Chapter sixty four

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The next morning
Y/n's Point Of View

I was awoken the next morning by the sounds of Cameron crying I quickly got out of bed and ran to his crib I picked him up and started rocking him back and forth, I was very over protective of my child I didn't want anything to happen to him. Soon he fell back to sleep and I smiled I laid him back in his bed and I saw a note on my nightstand

Went to work on the bridge I'll be back when I can, love you

I smiled and I put the note in my drawer, and I walked downstairs to make some food for Cameron. I heard a knock on my door and I opend it up to see Jon I smiled and let him in "Hey I'm surprised your actually here, I thought you where staying in Hilltop with Enid for the time being" I said closing the door, he looked sad and upset "Jonny what's wrong?" I asked looking at him. And for once in my life I saw a tear roll down his face "Me and Enid broke up" he murmured. I put my hands over my mouth and gasped "What why?" I asked leading him to the couch, he sat down and shrugged "Said we should see different people" he murmured soon crying rang out from upstairs "I'll be right back I need to go get Cameron" I said.

I quickly ran upstairs and into mine and Carl's room I gently picked up Cameron out of his bed and brought him downstairs, Jon's face lit up and he smiled "I-I don't think I've seen this little one since he was born" he said his voice breaking a bit. I smiled and sat next to him "Maybe Cammy can cheer you up, he always cheers me up" I say bouncing him on my knee "Can I hold him?" He asks I smile nodding, I gently hand him to Jon and he smiles holding him Cameron looked at Jon and smacked him with his little baby hands but not too hard.

"Damn feisty kid huh, reminds me of you" he said with a laugh I smiled "Yeah, he looks so much like Carl. The blue eyes freckles, but he does have my h/c" I said running a hand through his hair Jon smiled "Could you watch him for a while, I need to go make some food for Negan if you need help with him go ask James. Or maybe father Gabriel, he took care of Judith for a while before Negan took him if you remember" I said. He nodded and I got up walking into the kitchen and grabbed the trey I had prepared for Negan, I walked out of the house heading in the direction of the prison cell.

I gave James a nod and I opend the door heading in I set the trey down "Here ya go, same routine as yesterday" I said pulling a chair up and sitting down, I heard him chuckle "You didn't bring the boy why is that?" He asked "He's with Jon" I said. He walked to his trey and reached through the bars grabbing the sandwich "Tell me about the time you and Carl first met, I would love to hear it" he said, I sighed deeply "Will you eat if I tell you?" I ask "Of course, I'm just tired of hearing you complain and then people outside complaining. I'd love to hear a story for once " he said.

"Alright fine, well it was a couple of weeks into this whole shit hole. Me and my bestfriend Kate went out to go and scavenge for food, we didn't need any weapons since my dad was a paranoid freak he always had weapons in the house. That's how I got my katana and a few pistols" I said taking Kate's pistol from my holster "Well Kate went out to syphon gas and I went inside a gas station to see if I could find anything, I don't know what the hell Kate was doing must have been inside a car looking of shit. But Carl had snuck up on me I heard him coming because he was very loud, I knew it wasn't a Walker so my instincts kicked in and I pointed my katana right at him. I was ready to kill him but Kate said a group of people where coming our way and he explained it was his dad and a few other people, I don't remember who wa there exactly but I knew Daryl was there and I think Glenn who you killed" I said glaring at him.

"I took him to his group and Kate said a herd was coming and we let them stay with us for a night, and then Rick asked us to join him and it went on from there" I said, Negan chuckled "How romantic, you almost kill the boy and yall fall in love" he said. I pinched the bridge of my nose "Your a fool, now are you done eating?" I asked, he nodded and I grabbed the trey and walked out I nodded to Ethan who switched shifts with James.

I opend the door to my house I saw Carl in the kitchen and Jon and Cameron playing on the floor "Looks like you still have a child in you huh Jonny" I said with a smile, he looks at me and shrugs I walk over to Carl "How was working on the bridge?" I asked he sighed "Tiring, Aaron lost his arm so he'll be on bed rest for a while. Saviors have been acting up Daryl got in a fight with one of them, and a herd went through the lumber area and yeah that's how Aaron lost his arm. He's with Enid since Siddiq came back to Alexandria" he explained.

"Let me finish cooking you go relax, go spend some time with Cameron and talk with Jon he's been really upset him and Enid broke up." I explained, he nodded and kissed me and walked into the livingroom.

My happy little family


This World Was Made For Us\Carl Grimes X Reader/Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon