Vikk #2

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This imagine is for @Vikk_Is_Mine_Star123 ! Hope you enjoy!

"Happy birthday, Y/N!" You hear the boys shout as you walk into the Sidemen house. You jump in surprise as you see them all standing around the door.

You let out a nervous laugh, hoping no one saw you jump. "Thanks, guys!" You say, and they create a path for you, leading to the main room.

You gasp as you walk in, seeing a pile of presents sitting around the couch. "Guys..." You whine, turning around to see them all smiling at you. "I told you not to get me anything!"

"Fine!" Simon says, walking into the room. He picks up a medium sized box and begins to walk out of the room. "I'll just take this box full of makeup and go!" He sticks his nose in the air.

And, an hour later, you sit with wrapping paper at your feet, along with a pile of presents on the sofa next to you. You look down at the pile, seeing some of your favorite things. You even got your own swegway.

"It's so you don't break mine!" Tobi said as you unwrapped it. You rolled your eyes at him, but really, you loved it.

Your eyes light up as you hear someone ring the doorbell. "Food?" You ask, excitedly. Knowing the guys, it would just be pizza, but food is food, you weren't going to be mad that it was pizza. God, you love food.

Five of the boys stand up and walk to the door, leaving you with Vikk and Ethan, who pull out a table and set it up.

Your mouth drops open as the boys come back with at least ten bags of food. "This is definitely not pizza." You say, laughing.

Suddenly, Vikk turns to you, a worried look on his face. "Why? Did you want pizza instead? We could get you pizza if you'd rather-"

You stand up and kiss Vikk on the cheek. "This is amazing, Vikk. Thank you." You say, putting a hand on his shoulder as the others pull out the food.

There was so. much. food.

Spaghetti? Check.

Macaroni and cheese? Check.

Wings? Check.

Candy Bowl? Somehow, that's also here.

Salad? Missing, but who likes salad that much, anyway?

The boys step aside and let you dish up your meal before grabbing some food for themselves. You were always a fast eater, so it doesn't surprise you when you were finished eating before everyone else.

"Is anyone going for more food?" You ask, and you see people shake their heads and a few mumbled responses that you're going to assume we're no.

So, you walk over to the food, and grab a handful of spaghetti. Yes, with your hands. You smirk and walk over to Josh, tossing it in his face. You laugh as you watch the spaghetti slowly trickle down until it falls and hits the floor, causing you to laugh harder.

Your laughter stops when you turn around and see JJ standing in front of you, holding chocolate syrup.

You squint your eyes. "You wouldn't."

JJ smirks at you, moving closer. "Oh, I would." Were the last things you heard before feeling the chocolate sauce being poured over your head. You squeal as you feel in move down your back.

"FOOD FIGHT!" Harry yells, causing pandemonium.

Soon, you can't even tell who is who, but you keep running back to the food table to grab more food to fling at people.

At one point, someone thought it would be a good idea to put a banana peel on the floor. You all stop as you hear and see Ethan slip on the peel, landing on his back.

His laughter quickly fills the room and you all sprint to the food table, grabbing whatever is left.

At one point, you think someone went to the kitchen to grab food because you got a raw egg to the head, and you don't recall that being part of your lunch.

You all stand there panting, exhausted from the fight. You feel guilt wash over you as you look around at the giant mess you've made of their house. Everyone just shrugs it off.

"We should go wash off..." Simon says, looking down at his shirt. Luckily, you didn't dress too fancy for your birthday, so you've only wrecked a t-shirt and some shorts.

You follow the boys outside, where they begin to set up a sprinkler and a few hoses.

You grab one and immediately start spraying yourself. "God, that feels so good." You comment as others begin to wash themselves off.

You step away from the hose, handing it to Josh to wash himself. You shiver as the wind starts to pick up, and you're a little wet.

You feel more cold on you and you gasp. Turning around, you see Harry pointing a squirt gun at you.

"Oh, it's on, Harold." You sprint to a table full of water guns, grabbing a hose out of Tobi's hand and filling the gun up.

Soon, another fight breaks out. Not food this time, but water.

Eventually, the water didn't really help cleanse yourselves. You were slipping and falling on then mud you've created with all of your water.

You can tell but laugh as everyone stands, shivering and drenched. "That was fun." You comment, letting out a laugh.

"Fun? I'm soaked!" Ethan exclaims, holding out his arms. You watch as water drips down them toward the ground. "I need to drive home soaked!"

"Yeah..." Tobi says, trailing off. "We should probably get going so we can get some dry clothes on. Happy birthday, Y/N!" He says, walking over to give you a hug.

"Let me get you guys some towels!" JJ says, the only time he's been considerate. You make a mental note that it's probably just because it's your birthday.

You bid the others farewell as you follow Vikk up to his room. "Happy birthday, babe." Vikk says, handing you some dry clothes and planting a soft kiss onto you nose.

You smile as you quickly hop in and out of their showers, sighing as you feel Vikk's dry clothes on your skin. You pull the shirt up to your nose and take a deep breath. It smells just like him.

"Can we watch a movie?" You ask Vikk as you walk back into his room. He's already changed, and sitting on his computer chair.

He nods his head and pulls up Netflix on his computer before sitting down next to you on his bed.

You both lay back and he wraps his arms around you, allowing you to cozy up to be as close as you could to him.

You turn your head and smile up at him over your shoulder. He smiles back and plants a kiss to your lips.

Then another...

And another...

And another...

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