screw everything in general

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Idk why I'm like this, but I'm almost (very/too/definitely) terrified to write the new chapter of This Is My World.

If you hadn't read it, it's the elemental siblings in high school and trying to survive. Idk if you'll be interested with this, but I can tell you that they have powers and they have to hide it. Some sort of world where if you reveal your powers, your family will get hurt sort of concept.

The last chapter (Chapter 11) ended with a major cliffhanger and I can also tell you this:

The history in that chapter relates to my life in some sort of way. Maybe not causing deaths sort of risk or committing near suicide or sacrificing my everything, but it's there. 

I try to open up to tell the people around me the pain I had gone through so I can move on. But whenever I try to speak up, I can't. It's like incredibly sad that I can't even cry anymore.

This is why that chapter made so much of an impact on me. The grief of losing someone important, the pain of being powerless to change the situation, and the hopelessness of not being able to take people's pain away.

IDK whether anyone will read this, but it's something to get off my chest. Comparing to sharing a verbal conversation with anyone, it's more convenient to put them into a story.

Even if I'm not depressed, writing is my life. I can't part from it. It's probably one of the reasons I update more frequently than most writers I know. 


Okay that's aside, the main point of this post is to shamelessly promote my story This Is My World.

Read it.

Pls and thanks :D

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