Chapter Forty two

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Y/n's Point Of View

Rick had told us what him and Morgan had saw in the quarry a horde of walkers he had talked with Deanna about a plan and of course I wasn't aloud to help them with the hord, I let out a sigh I was now currently sitting on the couch my head in my hands. I was over thinking about the horde and thinking about what could happen they where taking practically everyone only leaving a few people in Alexandria, this was something that needed to be dealt with but what if we got attacked or the horde broke and walkers came destroying Alexandria.

Me and Carl where in his dad's house with Judith she was upstairs sleeping in her crib me and Carl where cuddling on the couch, I had my face in a book and I could hear Carl snoring his head was on my lap and he was facing my stomach his arms around my waist. I ran my hand through his hair since he didn't have his hat on for once I heard him groan slightly and he moved his face closer to my stomach, I let out a small laugh "Carl I need to go check on Judith" I murmured softly.

He groaned and sat up tiredly "Hurry up" he murmured I smiled and nodded getting up and heading upstairs, I opened the door to Judith's room and I looked in her crib I heard yelling from outside along with gunshots I heard Carl running up the stairs. Carl bust through the door my katana in his hand "Baby stay up here with Judith I'm gonna go see what the commotion is I'll be back soon" he said handing me my katana, I was scared he was gonna get hurt but I just nodded and like that he was gone I picked up Judith lucky for us she never cried well rarely. I heard the front door Open and I heard crashing I ran into the closet with Judith and my katana in hand, I closed the door quietly I heard more crashing and soon slow heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

I heard the door slowly open "Come out come out wherever you are" I heard a man sing creepily I had Judith laying down behind me I was standing up my katana in hand, I watched as the handle on the door slowly twisted and soon the door was open I cut the mans head off my eyes shut tightly. I opened them when I heard a loud thud from in front of me I looked at the body and then at the head, I looked closely and noticed that he had a W engraved on his forehead I was confused on why it was there. I ignored it and I grabbed a few of Judith's things from the room and I went back in the closet, I sat there holding Judith and rocking her back and forth soon her eyes went heavy and she fell asleep.

I sighed and I continued waiting for Carl to come back I heard the front door close about 30 minutes later and the loud sound of a horn blaring, my eyes widen and I sat there instead of using my katana I had my hunting knife in hand I stood there ready for the door to open. And a man with a W on his forehead appear ready to kill me and Judith, I stood there for another 10 minutes till I heard running coming up the stairs my grip on my knife tightened and the door opened. I swiped at the air and missed someone grabbed my wrist and I soon realized it was Carl, I calmed down and looked at him "I'm so sorry I forgot you and Jude where up here" he said panicked.

Narrator's Point Of View

The whole plan was going to hell when that horn at Alexandria went off part of the horde broken off and was now heading to Alexandria, when Rick heard the horn he had already started making his way back to the community. Alexandria was being overrun by a group called the Wolfs the group members from the horde had split up some of them making they're way to Alexandria, Maggie and Deanna where shoting some of the wolfs while trying to get away. Jessie was about to head out to look for Ron when a woman broke into their home Jessie told her youngest son Sam to lock himself in the closet, when she had the right opportunity she attacked the woman and stabbed her multiple times.

When Carl had went out to see what was going on he had found Enid struggling with one of the Wolfs he shot the wolf and helped her up, after Y/n had killed the guy upstairs him and Endi fought they're way to his dad's house. Him and Enid went inside and sat in the middle of the floor facing the two exits the two started talking about stuff, then Enid brought up Y/n and Carl remembered that he had left her upstairs with Judith.

Rick was running through the woods trying to make it to Alexandria as fast as he could, Morgan had made it there before Rick he opend the truch door and killed the walker with his stick Morgan looked at Spencer "What happened?" He asked the male. Morgan could faintly hear the sounds of the screams of his people "A group got in the walls and are killing people" Spencer replied, Morgan nodded "You comin?" He asked Spencer didn't say anything "Hide" he said and with that Morgan was gone.

Carl Y/n and Enid went outside Y/n had saw Ron running from one of those guys and Y/n ran out she started running in his direction her katana in hand, she was then pushed to the ground by one of the men she used her katana to block him the Blade was facing her so it was cutting into her hand while her other hand was on the handle. Two silent gunshots went of and the man fell limp she pushed the body off of him she stood up her hand was bleeding badly, she looked over at Ron who was looking at her he walked over to her and ripped a part of his shirt "Here let me wrap your hand up" he said walking over to the beautiful e/c eyed girl.

He wrapped her hand up quickly and then his eyes landed on Enid "Come inside, we can keep you safe" Carl said still holding the gun, his mood and expression changed "No" he stated coldly he broke into a run heading in the direction of his house. Y/n looked at Enid "Carl come on!" Enid shouted at him Y/n glared at her, the female followed the two of them in anger she had a tight grip on her katana with her bad hand. She walked into the house after them and slammed the door "I'll be upstairs with Judith if you need me, you probably won't though so it's whatever" Y/n said angrily.

Aaron was walking around the vacant community there where bodies everywhere he was sitting on some steps and saw a very familiar bag, he moved the body off the bag and covered his mouth he opend that bag and took out the pictures of the community he sat there in complete and utter shock.

Rick had broken away from Glenn and the rest that where heading back as soon as he heard the horn he wasn't sure if they had followed him or not, he continued running as fast as possible he wanted to get back to Carl, Judith,and even Y/n. Daryl was on his bike with Abraham and Sasha in a car behind him leading the horde away he was worried sick about the community, Y/n mainly he had practically taken her in as a daughter and considered her one over the past years of her being in the group he had thought her as much as possible.

Daryl sighed "We gone five miles out already?" He asked looking at Abraham and Sasha "No and the plan was to go fifteen more" Sasha yelled at him "Well imma change that, I need to get back to the community to Y/n" he said "Well without you we could lose this" Sasha yelled. Daryl thought about it for a while and saw an old sign to Alexandria "You have fightin in you I believe in you" he yelled and with that he sped off heading in the direction of Alexandria.


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