Simon #11

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This imagine is for @_TurtleLover_ ! Hope you enjoy!

"Going for a walk again, Y/N?" Your brother asks as you stand in front of the door of the flat you two share, putting on shoes.

You nod your head. "Yeah. I mean, I always do this when something is on my mind, and you know, with the whole 'Mum doesn't think I'm going to get married' thing, I'd say it's a pretty good time to clear my head." You shrug your shoulders, remembering the conversation to had with your mum twenty minutes ago when your parents came over for lunch.

You brother walks over and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. "Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about. You'll find someone, I know it. "

You smile as you pull away from your brother. "Thanks, bro. I'll see you when I get back."

And with those words, you leave the flat to clear your head. You always go to the park nearby, since it's so gorgeous there, it's easy to get lost in your thoughts.

You inhale the fresh air as you step outside, wrapping your sweatshirt closer to you body, happily accepting it's warmth.

You've always loved fall, the leaves changing color make you smile as you walk to the park. Something about this time of year makes you happy, maybe it's because everyone just gets together with friends to go on little adventures.

Not that you really have many friends.

And that is how your mind brings you back to the topic at hand. Your mum finding you uncapable of finding someone to spend the rest of your life with.

Not that you've never had a boyfriend-you've had plenty. It's just that you can never imagine spending your life with any of them.

How will you ever find someone that you love enough to die with?

As you ponder that question, listing off different traits you need to have in the love of your life, you don't notice something until it's too late.

There's a football soaring straight at you face.

It's like everything is in slow motion. You just stand and watch the ball come toward you, unable to move out of its way.

You groan as the ball collides with your nose, causing you to fall back onto the cement.

Was thinking about your perfect partner really worth the broken nose you now have?

"Way to go, Simon!" You hear someone shout as some footsteps approach you.

Another voice speaks up. "Yeah, when we told you to get her attention this wasn't really what we had in mind."

You hold you hand to your nose, quickly realizing that you've lost all feeling in that part of your body.

You try to stand up, but just as you do so, you feel dizzgly and fall down again.

"Woah, woah, woah. Easy there." Yet another voice says as you feel arms wrap around you, holding you up.

As your head stops spinning, you gain the ability to open your eyes and look at the man who has saved you from falling, yet again.

"Woah." You exhale upon seeing the most perfectly formed human being you have ever come in contact with.

The man laughs, looking down at you. "Hello. Sorry about hitting you with a football. It was completely an accident, honest."

You smile at him and wave your hand, showing to forget about it. "That's okay. If you didn't, I wouldn't have met you."

Your eyes widen as you realize what you just said. Oh god, getting hit in the head really messed with your ability to filter what comes out of your mouth.

The man removed his hands from your waist once he realizes you can stand on your own now. "Yeah, I supposed that is the bright side of this, isn't it?" He laughs, causing you to laugh, too.

Suddenly your aware of more people standing around you as someone else speaks up. "We should probably get you to the hospital..." They trail off.

It takes you a few minutes before you realize they're waiting for your name.

"You guys keep filming. I can take Y/N to the hospital. I mean, I am the one responsible for this after all." The guy that was holding you says, scratching the back of his neck.

You can't help but to look at the vains in his arms and trail your eyes down to where his shirt is being lifted up and you can see a strip of skin above his shorts.

"Are you sure, Simon? It's okay if we stop filming for a few hours." Yet another person, this one has a beard, speaks up.

Simon nods his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Everyone says goodbye and you shyly wave back at them. They all walk back to the football pitch, leaving me alone with Simon.

"Are you alright?" Simon says, turning to lead you to his car. "I kind of kicked that ball really hard..."

Your about to answer before Simon stops walking, next to a red car. He opens the door and gestures for you to get inside. You smile at him, stepping inside of the vehicle.

When Simon enters the car, you turn and smile at him, resting you hand on his leg. He stops moving and turns his head to look at you with wide eyes.

"I'm okay, Simon." You smile at him before frowning, scrunching your eyebrows together. "I mean, besides the possibility of a broken nose and maybe a concussion..."

The two of you drive to the hospital, making small talk, yet it's not awkward. Something about this seems so right. It's like you were meant to get hit in the face and meet Simon.

So, once you got checked into the hospital and sent through an x-ray machine, turns out your nose is actually broken.

And they sent you into surgery right away, not even letting you see Simon.

When you woke up after surgery, you still couldn't feel your nose. Not only that, but the door they gave you is disgusting. You can't stand hospital food.

"Oh my god. I am so so so so sorry, Y/N." Simon bursts into the room suddenly, making you drop the apple you were eating.

"You should be." You tell him, crossing your arms. "You just made me drop the only edible thing on this damn tray."

Simon shyly looks toward the ground, picking up your apple and offering it to you. You make a face of disgust and shake your head. You don't know what kind of stuff has touched that floor. Gross.

"So I was thinking." Simon says, throwing away your apple.

You raise an eyebrow at him, curious as to where he was going. You open up the pistachio ice cream and chuckle to yourself. "That's never good."

You watch him roll his eyes, pulling up a chair to sit next to you. "I was thinking that in order to repay you for braking your nose and dropping your delicious apple, I  could take you out for some real good sometime." Simon suggests, shyly smiling at you.

"Take me out to eat? You mean, like a date?" You clear up, never having imagined that this fine hunk of meat would ask you out.

The boy in question awkwardly runs the back of his neck. "Well, I-I mean, only if, y-you know, only-"

"Simon!" You exclaim, grabbing .  His hand with your own. "I would love to go on a date with you." You tell him, leaning over in your hospital bed to kiss him on the cheek.

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