Special Imagine! #1

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This imagine is for miniminer7! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count:1943]

"Okay, and you're having a costume party, why?" You ask Ethan, holding you phone with you shoulder as your search your cupboards for something to eat.

He laughs through the phone, a sound that is so high pitched it comes as static. "I don't know, really. Something about JJ thinking it will be a great video."

You roll your eyes, smiling as you grab a bag of crisps from the cabinet. "Alright, I'll come."

"Your the best little sis! I know the guys will love you!" You brother says.

You shake your head as you grab a bowl and pour the salty snack into it  "You act as if I've never met your friends before." You state, dealing the bag and replacing it in the cupboard.

Ethan sighs through the phone. "I know, you're basically as good of friends with them as I am, but you do realize that they really only see you as my little sister, right?"

So thats what they think of you, huh? "Alright, I gotta go, Ethan. You'll pick me up at seven?"

Ethan confirms before hanging up the call.

Tonight, you will be doing something to get all of Ethan's friends to think of you as something other than his little sister.

You grab your legs off of the counter, abandoning your recently bowled snack, and run out of your flat.

You find you grey Audi and unlock it, climbing into the driver's seat. Plugging your phone into your aux cord, you pull out of your spot and quickly drive to a costume store.

You regrettably turn off your favorite song as you arrive. Your not surprised to see the parking lot nearly empty as you arrive. It's no where near Halloween, and it's not usual for people to throw costume parties around this time.

Walking in, you're not disappointed with the selection.

Now you just need to find what to wear.

You dont want something too corny, nor do you want something that everyone always wears.

Browsing through the long lines of costumes, you see many candidates. A pirate, a cheetah, maybe you'll do as a vampire?

Then you find it.

The perfect costume.

You run over to the inflatable dinosaur costume and admire it, a huge grin on your face.

But, no.

You won't get it.

You need to stick with the plan and though this will guys the boys to notice you, it's not in the way you want them to. It's kind of the opposite, actually.

After running around the store for another ten minutes, search for the one, you find it.

And this time, you actually find it.

You grin as you grab the blue fabric of the costume, loving how it feels against your fingers.

After you pay for it, you rush back to your car, eager to put it in and get ready.

You don't even turn the music on in your car, because you feel like that will slow you down on your return.

You fly past every intersection, feeling like the luckiest girl alive as you don't hit any stoplights.

You park your car in the car park and grab the bag as you quickly walk out. As you're walk in inside the building, you stop and turn around.

You forgot to unlock the car. Groaning, you Sprint back in sigh of your Audi and press the lock on your remote. As the light flash to show it's locked, you run back inside and into your flat.

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