Concept for romance/flirting lmao (ft. Friends! Elementals)

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Okay so- by the title "Friends! Elementals" I meant that they still have elemental powers, names are the same (but are code names. Real names aren't relevant but are hinted) but they're not related in any way. They're not siblings, they know Boboiboy as a distant mentor etc. Genders/appearances are different.

Thunderstorm, Quake and Cyclone are a trio, and are girls. They started out fighting crime when they were 10 and formed a mini-squad, and all three of them hate boys. This changes when Fire and Water introduce themselves to the team.

Fire is a male and Water is a female. They were welcoming towards Water and guarded with Fire, but they accepted him eventually when they been through some hardships together, which was after Kaizo's debacle.

And after Kaizo left (he fought them because he wanted them to join TAPOPS, but they rejected), Leaf, a male, joined the team. Things went well for a while until Borara came and attacked them, which Light, a female joined the team too.

After Borara, Leaf and Light (who lived in Penang) left to pursue their studies. Fire and Water (lives in Selangor) left too.

When TAPOPS's commander, seeks for refuge, Lightning, Earth and Wind help him out. They'd reverted to their first tiers because they needed a mega recharge from the fight with Borara.

Things go well, etc etc, Earth leaves to join TAPOPS; leaving Lightning and Wind to defend Pulau Rintis.

Leaf rejoins the team soon enough, and they fight off more bad guys until Earth asks for their help in space against a space pirate, so they contact Light to go with them. They defeat Vargoba, and all is well.

Fire and Water came to visit (when the rest of them are in space lmao. Bad timing), only to be met with an alien named Roktaroka. Water defeats him just in time for the others to return, Light in the form of Solar, having unlocked her second tier.

Retakka comes etc etc, everyone almost dies, Solar, Thorn and Cyclone train under Tok Kasa, they save the others only for Tok Kasa to steal Quake's powers but everything turned out fine!

Jesus this is a long ass explanation

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Concept: The beta trio has no idea what romance or flirting is, because they'd been fighting villains since they were young.

Cyclone: This random guy just texted me a heart... I didn't know guys did that too!

Thunderstorm: Ew. Even I don't use emojis that repulsive.

Quake: Maybe he's trying to be friends? Or just a misclick?

Cyclone: Huh. Maybe. //typing: Hello new friend! :) Want to go to hang out sometime?//

Cyclone: //phone rings// Oh! He's calling me. Should I pick up?

Quake: Sure! But put it on Speaker, in case he's a scammer or a villain trying to hunt us down.

Cyclone: //picks up, and puts it to speakerphone// Hello?

Random Guy: Hello, baby~ You're looking beautiful today.

Cyclone: But you can't even see me. 

Random Guy: I don't need eyes to see how gorgeous you are!

Cyclone: Aw, that's sweet. You're a really nice friend.

Random Guy: Thank you, sweetheart. Why don't you and I go somewhere a little more... private? Where we could, you know, talk about our lives and-

Ice: //cuts in between Thunderstorm and Quake, and takes the phone from Cyclone// Do NOT call this number again. If you do, I'll report you for harassment. Do you understand?

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