In a love square idea/trivia

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- Ochobot would be human form for no apparent reason. The author's too lazy to think of a reason.

- Nah I'm going to give him the ability to change forms into different sizes. We know he can turn into a football from the first ever episode, but only because they were the same size.

- This story can work with: 1) Boboiboy stays a boy, 2) Female Boboiboy, 3) Basically anything but a villain/Reverse.

- I'm going to go with 2. Female Boboiboy.

- Because why not.

- Because the author's a pussy and wants to make a ship straight.

- That's not fucking true I think fem BBB is cute.

- So Fang and Ochobot gets into a heated fight because they all want to confess to Boboiboy at the same night.


- Boboiboy doesn't know why they're fighting. She just comes by to meet her friends.

- Yaya and Ying doesn't want to tell her. Gopal's an idiot.

- Eventually she comes to a conclusion that they're fighting over something. She tries to break up the fight.

- Boboiboy says, "Guys! Don't fight. Sharing is caring, right?"

- Everyone just stopped and turned to stare at her. Yaya crushed her biscuits and Ying spit her cocoa out. Fang and Ochobot just stare at her like, Whatttt???

- Gopal doesn't know what they were doing either. He just supports Boboiboy's opinion. "Yeah! You don't have to fight. You can share!"

- Awkwarddddddd.

- That doesn't stop them. They continued to fight.

- But then Kaizo just came in stopped them from fighting. (He just keeps them apart by pushing their faces with his hands so they won't touch each other.)

- He chopped the back of their heads and they were out like a light.

- Then he walked to Boboiboy and said, "I like you. Meet me here at 8pm."

- Ocobot and Fang had never woken up so fast in their lives.

- Boboiboy was just, "Did Kaizo really just said he likes me??????"

- Gurl, he did. 

- Oh and Kaizo's like 16 in the story.

- Yaya spat her cocoa out and Ying fell out of her chair. Gopal's jaw dropped.

- Later on Boboiboy was really confused: Why was Fang and Ochobot fighting? Why did Kaizo like her? As in a friend way or a sibling way or in a romantic way or what??????

- But after she reached home, Fang was at the door asking her for a date at 9.

- She tries to decline but Fang just runs off and ignores all of her calls and messages.

- Fang pls give her space.

- Boboiboy is really too insecure and nice to deny both of them so she tries to make time. Maybe she could make it after 8? An hour date isn't so sloppy.

- To complicate things more, at 7pm, Ochobot returns and drags her off to a date that's really unexpected.

- "I cAn'T bE In tHReE pLaCEs aT ThE sAMe TimE o K A Y"

- Yes she can.

- She was forced to split into three: Thunderstorm with Kaizo, Quake with Ochobot, Solar with Fang.

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