Chapter Forty nine

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A few weeks later
Y/n's Point Of View

It's been a few weeks and we where completely lost me and Jonathan where still walking through the woods I soon saw something from the trees, I gasped and I broke into a run Jonathan was running after me yelling my name I soon saw the tall walls of Alexandria. Jonathan stopped next to me "Is this Hilltop?" he asked I shook my head with a laugh "It's Alexandria" I replied, I started running for the walls Jonathan behind me I started banging on the wall "It's Y/n open up!" I shouted soon the gate opened to a relived Tara. I smiled and hugged her "Okay for one this is Jonathan, he's chill I've already asked him the questions have Eugene show him to his house please. And for two Wheres Carl?" I asked "Carl's been in your guys house hasn't left since you disappeared" she said I nodded, I looked at Jon "You'll be fine here, and if Eugene annoys you just tell him to shut up. Now I have business to attend to" I said he nodded and followed Eugene.

I broke into a run heading towards my house I was soon in the front porch I quietly opend the door and closed it behind me, I slowly walked up the stairs heading towards our room I saw Carl laying face down on the bed it sounded like he was crying. I walked in the room and I ran jumping on the bed and in top of him "Did you miss me cowboy" I whispered in his ear, I felt his body stiffen I got off him and he rolled over sitting up he looked at me his blue eye teary and red. He quickly hugged me tackling me to the bed "I-i was so worried I- i thought I lost you" he sobbed holding onto me tightly, I pulled away and kissed him deeply I pulled away looking him in the eye "Carl I'm a fighter, I don't die easily and I'm not leaving this world till I'm good and ready" I said.

Narrator's Point Of View

Carl and Y/n laid down together cuddling all day Rick was talking with Jonathan "Did you have another group" Rick asked walking next to Jon "No" he lied smoothly "I've been alone since my family died" he said, Rick nodded believing him completely Maggie was with Glenn she was feeling pain in her stomach but ignored it.

Hours later
Y/n's Point Of View

Finally after hours of cuddling I decided to get up and check on Jon I saw Eugene walking towards the gate "Hey Eugene!" I shouted, the man with the mullet turned around and I ran up to him "Hey where's Jon's house?" I asked "He is staying in Enid's living quarters" he replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose and nodded walking to Enids house I knocked on the door and it quickly flung open Enid glared at me "What do you want?" She asked coldly, I crossed my arms "Is Jonathan here?" I asked she groaned and moved out of the way for me to walk in.

I walked in heading upstairs there was a door that was open and I could see Jon inside "Hey bitch!" I shouted he quickly spun around putting his hand on his heart, I let out a large laugh "I hate you" he said jokingly walking over to me I laughed "Well now that your settled in and everything I was thinking I cam introduce you to everyone, starting with Maggie since she lives right next door" I said with a smile.

The two of us made our way to Maggie's house I knocked on the door and waited a minute soon the door opend to Maggie, she was holding her stomach like she was in pain "Hey are you okay Maggie" she shook her head. My eyes widened "We need to get you to Hilltop, Jonny please go find Rick I'll get Maggie to the Rv" I said he nodded and ran off, I slowly started helping Maggie towards the Rv when Carl ran up to me "What's going on?" He asked I didn't stop I just continued going "Something's wrong with Maggie's baby" I said.

Carl instantly started helping soon we got to the Rv and multiple people from our main group where there Rick, Glenn, Sasha, Eugene, Rosita, Abraham, and even Aaron and Jon where going, I quickly helped Maggie in Glenn following behind us I laid her down on the bed in the back "T-thanks sweetie" she said weakly with a smile. Everyone was piled in and Abraham was driving me Carl, Glenn and Maggie where in the back Glenn was holding onto Maggie's hand and saying things to reassure her.

After a while of driving we stopped there was a thing of logs blocking the way to Hilltop I could see it from where I sat Carl left to go check, I looked over at Maggie "Don't worry we'll get to Hilltop" I said hoping to reassure her she smiled at me and then we where off again. I didn't want to leave her or Glenn's side they needed support right now, I looked over at Glenn who was worried as hell Maggie was breathing heavily and sweating.

After a while of just being put in circles by which I assumed was Negans men we decided to let Eugene drive while the rest of us went to take Maggie to Hilltop, I sighed "I'll stay with Eugene" I said everyone looked at me "Okay well let's hurry" Rick said and with that me and Eugene where back in the Rv and everyone else heading out with Maggie on a stretcher. Me and Eugene where driving for a while when someone slammed into the side of the Rv Eugen pulled the Rv to a stop, I looked at him my eyes wide soon the door was Open and a bunch of men poured in they grabbed me and Eugene pulling us out of the Rv.

I was thrown to the ground next to Eugene I looked around scared a group of man walked into the Rv, soon more and more men surrounded the area and I watched as my group was dragged out of the woods. My eyes locked with the boy I loved 'No no no' they where all forced down to their knees, I looked at a man near the Rv he looked hella creepy gave me a pedophile vibe.

"Time to meet the boss"


This World Was Made For Us\Carl Grimes X Reader/Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora