Chapter two

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Y/n's Point Of View

I woke up the next morning opening my dull but bright e/c eyes I soon noticed that I was laying to someone, once my eyes adjusted to the light I noticed it was Carl I sat up yawning I got up leaving the blanket on Carl. I grabbed my rifle and I looked down at the small town i didn't see any of the dead from here. I got my rifle and used it to get a better look I saw a couple of them walking around wich wasn't too bad I was glad that the herd had passed but I didn't know how long it had been since it had passed and I didn't wanna risk any gun shots, soon I heard some movement and groaning behind me I turned around seeing Carl slowly waking up he sat up and quickly looked around and then saw me. He grabbed his hat and stood up yawning "How long have you been up?" He asked sleepily I shrugged "About 10 minutes maybe" I said grabbing my rifle I never took the safety off so I didn't have to worry but I still wanted to be safe so I healed it pointed to the roof Carl grabbed the blanket and the two of us mad our way down the flight if stairs and into the room everyone was in I opened the door and walked in the room everyone was awake and eating small portions of food, Rick looked over at me as the two of us walked in "Hey Y/n I wanted to talk to you and ask you a couple questions" he said I put my gun down and sat across from him "Okay shoot" I said. Rick asked Kate the three questions before I walked so she didn't have to do it, I sighed ready for whatever question he threw at me.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked I shrugged "I don't know, a lot" I replied drinking some water "How many people have you killed" I paused and looked at Kate she knew exactly how many I had killed "Three....." I muttered quietly "Why?" Rick asked the final question. I looked down sadly "They turned into one of the dead" I muttered sadly my family had always been a soft spot and I didn't like talking about them, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around expecting to see Kate but instead it was Carl. I looked up at Rick "Why did you ask those questions, what's the point?" I asked looking at him "Well since you two clearly don't have a group we wanted to see if you would join ours" he said I looked over at Kate who had a happy look on her face. I sighed "Sure we'll join you, only cause dipshit here wants to" I said pointing at Kate, she crossed her arms glaring at me I heard Carl chuckle from behind me "Well let's pack up all your stuff and we'll head right back to our group, I'm sure Lori is worried about us" Rick said.

After we had packed everything and brought it all downstairs tossing it into some cars that we had been able to put some gas in and hotwire, everyone piled into the two different cars we had gotten and soon our journey to their camp began I wasn't sure how far away they lived from their camp but it probably wasn't far considering they where walking when we found them. I was sitting in the middle of Kate and Carl I was looking out Kate's window watching the trees zoom by, soon the road got bumpy startling me I heard Kate chuckle lightly I glared at her and she burst out laughing "How do you sometimes get startled and other times your ready for anything?" She asked still laughing slightly. I shrug "I was just focused on my thoughts and whatnot" I said, she shook her head and I looked forward seeing a farm soon the car was pulled to a stop and everyone got out I noticed a woman running towards us she instantly ran at Carl and Rick I was assuming this was Lori, Rick's wife she looked over at me and Kate and her guard went up the rest of their group members where looking at us and I had my head down "Everyone calm down they're friendly, they actually saved us from he herd passing through small town nearby" he said. I want to the trunk of the car and I opened it pulling out my katana and putting the strap around my torso I started digging through everything and I groaned punching the side of the car when I realized me and Kate didn't pack the tent from my house, Kate looked over at me "You okay Y/n?" She asked slightly worried I shook my head sighing "We left the tent at my house, and you know that no way in hell I'm going back there" I said looking at the dent I left in the car. Kate rubbed my back "Itll be fine we cam sleep under the stars till we find one" she said I shrugged looking at her "Well lucky for you two Carl and Carol have extra rooms in their tents it's two person, Y/n you can stay with Carl and Kate can stay with Carol" he said.

I smiled slightly and I grabbed my bag of clothes and all my stuff Carl helped me with my stuff and lead me over to his tent, he opened the tent door and let me get in first I took my katana off my torso and I laid it down I pulled out 4 blankets from my bag laying two on the ground and two on top. I didn't have a pillow but I didn't really care I never slept with a pillow I pulled out my family photo and I sighed shoving it back in my bag, I had completely forgotten that Carl was in the tent "What was that?" He asked I jumped slightly and I turned and looked at him I shook my head "It's nothing" I said and I moved my bags out of the middle and putting them on the edge of my side. I laid down on my makeshift bed sighing I needed to find something to do or I was gonna fall asleep Carl had left the tent probably to go talk to his dad or something, so I found the right opportunity to change I grabbed a pair of shorts since if was hot out and a tank top. I walked out of the tent in my outfit I quickly turned back around grabbing my katana putting the strap around my torso, I quickly made my way over to Rick "Hey Rick imma go out scouting of something to make sure none of the dead ones get to the farm" I said. Rick nodded "And Y/n just call them Walkers it's much simpler then 'The dead ones'" he said with a laugh I rolled my eyes and broke into a run heading into the woods.


I hope yall enjoyed Chapter two I'm surprised I was able to get three parts out tonight, hella proud anyway I hope your enjoying everything so far ♡

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