Simon #4

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This imagine is for @5sause_5ever! Hope you enjoy! xx

"Aw, come on, y/n... Please?" Your best friend, Ethan, asks for the third time in the past hour. Tomorrow he's going to be filming some football videos with his friends, and he wants you to come so that you can meet them.
"Ethan, I already told you. I just don't enjoy meeting new people. You know how shy I get." You explain, yet again. You love Ethan (as a brother), but when he wants something, he won't stop until he gets it. Normally, you'll give in, but not this time.
"But they all really want to meet you, y/n! I've already told them all about you..." He says, trailing off and taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl sitting on the table.
"Well, you didn't tell them I was coming, did you?" You ask, turning on the couch to look at him. He doesn't answer and looks away from you, ignoring your question. "You told them I was coming?" You shout, standing up off the couch.
"I thought you were going to agree to come! You're amazing at football, I thought you'd be a great addition to the videos!" Ethan defends himself, eating more popcorn.
You begin to pace around the living room of your flat. You stop and look out the window, deciding on whether to go or not. You've seen some of Ethan's football videos before, they look really fun to make. But then again, going means having to meet new people.
You make your decision and turn around to face Ethan. "I'll go." You state and watch as his face lights up. He jumps off the couch, running over and hugging you, spinning you around.
"Thank you SO much, y/n! You won't regret this! They're going to LOVE you! I'll be here at ten tomorrow to pick you up!" Ethan days before quickly putting on his shoes and running out the door. You can't help but laugh at your best friend.
The next day, you wake up to the sound of someone banging in your door. You reluctantly roll out of bed, and walk out of your bedroom. Who is knocking this early in the morning?
As you get closer to the door, you can faintly hear Ethan shouting for you. You sigh and open the door to a very panicked Ethan.
"You're not dressed?" He asks, looking at you. You're still wearing pajamas since you just woke up.
You look yourself over before answering him. "Yeah, am I supposed to be? What time is it?"
"It's ten thirty." He says and your eyes widen before you hurry into your bedroom.
"Shit. I slept past my alarm!" You tell to Ethan before shutting your door. You quickly throw something on and do your hair, not bothering with makeup. You're making Ethan late, everyone is going to hate you!
You exit your room to see Ethan making some toast. "You ready?" He asks you and you nod your head. As he walks past you, he hands you the toast, which you gladly accept.
"ETHAN!" You hear a bunch of people shout in the distance once Ethan steps out of the car. You get out too and look toward where you heard the shouting. You can see a group of guys. Only guys.
Ethan didn't tell you that you would be the only girl here...
Some of them start running toward your car as you and Ethan grab your sports bags. People greet Ethan, causing you to just awkwardly stand there, looking at your shoes.
"Oh, guys. This is y/n!" You hear Ethan exclaim, so you look up to see everyone looking at you. Some are smiling, but one has a frown on his face.
"What?" You ask him, wiping your face to make sure you don't have butter on your face or something from your toast.
The boy turns toward Ethan. "Is she filming with us?" He asks him. You're confused because Ethan said last night that he told everyone you were filming with them.
"Yeah, Simon, she is. Do you have a problem with that?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. He only does that when he's making fun of something, is he making fun of you or Simon?
"Well, she's a girl. Is she any good?" Simon answers and you gasp, making everyone look at you.
"Are you serious?" You scoff, walking up to Simon, gaining confidence. Sure, he might tower over you, but you can totally beat him at football. "Are you really saying girls can't be good at football?"
Simon suddenly seems to take back him words. "Well, no, I-"
"Mr. Simon, I challenge you to a one on one football match. We'll see if girls can be good at football." You say to him, smirking and grabbing the ball out of his hands.
Simon smiles down at you, obviously eyeing you up. Instead of feeling self conscious, like you normally do, you remain confident. Even if he is totally checking you out.
"Alright, y/n. You're on." He says, grabbing the ball back as everyone around the two of your cheers.
You walk next to Ethan to the football pitch. "Are you sure about this? Simon is the best one here at football."
You look around to see one of the guys, a bearded one, attempt to do keep ups, completely failing. "I'm not sure it's that hard to be the best here." You say to Ethan, laughing.
"Hey, y/n!" Simon says, jogging up to you as Ethan steps away to talk to someone else. "Are you alright with us recording this and putting it on my channel?" Simon asks you and you smirk.
"Please, do you really want your subscribers to see you get humiliated? I'd be glad to show them." You say, laughing. Simon laughs too, though obviously slightly nervous.
You start to walk slightly quicker so you can get away from him, since it's slightly awkward. "Hey, wait!" Simon says, grabbing your arm before you could get away from him. "Just in case one of us gets hurt and I can't ask you later... I'd like to get your number." Simon says, pulling out his phone. You look up at him as he enters his password and creates a new contact. You smile at him as he looks at you and for a few seconds, neither of you look away.
You enter your contact information before Ethan runs over to the two of you. "The equipment is all set up for the video, Simon. Good luck, y/n!" Ethan says, before running away.
"This is your last chance to back down." You say to Simon, smiling. He smiles and shakes his head, putting his arm around your shoulder and leading you to in front of the camera.
After doing the intro, Simon hands you the ball to start. "Ladies first." He says, giving you a wink. You can feel your heart skip and a slight blush come to your face, so you quickly turn away from the camera.
You have Simon a good run. It was tied up and you decided to determine the winner with penalties, which you have never been good at. You knew you were going to lose, so you figured, why not lose with style and try to do trick shots?
Simon had a different idea and was determined to win, so he didn't do any trick shots. He won, even if you looked better doing the shots.
After the video is done, you sit down in the grass a little ways away from everyone. You've enjoyed the day so far, and it's only just beginning.
"Good game." You hear someone say, causing you to look up from your phone. You see Simon sit down next to you.
"You didn't do too bad either, Simon." You tell him, putting your phone in your sports bag.
"Thanks. I was really worried that you would beat me." He says, chuckling and looking at the ground.
"You didn't need to worry. I'm shit at penalties." You laugh, looking over at Simon to see him looking at you.
"I think you should owe me something since I beat you." Simon says, smirking at you.
You laugh. "And what would that be?"
Simon doesn't respond, instead he moves his head toward yours and before you can do anything about it, his lips are on your own. You quickly respond before your both pull away.
"Come on. We're about to film the next video." Simon stands up, smiling and offering to help you stand up.

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