not determine what their personality is like."

Your mom stands up. "Fine. If you won't listen to us, we're gone. Unless you stop seeing this boy," she says, pointing at Tobi, "You're no longer a part of this family." She states, turning and leaving, your father following behind.

"By the way, Mr. and Mrs. L/N, I plan on marrying your daughter, so, if you don't accept us, you won't be a part of the wedding. I'm sorry." Tobi says.

With those words, you hear your flat door open and slam. You try to hold yourself together, but suddenly, the tears start pouring out of your eyes.

"Y/N, listen to me." Tobi says, turning you to face him. "Your parents opinions on me will never ever stop the love I feel for you, okay?"

You nod as the tears continue to flow. "This is why I never wanted to let them meet you. I knew this would happen."

Tobi hushes you as he pulls you close to you, rubbing his hand through your hair.

"I love you, Tobi." You sniffle, looking up at your boyfriend.

"I love you too, Y/N."

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