Simon #9

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This is for @JJRocks3773 ! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count: 1127]

"A livestream?" You ask Simon, scrunching your eyebrows together. He had never asked you to do a livestream with him before, mainly just videos.

Simon smiles at you and grabs your hand, sitting on the stool next to you in the kitchen. "Yeah! We don't even have to play a game, we can just answer viewer questions."

"So like a Q&A? That's live?" You confirm and he nods his head. You think about it for a few seconds, even though you already know your answer. You just can't deny your boyfriend, can you? "Okay."

Simon's smile gets bigger as he kisses your cheek. "Great! I'll meet you upstairs. I just need to tweet it out!"

You nod your head and spin around on your stool, hopping off and leaving the kitchen. You feet lead the familiar way to Simon's room. You used to get lost going to his room, but after dating for a year, it's permanently etched into your brain.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Josh says to you as you pass his room.

You stop and peek your head inside his doorway. "Hey, Josh. What are you up to?" You ask him, seeing him sitting at his desk.

"Just about to record some videos, nothing special, really. How about you?" He asks you in return, spinning on his chair to face you.

"Simon and I are going to do a Q&A livestream for a little bit. Which reminds me, I should get upstairs. See you later, Josh!" You exclaim, turning around and exiting his room, climbing down the stairs, past JJ's room, then up more stairs to finally reach Simon's room.

You step inside and sigh, sitting in his computer chair. You turn on his computer, trying to figure out how to set up a livestream. After a few minutes, you give up and decide to just browse the Internet.

You log into your Twitter account and start scrolling through your tweets, quickly retweeting Simon's livestream tweet.

"Hey, babe!" Simon shouts in your hear, causing you to squeal and jump. You didn't even hear him come into the room, then suddenly he's right next to your ear. Who does that?

You glare at him and lightly hit his arm as he laughs, pulling up his extra chair for him to sit in.


"Okay, it's way too hard to read questions in this chat." You say to Simon, trying to keep up with the rapidly moving livestream chat.

Simon sighs and nods his head. "Yeah, why don't you guys send me in questions on Twitter with the hashtag.... #SimonLovesY/N!"

You snort at his hashtag idea. "Don't send them into there, just send them to #SimonHasAMiniMinter."

Simon tried to interject, but you silence him by putting your hand on his mouth. You lean over to his computer and pull up Twitter, searching for both hashtags.

"Okay, first question... How did you two meet?" You begin laughing and turn to Simon, wanting him to tell the audience how you two first met.

Simon rolls his eyes at you. "Well, I used to help out at the library at my university, and so did Y/N. So, on her first day, she was confused where to put the books people checked in. Instead of helping her, I asked her on a date."

"And I said no." You smirk at Simon, who doesn't deny it, since it was the truth. "He asked me out, like, ten times before I gave in and said yes just to shut him up."

"Next question..." Simon says, wanting to change the subject off of his failed attempts to get me to date him.

You scan the hashtags until you find a suitable question. "What superpower would you want to have?" You ask, turning to Simon. "And don't say the ability to make any girl wet, please."

"Of course not! I'd want the power to go back in time and get you to say yes to me the first time." You roll your eyes at you boyfriend's cheesiness, but still find yourself smiling.

"You know, I'd have the power to control spiders." You tell Simon.

His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "But you hate spiders." He states, not connecting the dots.

"Exactly!" You exclaim, throwing your hands into the air. "I'd be able to control them so that they never come near me!"

You turn to the computer to find another question, but you don't find another one. All you find is messages about you.

"How could Simon date her? She obviously isn't very smart."

"Simon doesn't deserve a girl that denies him nine times before saying yes to just 'shut him up'"

"She's so ugly, what the fuck. Why would Simon date her?"

"If Simon chose her instead pf literally everyone else, he must be blind because seriously."

"She might not be fat, but she might as well be to match her annoying personality and her bad looks."

That's when you stop reading Simon's mentions. You hold back your tears as you say, "I'm gonna go." and get up out of your chair, walking out of Simon's room, closing the door behind you. You find you way back to the front door of the house and step outside, sitting down on the steps.

You sniffle as the first year escapes your eye. You had never really gotten hate for dating Simon, even though he warned you that you might. You never thought it would affect you like this.

Soon, as your mind keeps going back to the hateful messages you read, steady streams of tears fall from both of your eyes, no matter how much you try to push the tears away.

You hear someone open the door behind you before they sit down next to you. They put their arm around your shoulder and start hushing you, rubbing your back and holding your hand in theirs.

"I'm sorry." You say to Simon, as you lean into your boyfriend.

"It's not your fault." He replies, resting his head on top of yours. "Don't believe anything they said about you. I fell in love with you because you the most beautiful, intelligent, funny, charismatic, and loving girl that I have ever met. I didn't even mind waiting for you because I knew from the moment I saw you that I wanted you to be mine. That love has only grown more since I met you."

You sniff as your tears begin you stop and you look up at Simon, rubbing your nose against his. He gets the message and leans toward you, connecting your lips together as he pulls your closer. "Thank you, Simon. That really means a lot."

"Anything for you." Simon replies, kissing the top of your head.

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