Lewis #3

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This imagine is for @SourCandy324 ! Hope you enjoy!

"Come on, come on, Lewis!" You groan as you sprawl against the couch in his flat. (A/N I have no idea if Lewis lives in a flat and it'd be super stalkerish to find out)

You've been sitting for twenty minutes, waiting for your boyfriend to get ready so you could go to the mall. Honestly, people always complain about girls taking too long to get ready, but you were done in ten minutes.

"I'm coming!" You hear Lewis yell before sprinting around the corner, pulling a t-shirt on, giving you a nice view of his abs.

You roll your eyes and stand up, linking your arm through his extended one. "You know, we've been dating for five and a half years, and yet I don't think I'll ever get used to your amazing abs. Is that weird?" You ask him, looking up.

He frowns slightly and shakes his head as you reach his car. He opens your door for you, allowing you to get it.

"It isn't weird. I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that you actually agreed to date me." He says, kissing your cheek and closing your car door.

You can't help the smile that comes to your face. Lewis always has this effect on you, no matter what he says. It's impossible to be mad at him.

Lewis good in the other side of the car and starts the engine, heading toward the mall.

"We better be getting smoothies at the mall. I haven't had one in so long!" You complain as Lewis drives. You hear him snicker and can imagine him rolling his eyes at you. "Hey, at least I'm obsessed with something healthy! I could be obsessed with donuts and I'd become fat. You wouldn't like me then."

"Oh please, Y/N. Even if you're the fattest person in the world, I'd still be in love with you." Lewis says, smiling while keeping his eyes on the road.

You smile at him and clap your hands. "Good! In that case, we should get donuts at the mall, too because I really do love donuts."


"Why don't you try this one on?" You hear Lewis ask. You turn around to see Lewis holding up the ugliest dress you've seen. It's a brown and pink dress that looks like it went out of style in the 1930s, maybe even the 1800s.

You roll your eyes at him as he laughs and puts the dress back on the rack. "Haha, you're so funny." You say, flat toned.

You grab his hand and leave that store, not buying anything. "I thought there were some dresses you liked in there." Lewis says, pointing back at the store.

"I can't tell if you're being serious or not." You stop walking and turn to face Lewis. He looks back down at you, completely serious. "If I wore anything in there I'd look like my grandma. No thanks. You've seen how she dresses." You scoff, and try to get the imagine of your grandma out of your head.

Lewis smiles down at you. "I think you'd be able to pull anything off. Even if you grandma would wear it." He kisses your forehead before you continue to walk around the mall.

"We're not stopping at the jewelry store." You tell Lewis as he tries to drag you toward it. He turns to you and sticks out his bottom lip.

"You're such a weird girl. You never let me buy you jewelry!" He exclaims, pretending to pout.

You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his waist, giving his a side hug. "That's because jewelry is hella expensive." You state. "Besides, I'd barely ever wear jewelry anyways. I almost always am wearing a t-shirt."

You take Lewis' hand and drag him away from the jewelry store. Normally the guy has to drag the girl away. Not in this relationship.

You squeal as you see the smoothie shop ahead. "Can we go, babe? Please, please, please, please?" You beg Lewis, giving him your best puppy eyes.

He smiles down at you. "Of course. When do we ever come here and not get smoothies?" He asks.

"I love you, babe." You say and stand on your toes to kiss him on the cheek. At the last second, Lewis turns his head and connects you lips to his.

"You cheeky motherfucker." You whisper under your breath as you walk to get smoothies.


You glance down at your phone as you and Lewis sit at his tables, eating pizza.

Your Twitter notifications are going crazy, and you have no idea why. You glance at Lewis to see him too involved in the football match to notice you going on your phone. You unlock it and open your Twitter app.

Immediately you see why your notifications blowing up.

All the tweets you're mentioned in have the same four pictures. One of you and Lewis with the ugly dress, one of you dragging him from the jewelry store, one of you both sitting at a table drinking your smoothies and one of the kiss you shared.

All of the have the same general descriptions.

"Omg they are literally so cute together!"

"Talk about couple goals! I ship them more than Minizerk tbh"

"I saw them at the mall today and got these photos, trying to not be too much of a stalker though lol"

You decide to like and retweet the original owners tweet. All of your followers begin replying to your tweet.

You nudge Lewis' elbow and he draws his eyes away from the television to look at you.

"Look at these photos someone room of us today." You say, leaning your head on his shoulder and turning your phone toward him.

"Oh, I like that one." Lewis says, pointing at the picture of you two drinking smoothies.

You save all of the pictures before turning to your favorite, the one of you two kissing. You smile at it and decide to make it your lockscreen.

"We are too amazing for the fans to handle." Lewis mumbles under his breath, looking at his own Twitter notifications.

"I know. I can barely handle us." You smile up at him as he brings his mouth down to yours.

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