Josh #3

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This imagine is for Believe_in_the_Dead! I hope you enjoy!!
[Word Count:1157]

"This is impossible..." You mumble to yourself, staring down at your textbook. For the past five hours, you've been studying for exams and your brain can't hold anymore information.

You groan and hit your head on the desk repeatedly, trying to retain everything you just went over.

Josh rushes into the room. "Are you okay?" You quickly asks, making your raise your head to look at him. You stare at him, confused as to why he's so worried. "I heard some loud bangs."

"Oh.. " You breathe out, rubbing your head since you might have hit it too hard. "That was just me wanting to jump off of a bridge because of exams."

Josh rolls his eyes and walks behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders. Slowly, he starts to give you a massage. "Y/N, maybe you should take a break from all of this studying. You're smart! I'm sure you'll know everything on those exams."

You relax into Josh's hands, absent mindedly nodding your head. "But these exams are so important. If I fail I might not graduate." You explain, closing your eyes.

"I'll tell you what, if you somehow don't graduate and don't earn a degree, you'll always have a job at Sidemen clothing and at ZRK. Now, please stop stressing yourself out." Josh begs you, turning your chair around to face him.

You sigh and nod your head, closing the notebook sitting on your lap.

Josh smiles and pulls you out of the chair, wrapping his arms around you. You smile and automatically place your arms around his waist.

Josh kisses your forehead before pulling away. "Come on, let's get your mind off of exams."

Josh grabs your hand and leads you out of his bedroom at the Sidemen house. You follow him down the stairs and into their kitchen.

Set upon the counter is a picnic box. You walk over and find it full of food. "How long has this been here?" You ask Josh, turning around to face him.

He holds out a picnic blanket for you to take. "Basically since I realized you were too busy studying to eat lunch."

You roll your eyes at him, but follow him out of the house after he grabs the basket. You're surprised when he places it inside of his car. You expected just to eat in the back garden.

"We're driving somewhere?" You ask Josh as you both climb into his vehicle.

He nods his head as he begins to drive away from the house. "I told you. We need to get your mind off of exams. That's why we are going far away from the house where all of your textbooks are."

You look over and smile at him. You've been dating for ages now, and you still find it impossible to comprehend how sweet he is to you.

At a red light, Josh pull out his phone and plugs it into the AUX cord. You watch as he opens Spotify and pulls up a playlist titled 'Y/N'.

"You didn't." You laugh as one of your favorite songs begins to play. You grab the phone out of his hand and scroll through the playlist, finding and endless amount of songs that you like. "Josh, this is so thoughtful!"

He shrugs his shoulders and laughs. "It's like a modern-day mixtape!" You smile at his as you set the phone down, dancing to the song that's playing.

You both dance and sing as you drive to Josh's mystery spot. You smile, realizing how you're not even nervous about your exams anymore. Josh's plan really has worked.

As you're driving, you notice some sort of water near your vehicle. Josh slows down and turns onto what looks like a private road.

"Josh, are we allowed to be here?" You ask him, seeing a sign that says no trespassing.

He laughs and nods his head. "This place belongs to a family friend. They're out of town and they said I could use it." You relax a little, now that you know you aren't going to get arrested.

As he parks, you just see a bunch of trees around you, along with a small house. Confused as to why Josh chose this spot, you climb out of the car.

You grab the blanket, while Josh grabs the basket. You walk around the car, to find him standing by a trail. "It's just a bit down this way."

He lets you go first, and you hesitantly walk down the unknown path. After a few minutes, the trees open to a small clearing with a pond and a couple chairs.


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"Wow." You breathe out as you see the spot. "Josh, this is beautiful." You tell him, turning around.

He smiles. "I know. I wanted to find something as beautiful as you, but I guess that's an impossible feat."

You roll your eyes and lightly shove him. You walk toward the pond and lay the blanket down where it won't get wet. You sit down and Josh places the basket next to the blanket.

You excitedly open the basket, not having seen what he packed before. You pull out pasta salad, sandwiches, chips, strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, chocolate, and an entire pie.

"Wow, I'd be impressed, except that I know you didn't make any of these." You say and both of your laugh. "You did you find the time to go shopping?" You ask him, pulling out the plates and silverware.

"Around the time that I became so hungry that I knew I couldn't wait for you to come down on your own." He admits, dishing you some pasta salad.

You laugh. "Oh, whatever. Don't make me look like the bad guy. I'm trying to get a degree so that one of us can have a real job."

"Hey, even when you get a job, I'll still make more money than you and you know it!" Josh exclaims, laughing. You nod your head in agreement taking a bite out of your sandwich.

Soon, you're both laying down, having eaten all you can.

"Thank you, Josh." You say to him, looking over at him.

He turns his head toward you and smiles. "Anything for you, Y/N."

And with those words, you both look to the sky and see that the sun is setting.

"How long have we been out?" You ask Josh, shrugs.

"I don't know. My phone died a long time ago." He admits, showing you his dead phone.

"I didn't even bring mine." You laugh, until something suddenly dawns on you. "You know how to get back, right?"

A/N: 1) I don't know what that imagine was and that was supposed to be a funny ending but it didn't really work
2) I may have to close requests for a little bit because requests are more than I can deal with right now

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