Callux #1

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This imagine is for @sidemenfanficx ! Hope you enjoy!
[Word Count: 1021]

"Callum!" You shout for the tenth time in the past five minutes. You were supposed to be leave half an hour ago to go see a movie. Now, the movie has started and there are no more showings tonight.

Suddenly, your dark haired boyfriend sprints into the room. He runs over to you and place his hands on your arms, which are crossed over your chest. "I am so sorry, Y/N. I didn't hear you!"

You scoff and roll your eyes moving away from Cal. "Of course you didn't hear me! You never hear anything I say!" You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air.

"What are you talking about? I always listen to you!" Cal says, taking a step toward you. You back away from him with each step he takes.

You shake your head. "Oh yeah? Then why aren't we going to see a movie right now?" You ask him, waiting to see the realization dawn on him. As it does, you move toward the door of his flat. "Uh huh. That's what I thought."

You throw the door open and storm away, heading to the elevator. You sigh in relief when you don't hear him going after you.

You press the down button and start talking your foot on the ground. This elevator can not come soon enough. Eventually, the elevator arrive and you step in.

You begin pressing the button to close the door and as they begin to close,  someone runs into the elevator. "What the hell?" You exclaim, turning to look at the person as the elevator begin to move.

"Oh no!" You shout, turning back to press the buttons to open the doors. You repeatedly press it, hoping the doors open quickly.

Then the elevator stops moving.

But the doors don't open.

"What the fuck?" You say out loud, beginning to bang on the elevator doors. After a minute of the elevator doors not opening, you give up.

You hear a sigh. "The doors aren't opening, Y/N. The elevator's stopped."

You put your head in your hands. This isn't your fault. You glare at Cal. "This is your fault." You state, pointing your finger at Cal.

The boy is leaning against the elevator wall, running his hands through his hair. "How?"

You roll your eyes. "If you didn't get into this elevator with me, I wouldn't have tried to open the doors and the elevator wouldn't have gotten stuck and oh god I'm claustrophobic." You says, feeling tears start to fall down your face. You hiccup as you try to stop them, but they don't stop.

Soon, instead of breathing normally, you're wheezing.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Cal says, walking toward you with his arms spread apart. Even though you don't want to be near him with your fight, your hyperventilating makes it so you can't move.

Cal's arms wrap around you and begin to stoke your hair soothingly. You begin to hiccup again as you try to stop crying. Cal begins to shush you.

Soon, you find your self on the floor with Cal, no longer crying, but whimpering. Both of your phones have died at this point,and the last you saw you had been stuck in the elevator for two hours.

You take your head off of Cal's shoulder and wipe the tears from your eyes. "You aren't going to be able to make any videos. Your fans will be so disappointed." You sniffle.

Cal looks over at you and laughs. "I think my fans have gotten pretty used to me not uploading. They'll be fine."

You laugh with him before widening your eyes. "Social media! I'm gonna disappear and no one will even know what happened to me! What if they think I'm dead? Or worse, sent off to the middle of the ocean by my parents?"

Cal rolls his eyes at you and wrap his arm around your shoulder, bringing you down so that your head rests on him once more.

"No one will think your dead. I texted Tobi right before my phone died."

You sniff once more, but now you're breathing normally and Cal has been able to calm you down. "Your phone has always had a shit battery."

Cal shrugs his shoulders and you close your eyes. Hopefully, when you wake up, you'll be out of here.

Unfortunately, when you open your eyes, you're still sitting on the floor of the elevator. The only difference is that Cal is sleeping next to you.

You wiggle your way out of his arms and stand up, stretching.

"I like the view." Cal mumbles from behind you. He rubs his eyes as you quickly place your hands behind your ass.

You shyly smile. "I didn't really mean for you to see that. Especially not from that angle."

Cal stand up and places his hand on your hips. He kisses your forehead before looking down at you. "Any idea how long we've been in here for?" He asks.

You're about to answer, when the elevator suddenly jerks. You clutch onto Cal until the elevator slowly moves downwards.

"It's working! It's working!" You exclaim, grabbing Cal's face. You excitedly place a kiss on his lips before turning toward the doors.

The elevator stops and a few second later, the doors open to reveal the lobby of Cal's flat building.

You squint when you see the sun shining through the windows. So you were stuck in there at least all night.

"Tobi!" You shout, tackling the boy in a hug as you see him standing by the elevator.

He hugs you back before pulling away, moving to hug Cal. "I'm so glad you two are okay." He says, smiling at you two.

You grab his phone from his hand and turn it on to see the time. "We were in there for nearly twenty hours." You tell Cal, your mouth dropping open.

"And it helped you not be mad at me." Cal says, leaning down to kiss your cheek.

You shrug your shoulders. "I definitely won't be mad at you if you buy me food because I'm starving!"

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