Chapter twenty

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One week later
Y/n's Point Of View

I was slowly getting better throughout the week of resting and drinking water I sighed getting out of bed, I broke into a coughing fit this time it was worse I fell to the ground I felt like I couldn't breathe. I tried yelling for help but no words I was now laying on my back still coughing I heard quick footsteps running in my direction and the sound of moving crutches, I saw Kate crouched next to me she had sine device in her hand with a tube she opened my mouth widely.

I was getting lightheaded from the lack if oxygen she shoved the tube down my throat as far as she needed to go and she started pumping air into my lungs, I felt my breathing slowly calming down Hershel looked at me worried "Kate I want you ti keep an eye on her, we haven't dealt with this yet and I want you to watch her" he said. Kate looked at him and nodded she helped me up still pumping air into my lungs we slowly made our way back to my cell, she laid me down on my bed and sat in a chair that was at my bedside she was still pumping air into my lungs. She looked extremely worried and I was feeling extremely panicked I felt my eyes close and soon I drifted into a deep slumber.

Hours later

I woke up and looked around Kate was asleep her arms resting on my bed and her head in her arms, I didn't have the tube in my mouth anymore I looked at Kate and gently shook her awake. She quickly sat up in shock she looked over at me and sighed in relief "How you doing?" She asked softly, I shrugged "Eh I'm doing better, I could really use some water" I said hoarsely she nodded and quickly got up and walking out of the cell she came back a few seconds later with a cup of water.

She handed me the cup and I quickly drank it without hesitation I sighed in relief and looked at her "You seem to be doing a lot better you haven't coughed yet, you might be fully better but we'll debate on that tomorrow." She said. My mood instantly changed "God I hope I'm better, I wanna see Carl again" I said smiling, Kate laughed shaking her head.

"He really misses you he asks me everyday when he can see you or when you're gonna be back, he really loves you" she said I chuckled "I really miss him to, I just hope he isn't pissing anyone off" I say with a small laugh, Kate laughed "Well imma go check up on some others I'll be back soon to check on you, try and get some more rest" she said.

Carl's Point Of View

I woke up extremely late I sat up in Y/n's bed and I let out a large sigh and I grab my hat and I walk outta Y/n's cell, I walk downstairs grabbing some food I quickly eat my food and I head outside. I made my way to the garden I crouch down picking any ripe vegetables putting them in a basket, once I finish picking the vegetables I grab the basket heading to the courtyard to drop them off surprisingly I didn't see Carol there 'Huh weird' I thought setting the basket down.

I started looking around for my dad so I could ask her where Carol was I soon saw him walking out of C block, I jogged over to him "Hey dad do you know where Carol is?" I asked. He looked a little uneasy "Uh I exiled her, I had a good reason for it. She killed two of our people" he replied looking at me, my eyes where wide with shock "What the hell dad" I said I started muttering things under my breath that he couldn't hear.

I sighed walking away from him 'Maybe if Y/n wasn't sick she would have been able to convince him not to exile her' I thought, I made my way back inside our cell block I saw Kate talking with Hershel and I ran up to her "Kate whe-" she quickly cut me off before I could finish my sentence "She's getting better, she might be able leave tomorrow morning or afternoon." She said knowing exactly what I was gonna ask.

I had asked her everyday about Y/n hoping to get good news my mood instantly brightened and I smiled "Thank you!" I said walking away from her and heading upstairs into Y/n's cell, I grabbed a comic from the floor and I sat down on her bed. I laid down on my stomach her pillow was staring to smell less and less of her it was almost faint now, I started flipping through the pages of the comic book I was trying to keep my mind off Y/n. I really hoped that she was gonna be able to come back in our cell block I really wanted to see her.

Y/n's Point Of View

I woke up the next morning with a yawn I looked around my cell it was empty I soon saw Kate in the doorway "Morning, how do you feel?"  She asked "I feel a lot better no fever no coughing nothing" I replied with a smile, she chuckled "Well Hershel says your good to go" she said. I smiled and I quickly got outta bed hugging her "Thank you for being here for me" I said she chuckled "That's what in here for, I'm your bestfriend after all" she said, I chuckled and I walked out of D block heading in the direction of C.

Soon I was in my cell block it was empty and no one was walking around I quickly made my way up the stairs, I ran to Carl's cell and I pulled the curtain aside I looked in and Carl wasn't in there. I walked to my cell pulling the curtains aside and there he was laying on his stomach his face in a comic book, I let out a laugh and I walked to the bedside gently shaking him awake "Carl.....Carll wake up" I said sweetly.

I watched as his blue eyes slowly opened and when he realized it was me he quickly shot up, he smiled and hugged me pulling me ontop of him. I yelped in shock "I missed you so much" he said planting kisses all over my face, I giggled "I missed you too" I said with a chuckle. I heard chuckling from my cell door and I turned around seeing Rick "Come on you two get up theres work to do" he said I smiled and nodded getting off Carl, he walked out of my cell heading to his own to change.


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